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[ecrea] The Drum Beat 439 - International Media Development Reports

Mon Apr 21 10:20:46 GMT 2008

The Drum Beat - Issue 439 - International Media Development Reports
>>>April 21 2008
>>>> From The Communication Initiative Network - where communication and media
>>>>are central to social and economic development.
>>>Subscribe to The Drum Beat: 
>>>Access this issue online at 
>>>This issue of The Drum Beat highlights a series of working group and
>>>research reports published by the Center for International Media
>>>Assistance (CIMA) at the National Endowment for Democracy. CIMA's research
>>>reports were written by independent consultants on specific media
>>>assistance topics, and its working group reports are based on discussions
>>>held by experts - academics, practitioners, funders - on specific topics.
>>>We include here brief descriptions of those reports, with links to more
>>>detailed summaries of the reports, and from there - links to the full
>>>reports themselves.
>>>The Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA), an initiative of the
>>>National Endowment for Democracy (NED), aims to strengthen the support,
>>>raise the visibility, and improve the effectiveness of media assistance
>>>programmes throughout the world. CIMA approaches its mission by providing
>>>information, building networks, conducting research, and highlighting the
>>>role independent media play in the creation and development of sustainable
>>>democracies around the world. CIMA convenes working groups, commissions
>>>research reports, and holds events. The Center also has compiled a
>>>searchable bibliography of international media assistance resources.
>>>CIMA's advisory council advises the Center on topics in media development
>>>that need further study and how it can assist existing organisations
>>>involved in media assistance.
>>>The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a private, non-profit
>>>organisation created in 1983 to strengthen democratic institutions around
>>>the world through non-governmental efforts. Since its inception, NED has
>>>funded media programmes around the world. NED promotes democracy through
>>>its roles as a grant-making institution, as a center for international
>>>scholars, and as host of the World Movement for Democracy. NED has awarded
>>>grants for a wide variety of support activities, including journalism
>>>training, legal aid for members of the media, education of media
>>>consumers, and aid to local print and broadcast outlets. NED supports the
>>>building of a network of media practitioners and experts through the
>>>Global Forum for Media Development. NED also supports the International
>>>Journalists' Network (IJNet), an online resource published by the
>>>International Center for Journalists.
>>>1. Scaling a Changing Curve: Traditional Media Development and the New
>>>by Shanthi Kalathil
>>>This report examines the use of information and communication technology
>>>(ICT) in independent media development, analysing the use of new media,
>>>including blogs, social networking sites, cell phone messaging, and other
>>>relatively new technology applications in communication for development.
>>>The report contextualises new media in the rapidly changing global
>>>information industry, and offers recommendations on how independent
>>>media-development programmes can take advantage of, and keep abreast of,
>>>these new global trends.
>>>2. Independent Media's Vital Role in Development
>>>by Peter Graves
>>>To demonstrate the importance of fostering independent media, this report
>>>provides examples of how access to information has transformed political,
>>>economic, and social systems. It shows what can happen when conditions
>>>allow independent media to operate and flourish. The report was written to
>>>support an examination of the various ways in which media today have a
>>>significant impact on decision making and the improvement of society. The
>>>document is organised into the following topics with media-related
>>>examples: Media Create Political Change; Media Reduce Corruption; Media
>>>and the Economy; Media and Society; Media Improve Education; Media Support
>>>Disaster Relief; Media Improve Health Practices; Media Serve Local
>>>Communities; and Media Influence Public Policy.
>>>3. University Journalism Education: A Global Challenge
>>>by Ellen Hume
>>>This is a study on the current state of journalism education worldwide.
>>>The report suggests that not only is there a surge in student demand for
>>>university-based journalism studies worldwide, but it is likely that most
>>>entry-level journalists come from university programmes. Concerns about
>>>journalists emerging directly from universities into the field include: a
>>>lack of practical training in journalism education; the trend of merging
>>>journalism with public relations; the lack of educational grounding in the
>>>ethics of independent journalism; and the failure of universities to
>>>"underscore the journalists' mission as independent watchdogs holding the
>>>powerful accountable."
>>>4. Global Investigative Journalism: Strategies for Support
>>>by David E. Kaplan
>>>This report was commissioned to determine the size and strength of the
>>>field of investigative journalism and what types of assistance are needed
>>>to help the field expand. The report "explores the rapid growth of
>>>investigative journalism overseas and suggests ways to best support and
>>>professionalize its practice in developing and democratizing countries."
>>>The document emphasises that in-country needs vary widely from short-term
>>>workshops and consulting where an economy is growing and a sophisticated
>>>press exists, to a "holistic 'package' not only of training, but of
>>>protection of individual journalists, incentives, reliable information
>>>streams (e.g. internet access), institutional support to the
>>>better-quality media outlets, legal backup and support to centres..." It
>>>offers the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism as a model. The
>>>study finds no clear relationship between the economic health of the press
>>>and its investigative tradition, but a correlation by country b!
>>>etween lesser degrees of corruption, an investigative reporting tradition,
>>>and the country being home to an investigative reporting association. The
>>>document maps the international donor and development field, along with
>>>investigative reporting implementing organisations, finding that a lack of
>>>coordination and consultation is hindering the field.
>>>5. The Role of Media-support Organizations and Public Literacy in
>>>Strengthening Independent Media Worldwide
>>>by Ann C. Olson
>>>This report covers two communication issues: media literacy - educating
>>>the public about the function and responsibilities of the media and how to
>>>discern reliable from unreliable or biased news sources - and supporting
>>>organisations for media, including journalists' professional associations.
>>>The purpose of the study is to explore the potential for support of these
>>>journalism organisations and the role of media literacy in sustaining or
>>>strengthening independent media around the world.
>>>6. U.S. Public and Private Funding of Independent Media Development Abroad
>>>by Peter Graves and edited by Angela Stephens
>>>This report, based on results of a survey of public and private media
>>>sector funders and implementers, interviews, and a review of literature,
>>>surveys the major donors, the types of programmes they fund (direct
>>>assistance to media outlets, journalism training, public information
>>>campaigns, improving the legal environment for media, and media
>>>management), and what opportunities exist to educate potential donors
>>>about the importance of developing independent media. Independent media
>>>sector development includes direct assistance to media outlets, journalism
>>>training, creating a legal enabling environment for independent media,
>>>media/business management training to ensure financial sustainability, and
>>>developing non-governmental professional associations supportive of
>>>independent media. As stated in the report, United States official
>>>development assistance and private sector philanthropy are at their
>>>highest levels ever, and represent an opportunity to increase funding for
>>>the i!
>>>ndependent media sector worldwide through outreach and advocacy to donors
>>>about the importance of building and strengthening independent media
>>>around the world.
>>>7. Community Radio: Its Impact and Challenges to Its Development
>>>This working group report describes results of a meeting on the impact of
>>>community radio, as well as the role and challenges of community radio
>>>development within the larger context of media development. The group
>>>included community radio developers and activists, representatives from
>>>donor and implementing organisations, as well as scholars and
>>>policymakers, who met to form recommendations on whether and how to
>>>address community radio development within larger assistance initiatives.
>>>The group discussed creating an enabling environment for community radio
>>>development, issues related to the sustainability of community radio
>>>stations, and appropriate assistance strategies that donors and
>>>implementers should consider, against a background of first-hand accounts
>>>of where and why community radio has been effective.
>>>8. Media Assistance: Challenges and Opportunities for the Professional
>>>Development of Journalists
>>>This report focuses on both a need for professional development for
>>>working journalists in developing countries and those countries with
>>>emerging opportunities for independent media and a need for training in
>>>independent journalistic practices. The report represents input from
>>>practitioners who have observed, studied, planned, and implemented media
>>>education programmes of the United States and other Western governments,
>>>as well as those of private funders. The document reviews discussion by
>>>the group on the topics of universities, journalism centres, and "best
>>>practices" for training.
>>>9. Media Law Assistance: Establishing an Enabling Environment for Free and
>>>Independent Media to Flourish
>>>This media law working group report describes the role of international
>>>media assistance in fostering a legal enabling environment for free and
>>>independent media. The working group consisted of participants from media
>>>institutions and government, non-governmental, and international
>>>organisations, as well as lawyers, academics, and donors. Its goal was to
>>>form recommendations for policy makers on how to improve United States
>>>foreign assistance with respect to media law in countries where it
>>>inhibits free media. According to the working group findings, a "legal
>>>enabling environment" requires not only laws on freedom of expression, but
>>>journalistic access to information without intimidation, the right to
>>>protect sources, a transparent and apolitical licensing system, and the
>>>right of citizens to own and operate media without censorship and control
>>>and with legal business status. Further, civil society, as stated here,
>>>must be educated and prepared to support and oversee its med!
>>>ia independence through organisations working to ensure fair
>>>implementation of existing laws. The document concludes with
>>>recommendations rooted in the recognition of media development as its own
>>>distinct development sector.
>>>10. Toward Economic Sustainability of the Media in Developing Countries
>>>This report details the results of a working group convened on the topic
>>>of economic sustainability of the media in developing and less-developed
>>>countries. The working group's ultimate goal was to form recommendations
>>>for policymakers on how to improve United States foreign assistance with
>>>respect to economic sustainability of media. Strategies for sustainability
>>>were found to be similar in developed and developing countries, but
>>>differed between emerging democracies and closed regimes where news is
>>>subject to varying degrees of government control. The document's
>>>conclusions seek to summarise how to promote media development as a sector
>>>and how to engage foundations and international organisations for media
>>>11. CIMA has compiled a bibliography containing books, reports, articles,
>>>working papers, and manuals relevant to the field of international media
>>>assistance. This database is intended for use by all interested parties.
>>>CIMA hopes to update and expand the bibliography through user
>>>participation. The Center seeks additions to the contents as well as
>>>suggestions to improve this database.
>>>For more information on CIMA, please contact:
>>>Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA)
>>>National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
>>>1025 F St. NW, Suite 800
>>>Washington, DC 20004
>>>United States
>>>Tel: 202 378 9700
>>><mailto:(cima /at/>(cima /at/
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>>>* Public information campaigns (printed materials and mass media).
>>>* Personal contact with farmers and agricultural extension workers.
>>>* School-based education.
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>>>The Drum Beat is the email and web network of The Communication Initiative
>>>Partnership - ANDI, BBC World Service Trust, Bernard van Leer Foundation,
>>>Calandria, CFSC Consortium, CIDA, DFID, FAO, Fundación Nuevo Periodismo
>>>Iberoamericano, Ford Foundation, Healthlink Worldwide, Inter-American
>>>Development Bank, International Institute for Communication and
>>>Development, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for
>>>Communication Programs, MISA, PAHO, The Panos Institute, The Rockefeller
>>>Foundation, SAfAIDS, Sesame Workshop, Soul City, Swiss Agency for
>>>Development and Cooperation, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNICEF, USAID, WHO, W.K.
>>>Kellogg Foundation.

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis
Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 43  - B-1000 Brussel - Belgium
Sponsored links ;)
Understanding Alternative Media
by Olga Bailey, Bart Cammaerts, Nico Carpentier
(December 2007)
Participation and Media Production. Critical Reflections on Content Creation.
Edited by Nico Carpentier and Benjamin De Cleen
(January 2008)

European Communication Research and Education Association
ECREA's Second European Communication Conference
Barcelona, 25-28 November 2008
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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