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[eccr] Fwd: The Radio Conference: A Transnational Forum

Fri Nov 08 12:39:16 GMT 2002

>The Radio Conference: A Transnational Forum
>Location:   University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
>Dates:  July 28-31, 2003
>Radio is one of the most widespread and accessible media in the world
>yet it remains an understudied site of cultural production.  This
>joins a growing handful of others held over the last few years to bring
>together scholars, practitioners, and students of radio to share ideas
>perspectives on radio¹s cultural role in an increasingly global media
>context.    We welcome proposals for papers, panels, and symposia on all
>aspects of radio ­ historical, cultural, critical, and institutional ­
>including but not limited to the range of topics below:
>Broadcasting versus narrowcasting
>Radio¹s invisible public(s)
>Radio and nation
>Radio activism and grassroots radio
>National and transnational radio histories
>New audio technologies:  web radio, digital broadcasting, satellite
>Radio and music
>Audio forms, styles and genres
>Centers and margins in broadcasting
>Radio archives and preservation of the audio past
>Negotiations of identity:  race, gender, class
>Transnational audio flows and influences
>Cultural policy and radio
>Industry consolidation, fragmentation, and innovation
>Radio and national cultures
>You may submit proposals for individual papers, pre-constituted panels,
>symposia.  See our website at
>for information on these formats and instructions on how to submit your
>proposal.  Information about keynote speakers, accommodations, travel,
>helpful links, and the conference schedule will be posted when
>DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION IS JANUARY 15, 2003, but we encourage earlier
>proposals.  Acceptance will be made on a rolling basis.
>The conference is jointly sponsored by the Radio Studies Network of
>Britain and the University of Wisconsin- Madison, USA.  The conference
>planning board consists of Tim Wall (University of Central England,
>Birmingham) and Michele Hilmes (Unversity of Wisconsin-Madison),
>James Baughman (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Kathy Newman (Carnegie
>Mellon University), Jason Loviglio (University of Maryland ­ Baltimore
>County), and David Goodman (University of Melbourne).
>Contact Michele Hilmes ((mhilmes /at/ for more information.

Carpentier Nico
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University Brussels
Studies on Media, Information & Telecommunication (SMIT)
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Office: C0.04
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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