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[eccr] QuickLinks 236 - 8 June 2002 - part 2

Tue Jun 11 08:00:38 GMT 2002

50. EU / Candidate countries - eEurope+ Ministerial Conference on
the Information Society (RAPID)
"Connecting Europe" in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 3-4 June 2002. A two-day
conference on the progress of the eEurope action plan in the EU
Candidate countries. The conference is being hosted by Minister Pavel
Ganfar and Information Society Commissioner Erkki Liikanen on behalf
of the Slovene Government and the European Union respectively. About
40 Ministers or Deputies representing all 13 candidate countries,
several EU Member States, and the countries of South-East Europe, are
expected to be among the 430 participants, who will also include
delegates from the private sector and academia.
51. CH - La Suisse d=E9couvre les effets seconds de la surveillance du
trafic internet (Yahoo)
La Suisse dispose =E0 son tour d'une loi sur la surveillance du trafic
internet de chaque citoyen. Entr=E9e en vigueur en d=E9but d'ann=E9e, cette
l=E9gislation suscite le m=E9contentement des fournisseurs d'acc=E8s
internet (FAI) et des commissaires =E0 la protection des donn=E9es de
certains cantons.
52. DE - Kein Anfangsverdacht, keine Befristung, keine Zweckbindung
Der Bundesrat hat heute den Gesetzentwurf "zur Verbesserung der
Ermittlungsma=DFnahmen wegen des Verdachts sexuellen Missbrauchs von
Kindern" mit der Mehrheit der Union-gef=FChrten L=E4nder angenommen.
Damit wird auf Antrag von Bayern und Th=FCringen die bisherige
H=F6chstspeicherfrist f=FCr Nutzungs- und Verbindungsdaten in eine
Mindestspeicherfrist verwandelt. Sowohl Polizei, als auch
Geheimdienste k=F6nnen auf die gespeicherten Daten zur=FCckgreifen.
53. DE - Neues zur TK=DCV (BMWi)
Ma=DFnahmen der sog. strategischen Beschr=E4nkung, bei denen die
=DCberwachung eines Teils der Telekommunikation aus oder zu bestimmten
Regionen im Ausland angeordnet werden kann, und zwar ohne Personen-
oder Anschlussbezug sind in der TK=DCV bisher nicht ber=FCcksichtigt. Der
bisherige Stand der =DCberlegungen ergibt sich aus dem Entwurf f=FCr eine
entsprechendeVerordnung zur Erg=E4nzung der TK=DCV (Erste Verordnung zur
=C4nderung der Telekommunikations-=DCberwachungsverordnung) und der
zugeh=F6rigen Begr=FCndung.
54. UK - Questions over net snooping centre (BBC)
A controversial internet snooping centre to be opened in the summer
by the UK Government could cause more problems than it solves,
experts say. The National Technical Assistance Centre (NTAC) will
decrypt computer data and intercepted internet and e-mail traffic as
part of a drive against cyber-crime. see also Government e-snoop
centre set to go live (vnunet).
55. US - Net effect: Antiterror eavesdropping (AP)
In the seven months since the passage of a sweeping law to combat
terrorism, Internet and telecommunications companies have seen a
surge in law enforcement requests to snoop on subscribers.
56. AU - Spammer sues anti-spammer (ZDNet)
An alleged Australian spammer is suing an anti-spam advocate after
being blacklisted by a spam prevention Web site, in what is believed
to be a first of its kind case worldwide.
57. US - Court Shuts down Cyberscam Permanently (FTC)
At the request of the Federal Trade Commission, a U.S. District
Court has ordered the perpetrator of an Internet scheme to halt his
illegal practices. The defendant employed more than 5,500 copycat Web
addresses to divert surfers from their intended Internet destinations
to one of his sites, and hold them captive while he pelted their
screens with a barrage of adult-oriented ads.
58. DE - State clings to neo-Nazi site ban (IDG)
The German state government of North Rhine Westphalia has
acknowledged difficulties in finding a software solution to filtering
neo-Nazi content. The government confirmed that its efforts so far
have produced no results and that it will decide within the next four
weeks whether to honor complaints filed by 38 Internet service
providers opposing the web site censorship.
59. Enforcing laws in a borderless Web (CNET
Companies and executives that do business online and are being
dragged into foreign courts for selling products or posting materials
that are legal in their own countries but offend the sensibilities or
violate the laws of another land. Such challenges increasingly
include criminal charges.
60. FR - Affaire P=E8re No=EBl (FDI)
SA contre Monsieur F. M., Mademoiselle E. C. et SARL
Deviant Network, Tribunal de Grande Instance de Lyon, Chambre des
urgences, 28 mai 2002. Diffamation - Injures - Forum de discussion -
Responsabilit=E9 des gestionnaires - Loi sur la Libert=E9 de la presse.
"(...) qu'il est constant que les [responsables] ont pris
l'initiative de cr=E9er un service de communication audiovisuelle en
vue d'=E9changer des opinions sur des th=E8mes d=E9finis =E0 l'avance et en
l'esp=E8ce, relatifs aux difficult=E9s rencontr=E9es par certains
consommateurs face =E0 certaines soci=E9t=E9s de vente ; qu'ils ne peuvent
donc pas opposer un d=E9faut de surveillance des messages qui sont
l'objet du pr=E9sent litige ; qu'ils se consid=E8rent eux-m=EAmes comme les
concepteurs du site incrimin=E9 et doivent donc r=E9pondre des
infractions qui pourraient avoir =E9t=E9 commises sur le site qu'ils ont
cr=E9=E9 (...)."
61. UK - Teacher wins damages in Friends Reunited libel case
In what is believed to be the first case of its kind, a retired
schoolteacher has sued a former pupil for "character assassination"
on the Friends Reunited website. Jim Murray, 68, was yesterday
awarded =A31,250 in libel damages at Lincoln county court.
62. US - Can a libel defendant be sued in any and every state for
material published on a website? (FindLaw)
Can a newspaper that owns a website accessible in all fifty states,
and its editors and reporters, be sued for libel in any one of those
states based on an article that appears on its website? What if the
newspaper has little or no circulation in a given state, and its only
contact with that state is that it is Internet-accessible there? Does
it matter if the article is about one of the state's residents?
63. US - Companies Must Prepare For 'E-Discovery' (Newsbytes)
Litigation in the electronic age is fundamentally different from 20,
or even 10 years ago, experts say. The culprit - an exponential
increase in the number of virtual "documents" stored in countless
hard drives is threatening to overwhelm those who must sift through
mountains of potential evidence.
64. US - Yahoo Sues Its Insurer Over Nazi Case Fees (The Recorder)
Yahoo - which became tangled in an international dispute over the
sale of Nazi memorabilia on the company's auction site - wants its
insurer to pay legal costs for the successful declaratory relief
action it filed in California. Yahoo's attorneys argue that while
they may have been the first to file in the United States, the suit
was "purely defensive" because it sought to nullify a French order.
65. TiVo Town or Sonicblue City? (Wired)
The battle is not yet fierce, but the warning signs are clear.
There's a new product war on the horizon, one that could make the
Cola War and the Browser War look like mere playground scuffles. Call
it the DVR War, the battle over which company -- TiVo or Sonicblue,
the maker of the ReplayTV - will come to dominate the future of
digital video recorders, and, perhaps, the future of TV.
66. LU - Luxemburg kann nur drei UMTS-Lizenzen vergeben (Heise)
Aus Mangel an Bewerbern um die UMTS-Mobilfunklizenzen kann Luxemburg
nur drei der vier vorgesehenen Frequenzbl=F6cke vergeben.
67. EU - Preserving Tomorrow's Memory - Preserving Digital Content
For Future Generations (Spanish Presidency)
Council Resolution
68. Allemagne : Counter-Strike au banc des accus=E9s (Le Monde)
Depuis le massacre d'Erfurt, Counter-Strike est au centre d'une
pol=E9mique, en Allemagne, sur l'interdiction des jeux "violents", aux
moins de 18 ans.
69. DE - Bergmann fordert von Eltern Kontrolle des Medienkonsums
ihrer Kinder (Hiese)
In der Diskussion um die Medien- und Computernutzung von Kindern hat
Bundesfamilienministerin Christine Bergmann die Eltern aufgefordert,
ihrer Verantwortung gerecht zu werden. Sie m=FCssten kontrollieren, was
ihre Kinder im Fernsehen sehen oder am Computer spielen. Die
Entscheidung der Bundespr=FCfstelle f=FCr jugendgef=E4hrdende Schriften,
das umstrittene Computerspiel Counterstrike nicht zu indizieren,
k=F6nne sie "nicht nachvollziehen".
70. DE - Selbskontrolle unter Druck (Frankfurter Rundschau)
Medienw=E4chter sehen Jugendschutz in Gefahr. Die Hamburgische Anstalt
f=FCr neue Medien (HAM) hat die wiederholte Ausstrahlung von vier
Gewalt- und Horrorfilmen durch Premiere beanstandet. Die
Medienbeh=F6rde meldet zugleich erhebliche Zweifel an der
Selbstkontrolle der Privatsender an.
71. DE - Streit um Reform des Jugendschutzrechts (Financial Times
Sachverst=E4ndige haben die Bundesregierung auf einer Anh=F6rung im
Parlament gedr=E4ngt, die Neufassung der Jugendschutzgesetze nicht mehr
vor den Wahlen im Herbst =FCber das Knie zu brechen. Streitig sind vor
allem geplante =C4nderungen beim Jugendmedienschutz.
72. DE - Vorauseilender Gehorsam beim Jugendschutz (Telepolis)
Das Branchenmagazin MCV-Online berichtet, dass Sony freiwillig auf
den Deutschlandstart des PS2-Spieles Vampire Night zum 14. Juni
verzichten wird. Doch Sony w=FCrde sogar noch einen Schritt weitergehen
und kann sich vorstellen, dass die USK schon w=E4hrend einer
Spielentwicklung das Storyboard begutachtet.
73. EU - Openness and access to documents (Commission)
Article 255 of the EC Treaty, implemented through Regulation
1049/2001, grants a right of access to European Parliament, Council
and Commission documents to any Union citizen and to any natural or
legal person residing, or having its registered office, in a Member
State. his site will guide you in the search for Commission
documents.The Guide explains how to exercise your right of access.
The Registers of documents will help you to identify documents. Also
Organisation chart of the Directorates -general and other services of
the Commission - legal acts on public access - links to websites of
European Parliament and the Council - Member State rules on access.
74. IT - La tutela dei minori nella problematica della
regolamentazione di Internet (Ministro per l'Innovazione e le
Audizione del Ministro Stanca presso la Commissione Parlamentare per
75. TR - NTIA invites comments on technology and policies protecting
children's safety on the Internet (Press Release)
The U.S. Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and
Information Administration (NTIA) has initiated a notice and comment
proceeding to evaluate whether currently available Internet blocking
or filtering technology measures adequately address the needs of
educational institutions and to evaluate the effectiveness of
children's Internet safety policies. Written comments are requested
to be submitted on or before August 27, 2002.
76. US - Expert links video, computer games with massacres (ABC)
A United States expert has warned of a rise in the number of school
and workplace massacres in years to come because video and computer
games teach children to become better mass murderers than the
military. David Grossman, a psychologist and former Lieutenant
Colonel in the US Army, has told a seminar in Sweden the US
entertainment industry is to blame for the trend.
77. Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate (Wired)
Call it the best of hate. The Simon Wiesenthal Center released a CD-
ROM in Toronto today titled Digital Hate 2002. The disc collects more
than 200 websites containing animated hate games, online enrollment
for suicide bombers, and "other examples of transnational hate and
promotion of terror after the 9/11 terrorist attacks."
78. US - Court: Library Filter Law Illegal (Wired)
A controversial library filtering law is unconstitutional, a special
three-judge court ruled. The Philadelphia court unanimously said that
a federal law designed to encourage the use of filtering software
violated library patrons' rights to access legitimate, non-
pornographic websites. At the heart of the decision was one key
point: Buggy software. In the most extensive courtroom analysis to
date, the panel concluded that not only was current technology far
too problematic, but its tendency to both overblock and underblock
sites won't go away: "Filtering products' shortcomings will not be
solved through a technical solution in the foreseeable future." see
Opinion and Order. Libraries Breathe Easy After Court Ruling On
Internet Filters and Judith Krug of the American Library Association
(Washington Post) and ITAA Hails Internet Filter Ruling (FCW).
79. DE - Regulierung von Internetinhalten - Betrachtung aus
technischer Sicht (eco)
Zusammenfassend l=E4sst sich feststellen, dass zwar Technologien
existieren, die bei der Regulierung einer Nutzung von Internet-
Inhalten hilfreich w=E4ren, die jedoch kaum in ausreichendem Ma=DF
geeignet w=E4ren, den deutschen Internet-Benutzer am Zugriff auf
unerw=FCnschte Inhalte zu hindern bzw. daf=FCr zu sorgen, dass der
Benutzer einem bestimmten Ma=DF an w=FCnschenswerten Inhalten ausgesetzt
wird. Dar=FCber hinaus ist eine derartige Regulierung von Inhalten f=FCr
die betroffenen Telekommunikationsdiensteanbieter nicht zumutbar, da
sie diesen unverh=E4ltnism=E4=DFige Kosten aufb=FCrdet. (PDF, 154 KB)
80. FR - L'=E9ducation =E0 la civilit=E9 de l'internet (Forum des droits
sur l'internet)
Le Forum des droits sur l'internet a sign=E9 le 30 avril 2002 un
accord-cadre de partenariat avec le minist=E8re de la Jeunesse, de
l'=C9ducation nationale et de la Recherche en vue de mener avec lui des
actions de sensibilisation des =E9l=E8ves et des professeurs aux r=E8gles
de droit, aux pratiques informelles et aux savoir-faire qui
permettent un usage s=FBr et ma=EEtris=E9 d'internet et des r=E9seaux. Une
premi=E8re r=E9union des partenaires du projet a eu lieu jeudi 23 mai.
81. IT - Il "viaggio" del bambino in Rete (Ministro per
l'Innovazione e le Tecnologie)
itinerari, esperienze, attese. La prima analisi europea sui
comportamenti dei bambini nel web. vedere anche Safer Internet -
Intervento del Ministro Stanca al convegno "Chi ha paura della rete?
Per un uso consapevole di Internet".
82. Cheaters take profits out of online gaming (ZDNet)
Game companies are looking to subscription fees from online players
as a major source of recurring revenue in the near future, but those
subscribers may not stay around if the new virtual worlds are full of
the cheating and hacking that has marred previous online games. A
small but fractious minority in online gaming circles, cheaters can
suck the fun out of a game by introducing homemade characters with
unauthorized powers, making it impossible for opponents to win or
even survive. They can also quickly pollute the social atmosphere
critical to many games.
83. NL - Government starts internet emergency centre (Europemedia)
The Dutch government has spent some E300,000 on an emergency centre
to warn private and smaller business internet users of incidents such
as computer viruses, network break-ins or denial-of-service attacks.
84. Passwords: The weakest link (Cnet
The best network security is only as strong as its weakest link. And
often, that's your not-so-clever password
85. Security v. Privacy Conference (Internet Law And Policy Forum)
The Internet Law & Policy Forum is holding its annual conference on
the topic of Security v. Privacy on 18-19 September 2002 in Seattle,
Washington. The events of September 11th have raised the stakes on
these two critical issues. Many governments have passed new
legislation in efforts to increase security and stop terrorism. Many
privacy advocates have criticised some of these new laws for their
negative effect on privacy. This conference will explore the
synergies and conflicts, both real and imagined, between these two
important issues and the laws written to promote them. The conference
will have a privacy track and a security track, where speakers will
explore key issues and concerns in the respective areas. Some of the
topics covered in these panels include:
- privacy global survey;
-legislative regimes and cross-cultural dimensions;
practicalities of compliance with law enforcement requests;
- identifying and selecting appropriate authentication options;
Plenary sessions will cover topics from both perspectives. Readers
of QuickLinks will receive a USD 200 reduction if they register
before 22nd June 2002 and refer to Priority Code N5B2.
86. IRG 10TH Plenary Meeting (ART)
The Independent Regulators' Group (IRG), composed of the heads of
the national telecommunications regulatory agencies of nineteen
European countries, held its tenth plenary meeting in Paris on 23 and
24 May, under the chairmanship of Jean-Michel Hubert, chairman of the
French Autorit=E9 de r=E9gulation des t=E9l=E9communications. IRG was created
in 1997 as a flexible tool to approximate national regulatory
practices and exchange useful experience. It has, since then, gained
considerable and in-depth experience of the markets. On 24 May, a few
weeks after the formal adoption of the new E.U. regulatory framework,
it decided to reinforce its efficiency with improved working methods
and a far-reaching work programme.
87. KPNQwest: Pay bills or network shuts down (Reuters)
The trustees of bankrupt KPNQwest warned that they would be forced
to shut down the telecom company's data network on Monday unless its
customers pay their bills in full immediately. Under a new plan
proposed by the trustees, the funds received from clients would be
used to keep Europe's largest fibre-optic network running through the
end of this month and, if possible, through July. see also KPNQWest
Admins Keep Bankrupt Network Running (Slashdot)
Some of the network administrators from KPNQWest, although they have
been (apparently) ordered to shutdown the network, took over control
of the KPNQWest NOC. They are trying to keep the network running and
keep customers up, regardless of KPNQWest's insolvency.
88. DE - Deutsche Post verabschiedet sich von Online-Pl=E4nen (Hesie)
Die Deutsche Post wird wegen der schwierigen Marktlage ihr Online-
Gesch=E4ft aufgeben oder neu ordnen. Die Deutsche Post Signtrust werde
aufgel=F6st. Dies bedeutet einen herben R=FCckschlag f=FCr die digitale
Signatur, denn damit verschwindet eines der gr=F6=DFten bei der
Regulierungsbeh=F6rde akkreditierten Trustcenter f=FCr qualifizierte
Signaturen.siehe auch Deutschland verspielt Vorsprung bei digitaler
89. Europe - Broadband competition 'a myth' (BBC)
Broadband take-up is increasing rapidly in Europe but it remains in
the hands of a few dominant telecoms companies. According to analyst
firm IDC, the rise of high-speed internet services is down to
aggressive marketing campaigns from incumbent operators such as BT
rather than a competitive environment.
90. Game publishers not rushing online (MSNBC)
Online gaming via consoles may well revolutionize the game industry
and the Internet - just don't hold your breath.
91. Online Game Players Don't Want to Pay - Report (Reuters)
Less than 10 percent of those who play video games online would be
willing to pay a fee for the privilege, according to a survey,
causing a potential setback to the ambitious plans for subscription
services being developed by game makers.
92. UK - Working the web: BBC (Guardian)
TV licence fees pay for it, so is the BBC's website worth the =A360m
spent on it every year?
93. US - Army lures youths with video games (IHT)
The U.S. Army, realizing that American youth would rather play video
games than do push-ups in the mud, was set to unveil games designed
to appeal to a media-saturated, tech-bombarded generation.
94. World Cup wins over the web (Guardian)
Time differences could make this the web's best World Cup, with fans
going online to get news, pictures and - for the first time - video
clips while at work or on the move, rather than waiting for the
evening's TV roundups. But the web will not be the only new media
offering, and will have to compete with SMS messages to mobile phones
and other news sources.
95. Yahoo shuts European auction sites (Guardian)
Internet company Yahoo will close down its unprofitable auction
sites in six European countries within the next few months, and rely
instead on a marketing deal with rival online auction company, Ebay.
96. English is not the Net's first language (NAU)
Non-English speakers outnumber native English speakers when it comes
to using the Internet, according to new research from Global Reach.
Around 59.8 percent of the total world online population are from non-
English speaking zones, compared to 40.2 percent from English
speaking zones.
97. Hackers unlocking Norway's history (CNET
A Norwegian educational center for cultural preservation lost the
password to a historical database cataloging 11,000 original books
and manuscripts, but was able to recover it with help from the Web.
98. AU - Cybercrime's Reach In Doubles - Survey (Newsbytes)
Two thirds of Australia's biggest public and private organizations
this year have already been victims of computer crimes. The 2002
Australian Computer Crime and Security Survey found the level of
cybercrime in Australia has doubled since 1999. Sixty-seven percent
of the 300 Australian organizations surveyed reported incidents of
crime including fraud, data sabotage, trojan infection and laptop
99. DE - Germany has the most Internet users (NUA)
Germany has the highest number of Internet users in Europe,
according to the latest research from NetValue. At the end of March,
there were 16.3 million Internet users in Germany, compared to 15.9
million in the UK, 11.4 million in France, and 7.8 million in Italy.
100. FR - L'ART dresse le bilan de l'Internet en France (vnunet)
Si le nombre d'abonn=E9s en ADSL et en c=E2ble progresse, la France
reste toujours =E0 la tra=EEne par rapport =E0 certains pays europ=E9ens. Une
explication possible r=E9side dans le nombre de lignes d=E9group=E9es qui
n'est que de 650 pour 8 op=E9rateurs alternatifs contre 500 000 lignes
pour France T=E9l=E9com. Internet, premier bilan (Autorit=E9 de R=E9gulation
des T=E9l=E9communications)
101. Internet in the Arab world (Unesco)
According to a March 2001 survey by the Research Unit
there were 3.54 million Internet users in the Arab world. This figure
was expected to grow to over 5 million by the end of 2001 and more
than double to between 10 and 12 million by the end of 2002.
102. UK lags behind on broadband (BBC)
The UK is still one of the worst places for broadband in the world,
despite falling prices for high-speed internet access. A report from
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development puts the
UK at number 22 out of the 30 richest nations for broadband take-up.
see Broadband Infrastructure Deployment: The Role Of Government
Assistance (OECD).
103. US - Consumers Take Plunge Into Online Health Research - Pew
Notwithstanding physicians' dire warnings that online health
information should be closely scrutinized, most Web users simply
plunge ahead and read what's online without regard to its veracity, a
new Pew Internet and American Life survey finds. But that doesn't
mean Americans actually use the information they find recklessly, the
study indicates. Instead, many use what they learn to arm themselves
with intelligent questions that they can later ask their doctors.
104. Cheap pen cracks 'copy-proof' CD (Reuters)
Technology buffs have cracked music publishing giant Sony Music's
elaborate disc copy-protection technology with a decidedly low-tech
method: scribbling around the rim of a disk with a felt-tip marker.
105. May the fraud be with you (Guardian)
Record companies are making it impossible to play - and copy - music
CDs on a PC.
106. New IM application wows Internet users (NUA)
Jupiter Media Metrix: Internet users have been quick to adopt
Trillian, a new instant messaging (IM) application which connects
users of all the major messaging services, Yahoo, MSN, AOL and ICQ.
107. US - Digital TV's Big Hurdle: Copy Protection (Washington Post)
The consumer electronics industry and Hollywood are struggling to
come up with an answer to to the question of how to keep high-quality
digital television broadcasts from being shared Napster-style on the
Internet, but to judge from a report issued this week, there's still
a long way to go.
108. Greplaw (Berkman Center)
Published and run by Harvard Law School students and alumni, Greplaw
is a new community forum for news, commentary, and discussion about
developments and trends in Internet law and policy.
Links to news items about legal and regulatory aspects of Internet
and the information society, particularly those relating to
information content, and market and technology.

QuickLinks is edited by Richard Swetenham
(richard.swetenham /at/ - Main Sources and Contributors: chael
Geist BNA - ILN,,, David Goldstein,
Gerhard Heine, Alan Reekie

Carpentier Nico
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University Brussels
Studies on Media, Information & Telecommunication (SMIT)
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Office: C0.04
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.xx.xx
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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