Archive for December 2002

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[eccr] Children, Young People and Media Globalisation

Wed Dec 18 13:57:28 GMT 2002

New Publication
from the UNESCO International Clearinghouse
on Children, Youth and Media

The rapid rise of global commercial media, and the massive expansion in the 
commercial media market directed at children, makes it imperative that 
debates over media and media directed to children receive widespread public 
participation and liberation. This is the conclusion drawn by one of the 
authors, Robert McChesney, in the fifth Yearbook, Children, Young People 
and Media Globalisation, from The UNESCO International Clearinghouse on 
Children, Youth and Media. The conclusion is supported by other research 
contributions in the book representing different continents. The book also 
shows that there are immense information and digital divides in the world, 
and that media globalisation covers different parts of the globe 
asymmetrically (at places, not at all).

With a hope to stimulate debate, policy, and, not least, further research, 
The UNESCO International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media offers 
in Yearbook 2002 Children, Young People and Media Globalisation theory, 
empirical findings and statistics illustrating this subject from different 
angles. Hitherto, little light has been shed upon the role of media 
globalisation in the lives of a good third of the world population who are 
children and young people under 18 years of age, in spite of the fact that 
media culture produced for children, and media culture that children come 
into contact with, constitutes an essential and perhaps the most rapidly 
growing part of media globalisation. What does this mean for media 
production? For children=92s cultural identity and participation in 
society? For digital and economic divides among children both within and 
between richer and poorer countries?

Children, Young People and Media Globalisation.
Cecilia von Feilitzen & Ulla Carlsson (Eds.) 262 pages, ISBN 91-89471-15-6
Price Paperback: SEK 250, =80 25, $ 25 (+ p & p)

For list of contents, see the Clearinghouse homepage: <FONT= 

To order a book or a review copy, please send an e-mail to: 
(nordicom /at/

Yours sincerely,

Cecilia von Feilitzen           Pia Hepsever
Scientific Co-ordinator         Information Co-ordinator
(cecilia.von.feilitzen /at/     ab pia.hepsever@nord=
Tel: +46 8 608 48 58            Tel: +46 31 773 49 53

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University Brussels
Studies on Media, Information & Telecommunication (SMIT)
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Office: C0.04
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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