Archive for publications, April 2009

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[ecrea] new book: Beauty and the Beast: Italianness in British Cinema

Fri Apr 24 09:31:28 GMT 2009

Beauty and the Beast: Italianness in British Cinema

By Elisabetta Girelli

ISBN 9781841502441
Paperback 240 pages 230x174mm
Published: Available
Price £19.95/$40

Recent years have seen an increased interest in issues of national identity
and representation, and cinema is a major medium where strands and layers of
representational systems come together in cross-cultural dialogues. Beauty
and the Beast provides an account of the specific development of depictions
of Italy and the Italians in British cinema. Girelli draws upon cultural and
social history to assess the ongoing function of ?Italianness? in British
film, and its crucial role in defining and challenging British national
identity. Drawing on British literary and filmic tradition to analyse the
rise of specific images of the Italian Other, this book makes original use
of archival material such as WWII footage ­ and a selected corpus of
significant British films.

This important publication will appeal to scholars of film and cultural
history as well as to the discerning reader.

For further information or to request a review copy please contact:

James Campbell

Marketing & Publishing Assistant

(james /at/
Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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