Archive for publications, 2006

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[ecrea] Information for Social Change - Issue No.23

Wed Oct 04 12:41:41 GMT 2006

>Information for Social Change
>Number 23
>Special Issue on
>Education for Social Change
>Edited by Glenn Rikowski
>Education is the most powerful weapon which you 
>can use to change the world - Nelson Mandela
>Information for Social Change No.23 is now live!
>This is the general URL for the journal:
>This is the URL for Issue No.23:
>Editorial: Education for Social Change  by Glenn Rikowski
>Class, Capital and Education in this Neoliberal 
>and Neoconservative Period  by Dave Hill
>To Teach or Not to Teach? The Dilemma of a Left-wing Student  by Alison Tuffs
>Education and the Politics of Human Resistance  by Glenn Rikowski
>The Age of the Corporate State Versus The 
>Informational and Cognitive Public Domain  by 
><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = 
>"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Zapopan Martín Muela-Meza
>Pay as you learn! The Learning Society 
>Rhetoric in the EU-Sponsored Research Projects  by Dionyssios S. Gouvias
>Critical Mass  by Phil Badger and Glenn Rikowski
>What is Moral Education?  by Susan Devine
>Teaching Ethical Issues in Information 
>Technology: How and When  by Ruth Rikowski
>Critical Perspectives in E-Learning  by Paul Catherall
>Education for Social Change or for Capital 
>Crisis Resolution  by Helen Raduntz
>Problems in Education Today  by Victor Rikowski
>E-Dialogues and E-Interviews
>Education for a Socialist Future: An E-Dialogue 
>between Rich Gibson and Glenn Rikowski
>Where has youth radicalism gone? Political 
>participation and democratic pedagogy  An 
>e-dialogue between Alpesh Maisuria and Spyros Themelis
>Critical Pedagogy Reloaded: An E-Interview with 
>Peter McLaren  Peter McLaren interviewed by Glenn Rikowski
>Marxism and Educational Theory: An E-Interview 
>with Mike Cole  Mike Cole interviewed by Glenn Rikowski
>Book Reviews
>Linear Hymns, a collection of lyrics and poems 
>by Giles Paley-Phillips  reviewed by Paul Catherall
>Foibles, Frolics and Phantasms: Illustrated 
>poems (1995-2005), by Paul Catherall  reviewed by Ruth Rikowski
>Delivering E-learning for Information Services 
>in Higher Education, by Paul Catherall  reviewed by Ruth Rikowski
>The Copy/South Dossier: issues in the economics, 
>politics, and ideology of copyright in the 
>global South, The Copy/South Research Group, 
>Edited by Alan Story, Colin Darch and Debora 
>Halbert  reviewed by Ruth Rikowski
>Open Access: key strategic technical and economic aspects,
>Edited by Neil Jacobs - reviewed by Ruth Rikowski
>Biographical Reflections
>Combining Information and Library work with the 
>Arts and Artistic Creativity, Research and 
>Theory: it is all possible!   A focus on Paul Catherall  by Ruth Rikowski
>The All Rounder (The Centre of Everything)  by Gregory Rikowski
>The Ideal World  by Gregory Rikowski
>Epilogue: Education beyond Retromodernism, and 
>Towards Really Useful Workers Knowledge  by Glenn Rikowski
>Glenn Rikowski
>Visit the Rikowski web site, The Flow of Ideas 
>at <>
>Glenn's University of Northampton, School of Education Staff Profile is at:

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
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