Archive for calls, October 2024

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[Commlist] CFP Media-Marketing Integration Conference 2025

Mon Oct 21 14:33:19 GMT 2024

*Call for Papers *(deadline 2 December 2024)

Media-Marketing Integration: Practices, Policies, Problems and Remedies*

3-4 July 2025, London. Hosted by University of the Arts London.

Keynote speakers:

Professor Sonia Livingstone, London School of Economics

Professor Joseph Turow, University of Pennsylvania

We invite paper abstracts for a conference organised by the Branded Content Governance (BCG) Project, an internation research initiative funded by UK Research and Innovation. The BCG Project examines the practices and governance of content that is produced or funded by marketers. The conference will include the findings from this three-year project and discuss future work, collaboration and networking, including across our international Branded Content Research Network.

We invite papers that connect with, contribute to, extend and/or challenge the broad topics encompassed by the BCG project. We invite papers that engage with media-marketing relationships from critical perspectives but welcome broad discussion on how criticality should be understood and developed. Our project has examined branded content governance across Europe, North America and Australia. We warmly invite papers exploring media-marketing in these regions but also papers that consider similar topics in other parts of the world.

Key topic areas include:

  * Branded Content across all forms of media including audio,
    audiovisual, publishing, online and social media, games,
    out-of-home, experiential and other
  * Native advertising, sponsored content, influencer marketing

Branded content and…

  * Children and young people (kidtech)
  * Artificial Intelligence
  * Adtech
  * Surveillance advertising
  * Media-marketing ecology including marketers, agencies, media,
    platforms, creators and Adtech
  * Convergence and de-convergence (within/across all domains)
  * Policy, law, regulation
  * Governance theory and research relevant to media-marketing analysis
* Research methods, comparative analysis relevant to advertising and media
  * Examining and assessing ‘problems’ and remedies in media-marketing
  * Proposals and strategies for governance and action
  * Education and media literacy initiatives
  * Training and governance capacity-building
  * Ethics


We invite proposals for conference papers. Please send an abstract (max 300 words) and short biographical note (100-200 words). Please send your submission to (BCGProject /at/ <mailto:(BCGProject /at/> with the email subject BCGConferenceSubmission.

The deadline for abstracts is Monday *2 December 2024*. After a peer review process, notifications will be sent by the end of January 2025.

*Conference details*

The conference will run all day Thursday 3 July followed by an evening reception and will run AM to mid-PM on Friday 4 July. The format will mix plenary sessions with parallel themed sessions. The conference will bring together international academics with contributors from marketing and communications industries, civil society, law, policy and regulation.

Full conference arrangements will be published in January 2025 but we share these provisional details. We aim to keep the delegate fees to around £50. We will offer light refreshments throughout and give information on nearby places to eat. We have a limited budget to offer reduced conference fees for delegates from low-income countries and self-funded postgraduate or early-career researchers but delegates will need to meet their travel and accommodation costs. We will provide certificates of attendance on request and assist in confirming attendance and speaker contributions for delegates seeking support from their institutions. The conference will be in-person. Selected sessions may be recorded and made available after the event, or live, but the majority of sessions will be in-person only.

*About the Branded Content Governance Project *

As media and marketing merge and new forms of marketing communications proliferate, are regulations, guidance and best practice keeping pace? That is the focus of the Branded Content Governance (BCG) Project 2022-2025.  The BCG Project is led by the University of the Arts London (Branded Content Research Hub), University of Stirling and Complutense University of Madrid, supported by a 90+ international academic network, and industry, legal, policy and civil society partners and participants.

The BCG Project examines the regulation and broader governance of content that is funded or produced by advertisers. Our project is oriented to consider ‘problems’ and challenges (e.g. how are evolving forms of branded content addressed in relation to identification and disclosure? What values guide governance and are these suitable? How should the effectiveness of governance structures and processes be measured and assessed?).  The central aim is to provide research-led insights and recommendations for managing and regulating media-marketing content and communications in the digital age. The project is funded by two UK Research Councils at Research and Innovation UK (ESRC and AHRC; ES/W007991/1).

In 2025, we will be publishing a comparative 32-country mapping of laws and regulation affecting branded content that encompasses North America, the UK, all EU countries and Australia. We have now published interim versions of reports for most of the countries, together with our 2024 /Mapping the Media-Marketing Ecology /report and other publications. Our project also examines practices, policy networks and trade/general media discussions in more detail in the UK and Spain, with research publications on these topics. We publish a project newsletter and other outputs from talks and events. All publications can be accessed at _ <>_. All enquiries welcome at (bcgproject /at/ <mailto:(bcgproject /at/>.

Branded Content Governance Project <>

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