Archive for calls, October 2024

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[Commlist] Call for papers: The Bloomsbury Handbook to Chantal Akerman

Fri Oct 18 19:13:10 GMT 2024

Call for papers for *The Bloomsbury Handbook to Chantal Akerman*


The Bloomsbury Handbooks offer overviews that map a discipline, a writer, theorist or artist, see examples here: Handbook to Sophia Coppola <> Handbook to Toni Morrison <>Handbook of Feminist Theory <>. The Handbooks are substantial, totalling around 200,000 words, with chapters around 8-10,000 words in length.

*The Bloomsbury Handbook to Chantal Akerman*offers the opportunity to gather together as scholars to assess, reflect upon and engage with the oeuvre of a filmmaker whose distinctive authorial personality, present from her very first short film /Saute ma ville/Blow up my town/ (1968), developed in some surprising ways across the next 17 years until her death in 2015 and final film /No Home Movie/.

For those who discovered Chantal Akerman’s work early on, the contradictions between how her 1970s films fit so well into emerging discussions of feminist film practice, while her bold originality elided categorization was evident (see Aubenas, 1981; interview with De Decker, 1987). This breadth has formed the core of key edited collections (Foster, 1999; Schmid and Wilson, 2019) and monographs (Schmid, 2010) while engagements with Akerman’s form, aesthetics and politics have ensured her films remain fascinating to several generations of scholars. The contribution made by her work to feminist film theory forms the basis for multiple articles in /Camera Obscura /(Bergstrom, 1976; Akerman, 1977; Lebow, 2003; see also the special issue of Camera Obscura 100, [White, 2019]), also drawing the attention of Laura Mulvey (1979; 2016) B. Ruby Rich (1976) Griselda Pollock (2010) Jenny Chamarette (2013) Giuliana Bruno (2016) and Alison Butler (2019). Formal and aesthetic issues raised by her work, her long takes especially, were amply covered in Ivone Margulies’ insightful and influential book (1996), and continued by Corinne Rondeau (2017) and Michael Walsh (2022) among many others. Finally, the political nature of Chantal’s portrayals of those on the margins (see Dubroux, Giraud and Skorecki, 1977; Fowler 1995 and De Kuyper, 2015), and specifically her engagement with her own Jewishness have been the subject of publications, installations and exhibitions (see Chantal Akerman, at Ambika P3 Gallery, London 2015).

Established and emerging scholars, critics and practitioners who have an interest in Chantal Akerman’s work are invited to send an abstract of 250 words and a bio of 150 words to the editor: (Catherine.fowler /at/ <mailto:(Catherine.fowler /at/>. Enquiries and questions are also welcome.

*Deadline for abstracts: Friday 29^th November*

Suggested topics may include, but are not limited to:

  * Chantal Akerman’s collaborators and how collaboration features
    in/influences/changes across her work
  * Chantal Akerman the writer, scriptwriting, the textual, the diaristic
  * Form, aesthetics and identity: telling different stories differently
  * Looking inwards and looking out: self and other
  * Chantal Akerman’s application to, engagement or dis-engagement with
    waves of feminism
  * Visual pleasure and the gaze
  * A Family Business: on fathers, mothers, daughters and sisters
  * Using Chantal Akerman’s work in the classroom – teaching with and
    through her films
  * Understanding film theory through Chantal Akerman
  * Chantal Akerman the teacher – reflections from her students
  * Chantal Akerman in/and France / Belgium / the US
  * On an ethical practice, others and otherness

*Akerman, Chantal*. 1977. 'Chantal Akerman on /Jeanne Dielman: /Excerpts from an Interview with /Camera Obscura/, November 1976', /Camera Obscura/, 2: 119-21.

*Aubenas, Jacqueline*. 1981. /Ateliers des Arts Cahier no 1: Chantal Akerman/ (Brussels).

*Bergstrom, Janet*. 1976. 'Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles by Chantal Akerman', /Camera Obscura/, 2: 114-18.

*Bruno, Giuliana*. 2016. 'passages through time and space: In memory of Chantal Akerman', /October/, 155: 162-67.

*Butler, Alison*. 2019. 'NOW and Then.' in, /Displacements: Reading Space and Time in Moving Image Installations/ (Springer nature: London).

*Chamarette, Jenny*. 2013. 'Between women: Gesture, intermediary and intersubjectivity in the installations of Agnès Varda and Chantal Akerman', /Studies in European Cinema/, 10: 45-57.

*de Decker, Jacques*. 1987. 'Je voudrais que mes films ne plaisent plus seulement aux critiques et aux cinephiles', /Le Soir [Brussels]/, 10 Janvier.

*De Kuyper, Eric*, and Annie Van den Oever. 2015. 'Temps mort: Speaking about Chantal Akerman (1950-2015)', /NECSUS. European Journal of Media Studies/, 4: 3-12.

*Dubroux, Danièle, Thérèse Giraud and Louis Skorecki*. 1977. 'Entretien avec Chantal Akerman', /Cahiers du Cinema/, 278: 34-42.

*de Decker, Jacques*. 1987. 'Je voudrais que mes films ne plaisent plus seulement aux critiques et aux cinephiles', /Le Soir [Brussels]/, 10 Janvier.

*Foster, Gwendoline Audrey*(ed.) 1999. /Identity and Memory: The Films of Chantal Akerman/ (Flicks Books: Wiltshire).

*Fowler, Catherine*. 1995. 'The films of Chantal Akerman: a cinema of displacements. [electronic resource]', University of Warwick. <>

*Lebow, Alisa*. 2003. 'Memory Once Removed: Indirect Memory and Transitive Autobiography in Chantal Akerman is Diest', /Camera Obscura/, 18: 35-82.

*Margulies, Ivone*. 1996. /Nothing Happens: Chantal Akerman’s Hyperrealist Everyday/ (Duke University Press: Durham and London).

*Mulvey, Laura*. 1979. 'Guest Appearances: interview with Chantal Akerman', /Time Out/, 3: 19.

*Mulvey, Laura*. 2016. 'A neon sign, a soup tureen: the Jeanne Dielman Universe', /Film Quarterly/, 70: 25-31.

*Pollock, GFS*. 2010. 'The long journey: Maternal trauma, tears and kisses in a work by Chantal Akerman', /Studies in the Maternal/, 2: 1-32.

*Rich, B. Ruby*. 1976/2016. 'Chantal Akerman Interview, Chicago', /Film Quarterly/, 70: 16-24.

*Lebow, Alisa*. 2003. 'Memory Once Removed: Indirect Memory and Transitive Autobiography in Chantal Akerman’s D’est', /Camera Obscura/, 18: 35-82.

*Rondeau, Corinne*. 2017. /Chantal Akerman passer la nuit/ (Éditions de l’éclat/éclats: Paris).

*Schmid, Marion*. 2010. /Chantal Akerman/ (Manchester University Press).

*Schmid, Marion*. 2019. 'Chantal Akerman: Filmmaker, Video Artist, Writer.' in Marion Schmid and Emma Wilson (eds.), /Chantal Akerman Afterlives/ (Legenda: Cambridge).

*Schmid, Marion and Wilson, Emma*. (eds.). 2019. /Chantal Akerman: Afterlives/ (Legenda: Cambridge).

*Walsh, Michael*. 2022. 'Chantal Akerman II: 35 Years on the Durational Plane.' in, /Durational Cinema - a short history of long films/ (Palgrave Macmillan: Cham).

*White, Patricia*(ed.) 2019. /On Chantal Akerman: Camera Obscura 100/.

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