Archive for calls, September 2021

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[Commlist] Call for Papers: 2022 International Conference on Social Media and Society (#SMSociety)

Mon Sep 20 23:06:11 GMT 2021


*2022 International Conference on Social Media and Society (#SMSociety)*

*held virtually on July 18-19, 2022*

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*Conference Date:*July 18-19, 2022

*Papers (Extended Abstracts) Due:*Jan. 31, 2022

*Workshops & Tutorials Due:*Mar. 14, 2022

*Panels Due:*Mar. 14, 2022

*Notification Due: *Mar. 31, 2022

We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 2022International Conference on Social Media & Society <>(#SMSociety)! #SMSociety will be held virtually on *July 18th & 19th, 2022. *The conference’s two-day program will feature live panels and paper presentations, tutorials, and networking events.

In keeping with the conference’s inter- and transdisciplinary focus, we welcome both quantitative and qualitative scholarly and original submissions that crosses disciplinary boundaries and expands our understanding of current and future trends in social media research across many fields including (but not limited to): Communication, Computer Science, Education, Journalism, Information Science, Law, Management, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology.


#SMSociety is a gathering of leading social media researchers from around the world. It is the premier venue for sharing and discovering new peer-reviewed interdisciplinary research on how social media affects society. Organized by the Social Media Lab at Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University, #SMSociety provides participants with opportunities to exchange ideas, present original research, learn about recent and ongoing studies, and network with peers.

*NEW FOR 2022*

·#SMSociety will switch from being an annual conference to a biennial conference. After 2022, the next iteration of #SMSociety will be in the summer of 2024 (exact date, location and format TBD).

·The Program Committee for #SMSociety will be authors who have submitted their papers to the conference for consideration. For a submission to be considered, one author from each submission is required to peer review (double blind) three other conference submissions.

·Instead of Full and WIP paper submissions, #SMSociety will now be inviting authors to submit extended abstracts with a 1k-1.5K word limit.

·The program will be organized in a way to support attendance across multiple time zones and will allow our authors to safely connect. All presentations will also be recorded and made available to registered attendees for a limited time after the conference.


1.Cyberbullying, Trolling and Antisocial Behavior

2.Digital Methods

3.Discourse and Public Opinion

4.Health and Wellbeing

5.Marketing and Outreach

6.Misinformation and Disinformation

7.Online and Offline Communities

8.Platform Governance and Regulation

9.Politics and Policy

10.Privacy, Security and Trust

11.Use and Users


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·*Publication of Pre-prints**and Datasets*: To promote your work during and after the conference, authors of accepted papers (extended abstracts) are encouraged to share their work as a pre-print via EasyChair Preprint. Preprint will be accessible via the conference online program and other channels. If you have a dataset to share, you can also upload it to one of many data repositories such as Dataverse <>or figshare <>. Authors of accepted papers will then have an opportunity to provide a link to their pre-print and/or dataset for inclusion in the conference program.

·*Journal Publications:*We will circulate CFP to relevant journal special issues as they become available in 2022. (We hope that feedback received from other scholars during the review process and the Q&A part of your presentation will help you refine your ideas and develop your work into a full paper after the conference. Once ready, you are encouraged to submit your full paper to a journal of your choice.)


·Anatoliy Gruzd, Ryerson University

·Philip Mai, Ryerson University

·James Cook, University of Maine at Augusta

·Zoetanya Sujon, London College of Communication

·Chei Sian Lee, Nanyang Technological University

·Jenna Drenten, Loyola University Chicago

·Céline Yunya Song, Hong Kong Baptist University

·Katrin Weller, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences

·Felipe Soares, Ryerson University

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