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[Commlist] CFP, Research methodologies in communication studies, Journal Communication & Methods

Fri Oct 30 17:38:38 GMT 2020

the Journal *Communication & Methods* is accepting submissions for its 
Vol. 3 num1, February 2021, about research methodologies in 
communication studies.
*Deadline for submission of papers: December 15, 2020*

Editors of this issue:

      Miguel Badillo, National Open Distance University (UNAD), Colombia

      Isabel Iniesta, International University of La Rioja (UNIR), Spain

The Journal Communication & Methods requests articles and reviews on the methodologies used in the study of communication: advertising, journalism, public relations, corporate or institutional image, intangibles, cinematography, photography, radio, television, internet, graphic, industrial or corporate design, etc.
The journal is open to analysis on both quantitative and qualitative 
methodologies, comparative method, content analysis, semiotic, 
psychoanalytic, experimental, textual, cultural studies, ethnographic, 
historical method, iconological, anthropological, etc. Likewise, 
analyses focused on conventional research tools in the field of social 
sciences (in-depth interview, discussion groups, participant 
observation, SWOT analysis, semantic differential, etc.) as well as 
those linked to digital media (big data, data mining, etc.) will be 
admitted. Methodological and technical innovations will be especially 
valued, as well as novel objects of study either for their novelty or 
their uniqueness.
Languages of publication: English and Spanish
Deadline for submission of papers: December 15, 2020
Publication costs for the author: none for this issue

*More information about the submission:*


About the editors:

Miguel Ezequiel Badillo Mendoza, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD), Colombia PhD in Communication and Education in Digital Environments (UNED), assistant professor at the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, UNAD, Colombia. Academic Secretary of the Colombian Association of Researchers, ACICOM, co-director of the research group FISURA, and collaborating researcher of GICID, Research Group in Communication and Digital Information, of UNIZAR, Junior Researcher MINCIENCIAS and is a member of the national intersectoral commission for quality assurance in higher education -CONACES-.  He was National Leader of the Social Communication Training Chain of UNAD (2014-2019) and coordinator of the Communication Chair UNAD (2014, 2016, 2017 and 2018).
Isabel Iniesta, International University of La Rioja (UNIR), Spain

Marketing Director at MarketReal Consultores S.L. and Assistant Professor at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR). PhD in Communication from the University of Malaga, she carried out her research on New Trends in Communication. Degree in Business Administration from the University of Zaragoza. Researcher collaborating with GICID, Research Group on Digital Communication and Information, UNIZAR and SMEMIU, Research Group on Social Media and Inclusive and Ubiquitous Media Education, UNED. She has taught at the University of Zaragoza, ESIC, CESTE and other business schools.

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