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[Commlist] Program of the 2020 International Journal of Press/Politics Virtual Conference

Tue Jul 21 11:04:18 GMT 2020

Those who wish to attend the conference need to register for free at There is a voluntary £5 registration fee for attendees.

Program of the 2020 International Journal of Press/Politics Virtual Conference
The conference will be held via a secure Zoom link shared only with participants and attendees.
All times are British Summer Time (BST), or UTC+1.
For each paper, participants will have a total of 25 minutes, which includes both paper presentation and live discussion. Presentation of each paper will be immediately followed by discussion of the paper. Each day will end with a networking meeting, participation in which is entirely voluntary.
Those who would like to attend the conference need to sign up at Those who sign up will receive the conference Zoom link in the morning of 21 September. The link will be shared only with conference presenters and those who signed up to attend. It will not be published anywhere. Registration fees can be paid at The fees are £25 for presenters and £5 for attendees. Payment of the registration fees is entirely voluntary for both presenters and attendees.

Monday 21 September, 1pm-6pm
1:00-1:05pm Opening remarks
Cristian Vaccari (Loughborough University, Editor-in-Chief of The International Journal of Press-Politics)
1:05-1:30pm Honoring the winner of the IJPP 2020 Best Book Award
Thomas Hanitzsch (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich), Folker Hanusch (University of Vienna), Jyotika Ramaprasad (University of Miami), and Arnold S. de Beer (Stellenbosch University), authors of Worlds of Journalism: Journalistic Cultures Around the Globe
1:30-2:45pm News coverage of public affairs
Reporting the digital election campaign: Digital Platforms Companies and their Democratic Responsibilities
Kate Dommett (University of Sheffield)

Narratives of Terrorism: a study of terrorism reporting by CNN and Al-Arabiya in their English and Arabic websites
Waad Arif (University of Leeds)

Uneven Parts, An Even Whole? Political Parties’ Access to Radio and Television in Contemporary Poland (2015-2019) Radosław Sojak, Andrzej Meler, and Beata Królicka (Nicolaus Copernicus University)
2:45-4:00pm The Structure and dynamics of contemporary news ecosystems
The anatomy of European political information environments
Laia Castro (University of Zurich), Toril Aalberg (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Ana Sofia Cardenal (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), Nicoleta Corbu (National University of Political Studies and Public Administration), Claes de Vreese (University of Amsterdam), Frank Esser (University of Zurich), David Nicolas Hopmann (University of Southern Denmark), Karolina Koc-Michalska (Audencia Business School), Jörg Matthes (University of Vienna), Christian Schemer (Johannes Gutenberg University), Tamir Sheafer (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Sergio Splendore (Università degli Studi di Milano), James Stanyer (Loughborough University), Agnieszka Stępińska (Adam Mickiewicz University), Jesper Strömbäck (University of Gothenburg), Václav Štětka (Loughborough University), Yannis Theocharis (University of Bremen), Peter Van Aelst (University of Antwerp)
The logic of media-government conflict: Finding equilibrium in news, 
press freedom and public trust
Francisco Brandão (University of Brasilia and Chamber of Deputies of Brazil)

Imitating the news: Political communication, parasitic news formats and the decline of journalistic authority
Mattias Ekman, Andreas Widholm (Stockholm University)

4:00-5:15pm Digital media and political engagement
Social media use and collective action: Detailing the mediating role of injustice in the social identity model of collective action in China’s coronavirus pandemic mitigation Xin Zhao (Bournemouth University), Mengfei Guan (University of Arkansas), Xinya Liang (University of Arkansas)
“Yes I can” in the digital era? A meta-analysis of political efficacy, 
online participation and offline participation
Jennifer Oser (Ben-Gurion University), Shelley Boulianne (MacEwan 
University), Amit Levinson (Ben-Gurion University)
Platform matters: political expression on social media
Eugenia Mitchelstein (Universidad de San Andrés), Pablo J. Boczkowski (Northwestern University), Camila Giuliano (Universidad de San Andrés)
5:15-6:00pm Networking Meeting


Tuesday 22 September, 9am-2:30pm

9:00-10:40am Media, voice, and inequality
Political storytelling: Technology and critical events
Heather Ford (University of Technology Sydney), Lone Sorensen (University of Huddersfield), Stephen Coleman (University of Leeds)
Women’s perceptions of female politicians in the UAE: An intersectional 
Leysan Khakimova Storie (Lund University), Sarah Marschlich (University 
of Fribourg)
Is mediactivism a kind of poor journalism?

Ana Cristina Suzina (Loughborough University London)

Humbug and outrage: The perils of invoking the memory of Jo Cox MP and what it reveals about the emotional political atmosphere of the UK Parliament
Katy Parry, Beth Johnson (University of Leeds)

10:40am-12:05pm Political disinformation: Dynamics and remedies
‘Online strategic lying’ and ‘permission to lie’: The case of Brexit and the 2019 UK election
Ivor Gaber (University of Sussex), Caroline Fisher (University of Canberra)

Losing Friends Over Politics: Understanding Social Sanctions on Facebook and WhatsApp in the US and in Brazil Patricia Rossini (University of Liverpool), Jennifer Stromer-Galley (Syracuse University), Erica Anita Baptista (Federal University of Minas Gerais), Vanessa Veiga de Oliveira (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
Resilience to Disinformation: A Comparative Analysis of Engagement with 
Disinformation on Social Media
Edda Humprecht (University of Zurich), Anna Staender (University of 
Zurich), Sophie Morosoli (University of Antwerp), Frank Esser 
(University of Zurich), Peter Van Aelst (University of Antwerp)
12:05-1:45pm Politics in unusual places: Fragmentation and 
reconfiguration of politics in contemporary media
A Silent Arm: A Study of the Path and Forms of Online Political 
Participation of Chinese Fan Groups
Yu Ruikai, Jiang Longqing, Shi Qi, Guo Jinqi, Cao Ruiling (Communication 
University of China)
Endangering the Common Core? Personalized Information and the 
Fragmentation of the Public Agenda
Melanie Magin (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Stefan 
Geiß (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Birgit Stark 
(Johannes Gutenberg University), Pascal Jürgens (Johannes Gutenberg 
Avenues to News and Diverse News Exposure Online: Comparing Direct 
Navigation, Social Media, News Aggregators, Search Queries, and Article 
Magdalena Wojcieszak (University of California at Davis), Ericka 
Menchen-Trevino (American University), Brian Weeks (University of Michigan)
Political fragmentation in the online domain: Evidence from a structural 
topic modelling approach in France, Germany, and the UK
Raphael Heiberger (University of Bremen), Silvia Majó-Vázquez 
(University of Oxford), Laia Castro (University of Zurich), Rasmus K. 
Nielsen (University of Oxford), Frank Esser (University of Zurich)
1:45-2:30pm Networking Meeting


Wednesday 23 September, 9am-2pm

9:00-10:40am Media and the many facets of the State
Censorship Circumvention Tool Use in Iran: An Individual-Level Analysis
Aysenur Dal (Bilkent University, Turkey), Erik Nisbet (Northwestern University)
From Jacob Zuma to Cyril Ramaphosa: Changing media/state relationship 
in South Africa, 2019 - 2020
Khanyile Mlotshwa (University of KwaZulu-Natal)

Media pluralism and democratic consolidation: a recipe for success?
Fatima el Issawi (University of Essex/London School of Economics)

Alternative news in the Russian public diplomacy strategy
Aleksandra Raspopina (City University of London)

10:40-11:55am The spread and correction of political disinformation
Do issue attitudes drive the spread of disinformation? An experimental study on the interaction with disinformation on social media Sophie Morosoli (University of Antwerp), Peter Van Aeslt (University of Antwerp), Edda Humprecht (University of Zurich), Anna Staender (University of Zurich), Frank Esser (University of Zurich)
Countering disinformation by fact-checking journalism: An analysis of 
news output and editorial judgements during the 2019 UK general election 
Nikki Soo, Marina Morani, Maria Kyriakidou,  Stephen Cushion (Cardiff 
Exposure to low-quality news on WhatsApp: A study of six countries
Simge Andı, Richard Fletcher (University of Oxford)

11:55am-1:35pm Determinants and effects of media exposure
Populist and pessimistic? The role of populist attitudes in election projections Naama Weiss-Yaniv (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Tali Aharoni (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Sina Blassnig (University of Zürich), Christian Baden (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
News Literacy and the Use of Social Media for News in 5 Countries
Anne Schulz, Richard Fletcher, Rasmus Kleis Nielsen (University of Oxford)

Embedding, quoting, or paraphrasing? Investigating the effects of political leaders’ tweets in online news articles: The case of Donald Trump Delia Dumitrescu (University of East Anglia), Andrew R.N. Ross (Loughborough University)
The Effects of Gender Stereotypes on Attitudes and Emotions toward Refugees
Yossi David (Johannes Gutenberg University)

1:35-2:00pm Networking Meeting


Thursday 24 September, 1pm-6pm

1:00-2-30pm Roundtable: The challenges of publishing research from and about the Global South and what we can do about it Tanja Bosch (University of Cape Town), Eugenia Mitchelstein (Universidad de San Andrés), Taberez Neyazi (National University of Singapore), Cristian Vaccari (Loughborough University), Gayathry Venkiteswaran (University of Nottingham Malaysia), Silvio Waisbord (George Washington University) Moderated by Ana Langer (University of Glasgow) and Janet Steele (George Washington University)
2:30-3:45pm Insult, Scandals, and Attacks: Exploring the dark side of 
political communication
Politics of Insults: A Threat to Constitutional Democracy in Ghana
Mohammed Marzuq (Abubakari University of Applied Management)

Holding the Fallible to Account: A Comparison of Media Scandal Coverage in the US and UK Erik Bucy (Texas Tech University), Paul D'Angelo (The College of New Jersey)
Self-Defense or Self-Censorship? How Journalists Respond to Populist 
Attacks on the Media
Ayala Panievsky (University of Cambridge)

3:45-5:00pm Media and the fabric of democracy
Democratization and Civic Communication: Examining the Communication Mediation Model Under Various Trajectories of Democratization Porismita Borah (Washington State University), Matthew Barnidge (The University of Alabama), Hernando Rojas (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Understanding the ‘Logic of the Public’ in Contemporary Political 
Affairs Coverage
Sina Blassnig, Frank Esser (University of Zurich)

How social media use promotes political cynicism
Ariel Hasell, Brian Weeks (University of Michigan)

5:00pm Conclusions and farewell
Cristian Vaccari (Loughborough University, Editor-in-Chief of The International Journal of Press-Politics)
5:00-6:00pm Networking Meeting


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