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[Commlist] Nuart Journal Call for Papers: Issue V

Fri Jun 26 11:31:14 GMT 2020

*Nuart Journal Call for Papers*
*Issue V: Open Call *
*Deadline July 30 2020 *

Following the successful international launch of Issues I, II, III and IV of Nuart Journal, we are now calling for submissions for Issue V.
This is an open call, not restricted to any theme. However, we are 
interested in artistic forms of response and resistance in our current 
times; in the new challenges and inequities emerging from the impact of 
the pandemic; and in the productivity of unexpected alliances and new 
creative connections.
Artists and writers working in public space tend to respond immediately 
to political issues, and the art on our cities’ streets powerfully 
reflects both our communities’ anxieties about, and aspirations for, our 
collective future.
Nuart Journal is a peer reviewed journal that features provocative and 
critical writings on a range of topics relating to street art practice, 
graffiti, and urban art cultures. We accept submissions from a broad 
range of authors including cultural heritage workers, historians, 
critics, media, culture and communication studies scholars, cultural and 
human geographers, political theorists, anthropologists, ethnographers, 
sociologists, psychologists, criminologists, curators, artists, writers, 
taggers, anarchists, and out and out vandals.
*Submission Guidelines*
Full papers should be around 5000 words, inclusive of citations and bibliography.
Shorter submissions, including research notes, photo essays, and other 
visual submissions, book reviews, interviews, and opinion pieces are 
also welcome.
Please see prior issues of Nuart Journal for examples of visual and 
experimental submissions, and do contact the editorial team if you wish 
to discuss an alternative mode of submission.
Papers should follow Harvard referencing guidelines.
(editor /at/

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