Archive for calls, 2020

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[Commlist] cfp: Aoir Flashpoint Symposium 2020 Digital Transformations: Polarization, media manipulation and resistance

Fri Jan 24 16:19:34 GMT 2020


We have extended the deadline for submissions for the*#AOIR Flashpoint Symposium 2020*for*January 27th, 2020.*Submissions will be done through Easy Chair
*Digital Transformations: Polarization, media manipulation and resistance*

UNISINOS, Porto alegre, Brazil

This second Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) Flashpoint Symposium seeks to investigate the digital transformations regarding the issues of polarization, media manipulation and resistance in the Latin America Context.  It will be the first AoIR event to occur in South America, and will happen in*April 17th, 2020*, at Unisinos Porto Alegre.
The theme of the conference, “Digital Transformations: Polarization, 
media manipulation, and resistance”, seeks to discuss political 
polarization and media manipulation, focusing on their effects on young 
democracies of Latin American and Brazil in the context of digital 
transformations. Most Latin American countries, such as Brazil, Chile, 
and Argentina, have a history of several years of violent dictatorships. 
Much of these periods were marked by censorship and mass media 
manipulation. In recent years, social media brought the opportunity for 
people to organize themselves around political participation, offered 
them more information and the tools to make public demands directly to 
congressmen and congresswomen. However, social media have also played an 
important role in the crisis these young democracies face today, as it 
also provides a space for hate speech, intolerance, and extremization.  
At the same time, a myriad of social media practices that revolve around 
digital transformations and expressions promote different, positive 
agendas, covering a broad range of everyday activities, sociabilities 
and subjectivities in various platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, 
Instagram, etc.
The #AoIR Flashpoint Symposium 2020 welcomes contributions that address 
the themes above, including but not limited to the following questions:
How digital media impact polarization and democracy in Latin America?
How has digital media manipulation been involved in the recent elections in these countries and impacted political participation in these countries?
What forms of resistance come from these digital contexts?
What is resistance and how it can be connected to these questions?
Has social media been fueling political polarization?
How polarization impacts political conversation in these contexts?
How are these contexts connected to disinformation?
Instructions for submissions: Proposals for papers/posters should be in the form of an extended abstract with 1500 words containing title, the research question, theoretical background, methods and results. Submissions will go through a double-blind review, so please, send the archive anonymized. Information about the authors and affiliation should be in the email. Submissions will be recommended for (1) paper sections or (2) poster sections. There will be a special poster section for undergraduate students.
Submissions will be done through Easychair.

Submissions will be accepted in ENGLISH, PORTUGUESE or SPANISH. Presentations can also be done in ENGLISH, PORTUGUESE or SPANISH.
Submissions are due by*JANUARY 27 2020.*

All accepted abstracts will be published in digital format..

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