Archive for calls, 2020

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[Commlist] cfp - COMPTEXT 2020 - International and Interdisciplinary Conference on the Quantitative and Computational Analysis of Textual Data

Tue Jan 07 09:50:27 GMT 2020

The next International and Interdisciplinary Conference on the Quantitative and Computational Analysis of Textual Data (COMPTEXT) will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, on 15-16 May 2020.
COMPTEXT is an international community of quantitative text analysis 
scholars in political science, international relations, communication 
science and beyond. COMPTEXT is a legacy project of the 2018 POLTEXT 
Conference in Budapest (organized by Miklós SebÅ‘k) and the 2019 POLTEXT 
Conference in Tokyo (organized by Kohei Watanabe, Lisa Lechner and 
Miklós SebÅ‘k – for more information, see our official website at:  From 2020 the project continues on 
a new name, one that better reflects our approach.
We are seeking submissions which

* Address the complexity of research problems at the intersection of social sciences (particularly political science and international relations) and information technology
* Use computational methods in analyzing textual sources
* Adhere to a comparative approach to solving these problems, such as multi-lingual comparative analysis
We strongly encourage all scholars who employ quantitative text analysis 
methods to submit abstracts for presentation at the conference, but 
priority will be given to proposals which are  relevant to one or more 
of the abovementioned focus points.  We accept both substantive and 
methodological papers for presentation: substantive papers may be on any 
studies in social sciences or humanities that utilize quantitative text 
analysis; methodological papers may cover, but are not restricted to, 
word embeddings, topic models, different machine learning approaches, or 
sentiment analysis.
This year's conference theme is "Word Embeddings" and we are honored to 
confirm Arthur Spirling as our keynote speaker.
COMPTEXT conferences embrace interdisciplinary and diversity of 
participants, and we encourage PhD students and early career researchers 
to submit.
In keeping with our tradition, on 14 May, 2020 a tutorial day will be 
held for registered participants for a registration fee of EUR 30. 
Courses will be offered for both beginner and advanced level participants.
Submission of Paper Proposals:
Proposals, along with an abstract of 250 words and a few substantive and methods-related keywords, should be submitted via the submission form by 15 January 2020. Notifications of acceptance are due by 15 February, 2020. The registration deadline is 15 March, 2020. Full-length papers must be uploaded by 7 May, 2020.
The Organizing Committee consists of:

Lisa Lechner (University of Innsbruck – lead organizer)
James Cross (University College Dublin)
Olga Eisele (University of Vienna)
Christoph Ivanusch (University of Innsbruck)
Fabienne Lind (University of Vienna)
Miklós SebÅ‘k (Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest)
Thomas Walli (University of Innsbruck)
Kohei Watanabe (University of Innsbruck)

For more information, please visit our website: Questions related to Innsbruck 2020 should be directed to (innsbruck /at/ In case you have any questions with regards to the COMPTEXT project please contact us via (info /at/

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