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[Commlist] New Materialist Informatics 2021 conference

Thu Dec 05 09:12:26 GMT 2019

We are pleased to announce that the next new materialist conference will be taking place on 22 - 25 March 2021 here at the University of Kassel, organised by Gender/Diversity in Informatics Systems research group. The conference will be dedicated to exploring new materialist informatics.

Increasing technological advancements locate computing as a driving force of the 4th industrial revolution and as contributor to the 6th extinction. New materialist informatics highlights the inter- and intra-connectedness of computing, engineering and worldmaking, taking into account the material basis as well as the material consequences of informatics and emphasizing responsibilities of technological production.

We invite participants to investigate possible intersections between new materialism and informatics and ask how technopolitics and technoepistemologies can be reconfigured for these complex times. How can feminist new materialism and informatics be brought together in a way that helps build livable and sustainable technolifeworlds? What new perspectives with regards to contemporary crises might emerge at such intersection? What kind of conceptual and methodological tools are needed for new materialist informatics design and research?

New Materialist Informatics 2021 wishes to include and go beyond the new materialist readings of computing and computational artefacts, and generate innovative perspectives on how techno-worldings can be performed from a new materialist perspective.

We invite to approach these questions from the multiplicity of disciplinary perspectives, including humanities and social sciences, but also, and importantly so, design, engineering and computer science. We hope that Kassel, a home to the famous art show "documenta" and to the First Cyberfeminist International conference in 1997, will provide a venue to bring new materialist perspectives on informatics together in an invigorating and fruitful way.

More information will be available in due time.

If you have questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Claude Draude and Goda Klumbyte by email: (NMI2021 /at/

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