Archive for calls, October 2017

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[ecrea] CFP Transmedia Literacy International Conference

Wed Oct 11 23:25:41 GMT 2017

    Join us on March 22-24, 2018, for the Transmedia Literacy
    International Conference. This event brings together a vibrant and
    global community of media and education researchers and innovators.
    The conference is organized as a part of the dissemination
    activities of the TRANSLITERACY H2020 action, a project that
    involves researchers from Europe, Latin America and Australia.
    Beyond the paper sessions and the keynotes the Transmedia Literacy
    International Conference will include workshops and short
    presentations by education innovation leaders. The main objective of
    the conference is to share research outputs and practices around the
    following topics:

    Transmedia literacy
    Transmedia education
    Transmedia skills and informal learning strategies
    Media literacy
    Student-generated contents
    Collaborative cultures and education
    Fan cultures and education

    Transmedia Literacy International Conference will be held at the
    Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona, and will feature a series of
    workshops for teachers as well as two days of paper sessions and a
    special event around Transmedia Literacy. We hope you can join us!

    This event has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon
    2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 645238


    Proposals submission: October 31, 2017
    Notifications: December 15, 2017

    With accepted proposals: from December 15 to February 15, 2017
    Other participants: from February 16, 2017

    Keynote speakers

    David Buckingham – University of Loughborough (United Kingdom)
    Divina Frau-Meigs – Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (France)
    Julian Sefton-Green – Deakin University (UK – Australia)
    Heather Horst – The University of Sidney (Australia)
    Alejandro Piscitelli – Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
    Sonia Livingstone – London School of Economics (United Kingdom)
    Other keynote speakers will be confirmed as soon as possible.


    The Transmedia Literacy Conference will accept the following formats:

    Research Papers: participants must send research papers (extension:
    6,000 -8,000 words) before October 31, 2017. The Transmedia Literacy
    International Conference will accept proposals tailored to the
    diverse forms of research in the field of transmedia literacy,
    transmedia education, transmedia skills and informal learning
    strategies, media literacy, educommunication, student-generated
    contents, collaborative cultures and education, and fan cultures and
    Paper parallel sessions will be held on March 22 (afternoon) and
    March 23 (morning & afternoon).
    If you are interested in presenting a Research Paper, please fill
    and submit a proposal in English (download the Paper Guidelines) to
    the following email: (transliteracyconference /at/
    <mailto:(transliteracyconference /at/>, clearly indicating that is
    a Research Paper proposal in the subject. Please send a MS Word file
    (.doc, or .docx); do not send PDF documents.
    Conference proceedings will only include selected abstracts. Authors
    are free to submit their full papers to other publications.
    Deadline: October 31, 2017.

    Innovative Educational Practices: participants must send before
    October 31, 2017 an extended abstract (extension: 1,200-1,500 words)
    describing a real educational experience in primary/secondary
    schools involving transmedia storytelling, collaborative practices
    in social media, student-generated contents o any other
    educommunicational activity.
    Innovative educational practices sessions will be held on March 22
    (afternoon) and March 23 (morning & afternoon).
    If you are interested in presenting an Innovative Educational
    Practice, please fill and submit a proposal in English (download the
    specific guidelines here) to the following email:
    (transliteracyconference /at/
    <mailto:(transliteracyconference /at/>, clearly indicating that is
    an Innovative Educational Practice proposal in the subject. Please
    send a MS Word file (.doc, or .docx); do not send PDF documents.
    Deadline: October 31, 2017.

    Workshops: the Transmedia Literacy International Conference will
    accept a short number of workshops oriented to high-school
    teachers/professors. The workshops should be designed for short
    groups (no more than 20 people) and the duration should be 4 hours
    (240 minutes including a break); they could explore different uses
    and experiences around transmedia storytelling and collaborative
    cultures in the classroom.
    Workshops will be held on March 23 (morning & afternoon) and,
    eventually, on March 24 (morning).
    Workshops can be in English, Spanish or Catalan (Los talleres pueden
    ser en inglés, castellano o catalán / Els tallers poden ser en
    anglès, castellà o català).

    English: If you are interested in organizing a Workshop, please fill
    the following Workshop proposal (extension: 1,500-2,000 words)
    (download the specific guidelines here) and submit it to:
    (transliteracyconference /at/
    <mailto:(transliteracyconference /at/>, clearly indicating that is
    a Workshop proposal in the subject. Please send a MS Word file
    (.doc, or .docx); do not send PDF documents.
    Castellano: Si estás interesado en organizar un Taller, por favor
    completa la siguiente propuesta (descargar la guía) (extensión:
    1.500-2.000 palabras) y envíala a: (transliteracyconference /at/
    <mailto:(transliteracyconference /at/>, indicando claramente que
    es una propuesta de Taller. Por favor, envía un archivo MS Word
    (.doc o .docx); no envíes documentos PDF.
    Catalán: Si estàs interessat a organitzar un Taller, per favor
    completa la següent proposta (descarregar la guia) (extensió:
    1.500-2.000 paraules) i envia-la a: (transliteracyconference /at/
    <mailto:(transliteracyconference /at/>, indicant clarament que és
    una proposta de Taller. Per favor, envia un arxiu MS Word (.doc o
    .docx); no enviïs documents PDF.
    Deadline: October 31, 2017.

    PROGRAM OF THE CONFERENCE (work in progress)

    Thursday, March 22, 2018

    09.00 – 13.00   Registration
    10.00 – 13.00   Special opening event (live and streaming)
    13.00 – 14.30   Lunch
    14.30 – 15.30   Keynote conference
    15.30  – 16.00  Coffee Break
    16.00 – 18.00   Paper / Innovative Educational Practices Sessions
    Friday, March 23, 2017

    09.00 – 13.00   Registration
    09.30 – 10.30   Keynote conference
    10.30 – 11.00   Coffee Break
    11.00 – 13.00   Paper / Innovative Educational Practices Sessions
    13.00 – 14.30   Lunch
    14.30 – 15.30   Keynote conference
    15.30  – 16.00  Coffee Break
    16.00 – 18.00   Paper / Innovative Educational Practices Sessions /
    Saturday, March 24, 2017

    10.00 – 14.00   Workshops
    10.30 – 11.00   Coffee Break
    11.00 – 12.30   Teacher’s Kit presentation

    Important details

    This conference is supported by the TRANSLITERACY Project / H2020
    Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 645238.
    The registration is free and includes coffee breaks.
    Participants with accepted papers, innovative experiences or
    workshops will have priority for registration. The registration will
    then be opened to other participants.
    All conference rooms will be equipped with standard Wi-Fi broadband
    service, PC, Power Point / Adobe PDF software, AV projection, sound,
    and VGA adapters. We will not provide additional bandwidth capacity
    or provide other special equipment.

    Scientific Committee

    Carlos A. Scolari – Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain)
    Elisenda Ardévol –Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain)
    Rosalía Winocur – Universidad de la República (Uruguay)
    Gladys Ceretta – Universidad de la República (Uruguay)
    Sara Pereira – Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
    Raine Koskimaa – University of Jyväskylä (Finland)
    Rebecca Enyon – Oxford Internet Institute (United Kingdom)
    Simona Tirocchi – Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy)
    Carlos Barreneche – Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia)
    Gabriella Taddeo – Istituto Nazionale Documentazione Innovazione
    Ricerca Educativa (Italy)
    Heather Horst – University of Sidney (Australia)
    Sarah Pink – RMIT University (Australia)

    Organization Committee

    Carlos A. Scolari – Universitat Pompeu Fabra
    Maria-Jose Masanet – Universitat Pompeu Fabra
    Mar Guerrero-Pico – Universitat Pompeu Fabra
    María-José Establés – Universitat Pompeu Fabra
    Elisenda Ardèvol – Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
    Israel Márquez – Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
    Débora Lanzeni – Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
    Arnau Gifreu – Universitat de Vic
    Ruth Contreras – Universitat de Vic
    More information in

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