Archive for calls, June 2017

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[ecrea] CfP - International Symposium on Journalism in Multiplatform Environments

Fri Jun 16 22:54:02 GMT 2017


*_III International Symposium on Journalism in Multiplatform Environments_____*

*__ __**FIAM-FAAM University, São Paulo, Brazil / Laureate International Universities____*

*23-24 November, 2017____*

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*Abstract submission deadline:* August 14, 2017____

*Official languages:* Portuguese, English and Spanish____

*Organiser:* FIAM-FAAM | Professional Master of Science in Journalism____

*Partners:*   UFPB | Professional Master of Science in Journalism____

ESPM | Professional Master of Science in Journalism Production and Market____

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The *Professional Master of Science in Journalism* from *FIAM-FAAM University*, São Paulo, will hold the *3rd International Symposium on Journalism in Multiplatform Environments* between November 23^th and 24^th , 2017.____

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This year’s programming will focus on the journalism market and its expanding frontiers, as well as the changes that are brought to production languages by the demand for multiple platforms. We look forward to having, during the two days of the symposium, discussions that focus on the fact that we are currently working on shaking grounds with well established processes going through a rearranging and revision process.____

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In opening lecture, Dr. *Denis Ruellan* from the University of Paris-Sorbonne will deliver a talk on*“Contracts and work relations in journalism in the age of convergence**”*, which highlights the association between the recognized changes in Europe and Brazil. Other plenary sessions – *“State of the journalism labour market and new arrangements in production” *and *&ldq uo;Multiplatform and Mobility in Journalism: narratives, formats and strategies” *– are put together by members of the academy and the industry, including the Brazilian Research Network on Work and Identity of Journalists, to discuss ongoing changes in some depth. The aim of these presentations is to stimulate a response to the following core question: “How do the demands of multiplatform journalism environments reshape, reorganize and redefine ethics, techniques and esthetics of the profession?”____

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Those interested in joining the debate will be asked to send their proposal abstracts prioritizing the relation between *journalism in multiplatform environments, *the main focus of the event, with one or some the following aspects:____

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§Professional interfaces____

§Social media____

§World of work____

§Audiovisual production____

§Language and narratives____

§Mobile devices____

§Professional status and identity____

§Consumption and reception____


§Business models____

§Big data____

§Social interfaces____

§Alternative practices____

§Historic processes____


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The abstract should be between 800 and 1,200 words (or 5,000 to 8,000 characters) in length and must include the title, themes, aims, research methods, results/discussions and references (APA or ABNT standards). It is the authors’ choice whether to divide the text into topics or not.____

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In addition, authors must include a short bio and an email. Both sole and joint authorships will be accepted.____

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All entries will be evaluated by an international scientific committee and must follow the criteria for originality, relevance, suitable theory and methodology, in line with the symposium’s theme, clarity, coherence and adherence to academic norms.____

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Abstracts may be written in English, Portuguese or Spanish and must be sent by August 14^th , 2017 to the following e-mail address: (simposiomultiplataforma /at/ <mailto:(simposiomultiplataforma /at/>____

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*Final deadline for submission of abstracts____*


August 14^th , 2017____



September 4^th , 2017____



September 11^th  to November 13^th , 2017____

*The 3^rd International Symposium on Journalism on Multiplatform Environments____*

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November 23^rd  and 24^th , 2017____

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Both speaker and audience registration will be open after works have been accepted. A subsequent link will be released for this.____

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Alfredo Vizeu (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco)____

Allan Soljenítsin Barreto Rodrigues (Universidade Federal do Amazonas)____

An Nguyen (Bornemouth University)____

Antonio López Hidalgo (Universidad de Sevilla)____

Carlos Franciscato (Universidade Federal de Sergipe)____

Christoph Raetzsch (Freie Universität Berlin)____

Cristina Ponte (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)____

Eduardo Meditsch (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina)____

Fábio Malini (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo)____

Francisco Gilson Rebouças Pôrto Junior (Universidade Federal do Tocantins)____

Iluska Coutinho (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora)____

Kim Christian Schrøder (Roskilde Universitet)____

Marcos Paulo da Silva (Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul)____

Marialva Carlos Barbosa (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)____

Marli dos Santos (Universidade Metodista de São Paulo)____

Monica Martinez (Universidade de Socoraba))____

Nélia Del Bianco (Universidade de Brasília)____

Nicole Cohen (University of Toronto)____

Sérgio Luiz Gadini (Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa)____

Seth Lewis (University of Oregon)____



Pedro Nunes (Universidade Federal da Paraíba)____

Joana Belarmino (Universidade Federal da Paraíba )____

Fernando Firmino (Universidade Federal da Paraíba)____

Francisco de Assis (FIAM-FAAM)____

Rafael Grohmann (FIAM-FAAM)____

Gisely Hime (FIAM-FAAM)____

Maria Elisabete Antonioli (ESPM)____

Renato Essenfelder (ESPM)____

Egle Spinelli (ESPM)____

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Francisco de Assis (Chair)____

Rafael Grohmann (Vice-Chair)____

Gisely Hime (Coordinator of Presentations)____

Michelle Roxo de Oliveira (Coordinator of Brazilian Research Network on Work and Identity of Journalists)____

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Claudia Nonato, Edson Rossi, Juliana Doretto, Marcos Antonio Zibordi, Vicente William da Silva Darde, Rômulo Cabrera, Emílio Coutinho____

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