Archive for calls, February 2011

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[ecrea] Call for papers - Quaderns del CAC, issue 37, December 2011

Tue Feb 22 13:38:02 GMT 2011

Call for papers - Quaderns del CAC, issue 37, December 2011

** Deadline for submission: July 1st, 2011 **

The half-yearly journal Quaderns del CAC invites researchers on =
audiovisual media studies to publish their top-quality works in our =
journal. Quaderns del CAC welcomes multidisciplinary approaches to the =
field of audiovisual communication and culture from social, political, =
legal, economic, humanistic or technologycal perspectives. Besides, it =
gives a special attention, in the framework of the European and =
international investigation, to those works dealing with geographic and =
subject areas close to the Catalan Audiovisual Council (CAC).

Submitted papers should not have been previoulsy published or be =
currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. All papers are =
refereed through a double-blind peer review process. The Journal will =
provide the authors with the positive or negative result of the review =
within one month and a half after the submission of the article.=20


Articles should be sent to (quadernsdelcac /at/

Deadline for submission: July 1st, 2011


Quaderns del CAC it's edited in Catalan (paper) and in Catalan, English =
and Spanish (online). The last issue is devoted to proximity and local =
communication and television, with Jes=FAs Martin Barbero as invited =

Submission guidelines  =

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