Archive for calls, February 2011

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[ecrea] Call For Papers - Austerity Cultures/Cultures of Austerity: Reactions to the Erosion of Critical Spaces

Thu Feb 17 18:21:36 GMT 2011


Austere Cultures, Cultures of Austerity: Reactions to the Erosion of Critical Spaces

8-9 September 2011

School of Cultural Studies, Leeds Metropolitan University

Key note speakers: Professor Griselda Pollock (University of Leeds); Dr Rebecca Bramall (University of Brighton)

Picture this: an internationally renowned art historian, barefoot and on her knees, scrabbles amongst piles of books in an attempt to salvage a valuable collection about to be pulped because of lack of space; a distinguished sociologist shreds papers from his now defunct role and department whilst university management ?suits? scurry past him; Conservative Party Headquarters are ?stormed? in the most ardent expression of student dissent for decades. Such images speak to the prevailing cultural zeitgeist of austerity.

In this culture of austerity no area of higher education is immune, however, it is the ?luxury? of the arts, humanities and social sciences that is perceived as no longer affordable. Arguably, these repositories of critical inquiry are the first spaces to be eroded. Yet, paradoxically, the discourses surrounding austerity are also provoking debate, resistance and creativity across the cultural spectrum. Austere times, then, may engender a critical abundance that reshapes relationships between theoretical analysis, political activism and cultural production.

The aim of this conference is to provide an interdisciplinary space for countering and challenging the erosion of critical thought. We invite interventions/papers ? from both inside and outside the academy ? which interrogate discourses of austerity around the following themes:

Aesthetics and Ascetics
Cultures of Impoverishment
Environmentalism and Austerity
Critical and Cultural Histories of Austerity
Geographies of Austerity
Sociologies of Austerity
Literatures of Austerity
Material and Visual Cultures of Austerity
Popular Culture and Austerity
Activism and Austerity
Political Cultures in Austere Times
Austerity of Knowledge
Austerity and Regionality/Localism

We encourage the submission of proposals for both individual papers as well as for panels. Abstracts for individual papers should be no longer than 200 words. Panel proposals no more than 700 words, and should include a panel rationale along with individual abstracts. Abstracts should be sent to <mailto:(d.llinares /at/>(d.llinares /at/ by 15 April 2011. The conference is being organised by Dr Dario Llinares (Leeds Metropolitan University), Dr Zoë Thompson (University of Bradford), and Dr Fiona Philip (University of Leeds).


Dr. Dario Llinares

School of Cultural Studies. BPA 120
Broadcasting Place.
Leeds Metropolitan University

Mobile: 07903028894

Email: (d.llinares /at/
Visit my website at: <>

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
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European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/
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