Archive for calls, February 2011

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[ecrea] Call For Papers Extended Deadline: Journeys Across Media 2011]

Tue Feb 15 13:30:48 GMT 2011

Journeys Across Media 2011
Friday 6th May 2011


Journeys Across Media (JAM) 2011 is the 9th annual international
conference for postgraduate students, organized by postgraduates working
in the Department of Film, Theatre & Television at the University of
Reading. Itprovides a discussion forum for current and developing research
in film, theatre, television and new media. Previous delegates have
welcomed the opportunity to gain experience of presenting their work at
different stages of development in the active, friendly and supportive
research environment of Film, Theatre & Television at the University of
Reading. This year JAM will be guest-editing the Autumn issue of
Intellectâ??s Journal of Media Practiceand in 2012 an associated journal
to the conference will be launched, providing further opportunities for
new researchers to publish their work and interact with established
Non-presenting delegates are also very welcome; their work, should they
wish to submit it to the organising committee, will be considered for the

JAM 2011 will take place in the brand new building of the Film, Theatre &
Television department, at the heart of Whiteknights campus. For further
details, visit:

The 9th JAM conference seeks to address issues of space in performance,
media and wider society and instigate discussions about space across
disciplines, practices and fields of research.

Space in performance and media is constantly shifting. Emerging
technologies and new models of physical spaces have radically shaped our
conceptions and experiences of performing, the world and our performing
within that world. Artistic experimentation in live performance tests and
contests space as a neutral/political/liminal/active zone. Through
innovative spatial delineations and/or site specific work, contemporary
theatre and performance challenge conventions of text and space,
performance and institution, and performance and audience. Issues of space
are increasingly central to performance studies and the experience of live
performance. The growing popularity of companies such as Secret Cinema,
reflect the importance of the exhibition site for cinema and possibilities
for cross-media events. The organisation and handling of space on screen
can reveal the conceptual reality of a time, rather than just function as
background. Studies of the cinematic screen continue to focus on
ideological articulations through oppositions, such as
on-screen/off-screen space, interior/exterior, centre/periphery,
inclusion/exclusion in space. Meanwhile, televisual spaces continue to
change both in terms of on-screen representation and how the television as
an object inhabits space, particularly in relation to its online
dissemination and the proliferation of products which facilitate its

This is a call for postgraduates engaging in contemporary discourses
around space to submit papers for the JAM 2011 conference; topics may
include, but are not restricted to:

Cross-disciplinary/inter-disciplinary spaces
National/International space; Globalisation
Centrality â?? Marginality of/in space
Gendered spaces
Space and memory
Critical masses (people in space)
Space as a character
Time and Space in performance
 Architecture and performance
Immersion and illusion in contemporary performance spaces
Space in Contemporary art
Ownership and accountability
Ontology of space

CALL FOR PAPERS, extended deadline: Friday 4th March 2011

Deadline for Registration: Friday 8th April 2011

Please send a 250-word abstract and a 50-word biographical note for a
fifteen-minute paper to Amanda Beauchamp, Tonia Kazakopoulou, Becki
Hillman, Martin Oâ??Brien and James Rattee, at (jam2011 /at/
Proposals for practice-as-research presentations/performances are warmly
invited; these have to conform to the 15-minute format.

A limited number of travel bursaries may be available by the department
and JAM Conference 2011; please fill in the relevant section on the
registration form if you wish to apply. For further details and
registration forms please visit the conference website:

We would appreciate the distribution of this call for papers and wider
promotion of this conference through your networks. Journeys Across Media
is supported by the Standing Committee of University Drama Departments
(SCUDD) and the Graduate School in Arts and Humanities, University of

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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