Archive for calls, February 2011

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[ecrea] 16th annual international conference of the Arab-US Association of Communication Educators (AUSACE)

Sat Feb 12 11:26:57 GMT 2011

Call for Papers, Panels, Poster Presentations:=20

The Media Program at the American University of Beirut is delighted to host=
 the 16th annual international conference of the Arab-US Association of Com=
munication Educators (AUSACE), October 28-31, 2011. This year=92s Conferenc=
e theme is Digital and Media Literacy: New Directions.

Mobile phones, blogs, online social networks, wikis, user-generated news, a=
nd a plethora of ubiquitous digital media have facilitated access to inform=
ation; allowed people from around the globe to connect; offered enormous po=
tential for communication about, from, and among civil society groups, demo=
cracy advocates, and political activists; and presented new possibilities f=
or national development projects and political change.

But the potential of digital media diffusion cannot be realized if people l=
ack the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media content. Inc=
reasingly, digital literacy and media literacy are viewed as agents for the=
 acquisition of such skills and knowledge, and as essential components for =
all levels of education and every member of society.

Integrating digital and media literacy into educational curricula and publi=
c agendas will help ensure citizens, groups, and institutions are equipped =
with the essential analytical and communications skills required for succes=
s in the 21st century.

AUSACE 2011 conference participants are encouraged to interpret this year=
=92s theme broadly to include new directions for media education, for natio=
nal development, for democracy, for civil society, and for global engagemen=
t. Topics relating to the current events in the Arab world are especially e=

Abstract submissions for research papers, panels, and poster presentations =
are now open.
For details on how to submit please visit the official conference website: =

Deadline for abstract submission is April 15, 2011

For questions and to be added to the official conference email list, please=
 email: (ausace2011 /at/

AUSACE is an organization dedicated to the advancement of Arab-U.S. relatio=
ns among communication educators and media professionals. AUSACE conference=
s bring together communication scholars from all around the world to discus=
s local, national and global issues related to the field.=20


AUSACE 2011 Conference Chair
Jad Melki, Ph.D.

Asst. Professor of Journalism and Media Studies
Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
American University of Beirut
Beirut, Lebanon
+961-1-350-000 Ext. 4380 (Office)
(jm39 /at/

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/
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