Archive for calls, February 2011

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[ecrea] cfp merzWissenschaft

Fri Feb 04 14:20:11 GMT 2011

merzWissenschaft | medien + erziehung
call for papers 2011

Topic: Media and Health Promotion

Responsible editorial team: Dr. Claudia Lampert (Hans-Bredow-Institut) and the merzWissenschaft (JFF) editorial department

The importance of promoting good health amongst children and adolescents is the focus of the 13th Children and Adolescents Report published by the Federal Government of Germany. Health promotion in this context is about upgrading those resources and capacities that are essential in order for children and adolescents to lead a full and healthy life, and that promote their social, psychological, and physical well-being. They therefore also form an important basis for a successful stay in education. Health promotion is worded here as a task for society as a whole. The question of whether the media have an important role to play in this context is a one which is discussed time and again, and not without some controversy. On the one hand there are those of the opinion that the media can play a positive role in fostering health promotion. On the other hand, there are those who believe that certain media content, or the use of media itself is detrimental to the physical and mental well-being of children and adolescents. The media are credited with a high level of influence which is, however, as complex as the media themselves, and their importance within the lives of children and adolescents. Furthermore, the term health as used in this context is complex, as it refers to physical, psychological, and social well-being, and not just in the short-term. Correspondingly, the discussion on the topics of Media and Health is widely diversified. On the negative side, themes range from advertising for unhealthy products (stimulants, and addictive drugs), or the glorification of unhealthy attitudes and behaviors on internet forums (anorexia and suicide sites etc.), to physical inactivity and social deprivation caused by media overuse, through to excessive, addiction-like forms of media use. On the positive side, albeit less well perceived by the public, the spectrum ranges from large-scale health campaigns, motion pictures and television series with a focus on health and sickness, onlineconsultation facilities, through to computer and video games that help sick children in coping with their illness or the treatment they are receiving.

merzWissenschaft seeks to backing up the discussion with the provision of qualified, international papers from different relevant disciplines. The kind of papers sought include those which: ? refer to the use and processing of health-related media content in different media structures and media types, and which take the perspective of children and adolescents into account. ? address health-related consequences of media use and their conditions, such as for example effects of media overuse, or the use of media types that may foster health promotional behavior (e. g. exergames). ? investigate the possibilities of educational media tools in terms of the use and effect of healthrelated media.


The papers sought
? are based on empirical or theoretical research,
? offer new knowledge, aspects or approaches to the subject, and
? have not been published elsewhere.
In the first instance interested authors are asked to submit an abstract of no more than 4.000 signs (spaces included) by February 21 st 2011. Please ensure that the papers follow the merzWissenschaft layout guidelines in terms of their form - these are available at (-> über merz -> für autoren).

Deadlines Overview
21st February 2011: Submission of abstracts to (merz /at/
14th March 2011: Decision on acceptation/rejection of the abstracts
27th June 2011: Submission of papers
27th June - 25th July 2011: Peer review
August/September 2011: Revision Period (several phases if needed)
Final submission: 26th September 2011

merzRedaktion, Pfälzer-Wald-Straße 64, D-81539 München, (merz /at/
For further information please contact Susanne Eggert, Tel. +49.89.68989.120
Dr. Susanne Eggert
merz - Zeitschrift für Medien und Erziehung
Pfälzer-Wald-Str. 64
81539 München

fon: 089/68989-120
fax: 089/68989-111


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