Archive for calls, February 2011

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[ecrea] 2nd WCSA CONFERENCE CALL FOR PAPERS, Palermo , Italy, Sept 26-272011

Thu Feb 03 20:36:46 GMT 2011

Palermo, Italy, September 26th and 27th 2011

Aula Magna "Vincenzo Li Donni" - Facoltà di Economia - Università degli Studi di Palermo - viale delle Scienze ed/building .13.


WCSA Scientific Director: Andrea Pitasi(<> WCSA Conference Program Chair (CPC): Gandolfo Dominici (<>
WCSA Assistants to the CPC: Federica Palumbo and Roberta Tedeschi


-Giuseppe Acocella, CNEL Vice President and Rector of the S.Pius V University, Rome, Italy
-Alexander Riegler, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
-Gabriel Altmann, Universitaet Bochum, Germany
-Alberto Febbrajo, University of Macerata, Italy
-Marcelo Amaral, Triple Helix International Instituite, Madrid, Spain
-Pierpaolo  Donati, University of Bologna
-Dario Rodriguez Mansilla, Universidad Catolica de Santiago, Chile
-Felix Ortega, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
-Giancarlo Guarino, Frederick II University, Naples, Italy
-Loet Leydesdorff , Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Giovanbattista Cavazzuti, Modena and Reggio Emilia University, Italy
-Albert Laszlo Barabasi, Notre Dame University, USA
-Sherry Ferguson, University of Ottawa, Canada
-Lucio d'Alessandro, Pro-rector and Dean of the Education and Training Faculty, Suor Orsola Benincasa University, Naples, Italy
-Sebastiano Bagnara, Sassari-Alghero University, Italy
-Ervin Laszlo, Recipient of the 2010 WCSA MEDAL

The aim and topic of the conference is to focus on the epistemological theoretical, methodological, technical and practical contributions of the systemic approach throughout each disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspective rooted in the systemic approach (sociology, management, engineering, biology, economics, mathematics, etc.) to shape a scientific and policy agenda to face the energy challenges of our times on a global scale.

The official language of the conference is English and the conference structure is articulated into four panels each one lasting 3 hours divided among the panel Chairperson and the speakers (maximum10 per panel, about 20 minutes per presentation so that the panel time allows both the chairperson comments and a ?round-table debate? among the speakers and with the public) All the speakers of the WCSA conference have to be WCSA members. It will be possible to Join WCSA as a member directly at the membership desk outside the conference room.

The conference will be structured into four panels:
1-Sept. 26th: 10 am -1 pm Panel I - System Theory and Energy Agenda;
2-Sept. 26th: 2 pm -6 pm, Panel II - A Systemic Toolkit in the Knowledge Based World Society to Face the Energy Challenges; 3-Sept. 27th: 10 am- 1pm: Panel III - Systemic Approaches to Mass Media and Public Opinion Sense-making about Energy Matters; 4-Sept. 27th: 2 pm -6 pm: Panel IV - Business and Politics Strategies about Energy in a Systemic Perspective.

Conference Proceedings:
Submission: abstract of  maximum 900 words

Deadline: May 21st, 2011.

Feedback from the CPC: within June 15th , 2011

The deadline for the submission of the complete paper (maximum 20 single spaced pages) to the CPC will be November 30th, 2011 (the publication of the proceedings will follow the conference).

The abstracts in word or pdf files have to be sent to prof. Gandolfo Dominici CPC- specifying in the email subject "WCSA 2011 SUBMISSION"- at this email: <mailto:(wcsa-palermo-2011 /at/>(wcsa-palermo-2011 /at/

The abstract will include:

- the name and last name of the speaker(s)

- his/her/their academic affiliation(s)

- contact info (in case of more authors, please specify the corresponding author)

- the title of the abstract.

Announcement of the Official Conference Program: within July 15th 2011

Gandolfo Dominici, PhD
Assistant professor of Business Management

Adjunct professor of  Marketing
Facoltà di Economia
Università di Palermo
Prof.Andrea Pitasi
Tenured Associate of Legal Systems and Social Complexity
Gabriele d'Annunzio University
Scientific Director and Co Founder of the World Complexity Science Academy (WCSA <>
facebook: andrea.pitasi


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