Archive for calls, June 2010

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[ecrea] NERFS Conference 15th June

Thu Jun 10 20:47:15 GMT 2010

>The School of Arts and Social Sciences at Northumbria University is 
>hosting the NERFS (North East Regional Film Seminar) conference on 
>Tuesday 15th June 2010. The purpose of this event is to showcase the 
>range of scholarship on film across the North East of England. 
>Speakers will be in attendance from Northumbria, Newcastle, Durham, 
>Sunderland, Teesside and York universities. There will be six 
>panels, on the themes of British Cinema, National Cinemas, Gender 
>and Performance, Hollywood Cinema, Television, and Contemporary Cinema.
>The conference takes places in the Lipman Building, Northumbria 
>University, between 9.30am and 4.30pm.  It is open to all, and 
>attendance is free.
>To register for the conference, or to request a copy of the 
>programme and abstracts, please email (james.leggott /at/
>James Leggott
>Lecturer in Film and Television
>Northumbria University

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