Archive for calls, June 2010

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[ecrea] conference Russian magazines and new media culture in Russia

Wed Jun 09 09:51:42 GMT 2010

>Call for papers
>Russian magazines and new media culture in Russia
>Conference in Moscow, Faculty of Journalism, 30 September =E2=80=93 1 Octobe=
>r 2010
>Organised by Aleksanteri-Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland, and
>Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University, Russia
>Languages: English and Russian (without translation), most likely the =20
>first day will be in English and second day in Russian.
>Deadline for abstracts is 30 June 2010. Send an abstract (max. 500 =20
>words in English or in Russian) to jukka.pietilainen (at)
>Complete papers should be sent before 15 September 2010.
>The organisers are planning to invite 1-2 international keynote =20
>speakers. All suggestions on keynote speakers are welcome.
>The Russian magazines market is in constant change and turmoil, and so =20
>this market is usually thought of as unsaturated, and there is still =20
>place for new magazines. New magazines, based on Western formats, are =20
>been launched almost every month and they usually turn out to be =20
>successful. On the other hand, there is no complete data on the =20
>unsuccessful magazine projects, which have been closed. Westernisation =20
>is clearly visible in the magazine market; especially premium class =20
>celebrity magazines about life of stars, glossy magazines for women =20
>and economic magazines have followed Western models. The whole concept =20
>of glossy magazines (glyantsevye zhurnaly) has a special flavour of =20
>affluent life style and consumerism in urbanised part of Russia.
>Magazines and their success in the market is one of the key elements =20
>in understanding the media landscape in contemporary Russia, and in =20
>foreseeing its development in the future. Their success is caused by =20
>diversification of content and price. They have been targeted at =20
>different strata and generations having different interests and levels =20
>of consumption. Thus, the poor part of population has its magazines =20
>serving as reliable advisers in questions of survival (dacha, kitchen, =20
>people=E2=80=99s medicine) and enjoying life (celebrity), whereas well-to-do=
>  =20
>families and youth aimed at the success choose magazines promoting its =20
>search for self-identification and self-fulfilment (fashion, design, =20
>travel, business).
>Magazines have been more clearly targeted at the growing middle-class =20
>population than any other media and their circulation is increasing, =20
>while the circulation of newspapers is declining. Competition between =20
>magazines is intense. Magazines have generally remained independent of =20
>the political power struggle.
>The conference presents the results of a research project "Success =20
>factors of Russian magazines" funded by Helsingin Sanomat Foundation =20
>and invites for further co-operation among scholars interested in =20
>magazines. The selected papers of the conference will be published in =20
>an edited volume.
>Jukka Pietil=C3=A4inen
>Tutkija / Researcher / Esploristo
>00014 Helsingin yliopisto
>Puh./ Tel. (+358 9) 1912 3648
>jukka.pietilainen (a)

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