Archive for calls, June 2009

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[ecrea] cfp The pragmatic study of language and the challenge of poststructuralism

Mon Jun 15 13:43:08 GMT 2009

Pragmatics ? Call for Papers ? Special issue on ?The pragmatic study of language and the challenge of poststructuralism?

Call for papers

The fields of study labelled under the headers of post-structuralism and pragmatics are hard to distinguish from each other in disciplinary terms. The poststructuralist insights from theorists such as Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Jacques Lacan, Gilles Deleuze, Judith Butler, Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, have proliferated throughout the humanities in fields as diverse as linguistics, anthropology, geography, sociology, and political philosophy. The same can be said of a variety of approaches which fall under the category of pragmatics. These stem from a number of formative traditions which include the Wittgensteinian programme that resonates in speech act theory (e.g. John Austin, John Searle), in works on the logic of conversation (e.g. Grice), in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, in psycholinguistics, in the French school of enunciation theory and in social theory (Harold Garfinkel, Erving Goffman, Jürgen Habermas, Niklas Luhmann). Both pragmatics and poststructuralist thought consider meaning as the unstable product of social and discursive practices. Yet, there is a great deal of discussion on what these perspectives mean and on what kind of theoretical and methodological practices are indexed by them. As with any over-coded, over-determined, and politicized signifier, it is highly unlikely that one definition will provide a definitive answer or hegemony that fixes any one meaning once for all. Given that both pragmatics and post-structuralism stress the reflexivity, heterogeneity and contingence of meaning production, we want to explore the common ground for a dialogue between the traditions under investigation. It is the aim of this special issue to provide a platform for the historical, theoretical, methodological, empirical and political points of exchange. While all of the contributions to this special issue of Pragmatics focus on the historical, the theoretical, the methodological and/or the empirical implications of a (re)articulation of pragmatic and poststructuralist authors and perspectives, we would especially welcome contributions which apply theoretical insights to empirical objects.

Bionotes of the initiators of this call for papers

Jan Zienkowski

Jan Zienkowski is currently employed at the Department of Linguistics at the University of Antwerp. He is working on a Phd dissertation wherein he aims to analyze evolving political identities in the Moroccan community of Antwerp by means of an approach which rearticulates linguistic pragmatic and poststructuralist insights. He was previously assigned as lector at the Erasmus Hogeschool Brussel where he taught communication studies, communication research and media sociology. Contact information: institutional address Rodestraat 14 S.R.217, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium; telephone ++32 (0)494.716.661; fax number ++32 (0)3.220.4570; e-mail <mailto:(jan.zienkowski /at/>(jan.zienkowski /at/

Johannes Angermüller

Johannes Angermüller is Assistant Professor at the University of Magdeburg. In 2003, he obtained his PhD from the Universities of Paris 12 and Magdeburg. Since 2006 he has coordinated the German-language network MeMeDa (?Methodologies and methods of discourse analysis?, see His publications include After Structuralism. The Discourse of Theory and the Intellectual Field in France (2007 in German, to come out in English and French in 2009). More information: Contact information: institutional address Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg Institut für Soziologie; telephone +4916097623314 (cell.); e-mail <mailto:(jan.zienkowski /at/>(johannes.angermueller /at/


Authors who are interested in writing a publication that falls within the scope of this call for papers may fill out the form at <> . The form will automatically be mailed to Johannes Angermueller (<mailto:(johannes.angermueller /at/>(johannes.angermueller /at/ and to Jan Zienkowski (<mailto:(jan.zienkowski /at/>(jan.zienkowski /at/ The bionote should include some information on previous work and on current research interests. The deadline for sending in abstracts is Oktober, 1, 2009. The decision for admission will not be taken on the basis of the abstracts. This decision will be taken in a peer-reviewed process. The first deadline is just to give a feedback to those who wish to have some thematic orientation before writing up their papers. It is not obligatory to send in any abstract before you send in your paper

The deadline for the actual papers is May, 31, 2010. Please follow the guidelines of the style sheet for contributions to Pragmatics included below. The papers should be sent in two-fold to Johannes Angermueller (<mailto:(johannes.angermueller /at/>(johannes.angermueller /at/ and to Jan Zienkowski (<mailto:(jan.zienkowski /at/>(jan.zienkowski /at/ The collected articles will be sent to Pragmatics for a peer review. The refereeing process usually takes between two and four months after which feedback will be given to the individual contributors. The remainder of the process is matter of weeks. The publication of this special issue on poststructualism and the pragmatic study of language will take place as soon as there is room for publication in Pragmatics, preferrably at the end of 2010. Additional information on the journal Pragmatics: quarterly publication of the International Pragmatics Association can be consulted at the Ipra (International Pragmatics Association) website: <*HOME&n=1267>*HOME&n=1267 .

Style sheet for the journal Pragmatics

<*HOME&n=1269&ct=1142&e=1459>Style sheet for PRAGMATICS: Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association

PRAGMATICS is a peer-reviewed journal. Please allow for two to four months for full processing.

In preparing the manuscript for publication, follow the conventions below as closely as possible. Offprints are not provided, but a pdf-file of the published text can be made available.

1. E-versions should contain minimal formatting; avoid all sophisticated and personalized text processing!

2. Use the following format:
   * font: Times New Roman pt 12
   * single spacing
   * do not number the pages
   * the title is followed by an abstract and a number of key words
   * the right margin should be fully justified
* all sections and subsections in the text should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1. / 1.1. / 1.1.1.; preferably no distinctions beyond three digits); different font types should be used for section titles at the different levels:
   * 1. Bold roman
   * 1.1. Number in bold roman but title in bold italic
   * 1.1.1. Number in roman but title in italic
* section titles should be preceded by two blank lines and followed by one blank line * do not use extra white space between paragraphs; rather, indent all paragraphs except for the first one of each new section
   * drawings, tables, figures should be integrated in the text
* quotations should be given between double quotation marks; longer quotes should be indented and set apart from the main body of the text by leaving one blank line before and after; they may also be printed in a smaller font size (point 10)

3. Words or phrases in languages other than the language of the article (usually, but not necessarily always English) should be underlined or (preferably) in italics and accompanied by a translation between single quotes. E.g., omukazi ?woman.?

4. Examples should be numbered with Arabic numerals between parentheses and set apart from the main body of the text by leaving spaces before and after. They may or may not be indented. For long examples a smaller font size (point 10) may be used. Examples from languages other than the language of the article should be underlined or (preferably) in italics, and they should be accompanied by a translation between single quotes and, if necessary, by a word-by-word gloss as well. E.g.:

(6)   Non lo so
        ?I don't know?
(7) !ou ke fa!amaalie atu
        I TNS make-agree DX
        ?I apologize (to you)?

Any abbreviations in the glosses should be listed and explained in a note or appendix. (E.g: TNS = tense/aspect marker; DX = deictic particle.) Excerpts from transcripts of conversations should also be numbered, as well as individual lines ) if necessary. Explain transcription conventions (in a note or appendix) or refer to a well-known and authoritative source. E.g.:

(9) ("People scare me" -- Staron 1976)
1 A: Have you ever had any other experiences lately that made you more afraid?
2 F: um (.2) well ) nothing like stuff like that, but jus' like my litt sister would hide
3 ?n scare me

5. References should directly follow the text (do not start a new page!), entitled References (left justified), and printed in a smaller font size (point 10). Alphabetize by author's last name, adding postscripted a, b, etc. to the date of publication for two or more publications by the same author in the same year; e.g.: Gumperz (1982a), Gumperz (1982b). Titles of articles and books should only have the first word capitalized (and words for which the spelling rules of the language in question require capitalization), all other words in lower case. Titles of books and journals should be underlined or (preferably) italicized. E.g.:

Grice, H. Paul (1975) Logic and conversation. In P.Cole & J.L. Morgan (eds.), Syntax and semantics, vol 3: Speech acts. New York: Academic Press, 41-58. Labov, William (1972a) Language in the inner city: Studies in the Black Vernacular. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Labov, William (1972b) Sociolinguistic patterns. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Sacks, H., Schegloff, E.A., Jefferson, G. (1974) A simplest systematics for the organization of turn taking in conversation. Language 50: 697-735.

6. Use footnotes rather than endnotes. Reference to notes in the text should be given with a superscripted Arabic numeral.

Information on the journal Pragmatics: quarterly publication of the International Pragmatics Association (Ipra)

PRAGMATICS is a peer-reviewed publication. Reviewers are mainly, but not exclusively, members of the IPrA Consultation Board and members of the Editorial Board (see below). Articles are indexed and/or abstracted in
   * the MLA International Bibliography
   * (from volume 15, 2005) in Elsevier Bibliographic Databases
* and ( from volume 18, 2008) in ISI Web of Knowledge (Institute for Scientific Information, Thomsen):
       * Social Sciences Citation Index
       * Social Research
       * Arts and Humanities Citation Index
       * Journal Citation Reports / Social Sciences Edition

PRAGMATICS is the Association's quarterly publication. In addition to regular peer-reviewed scientific articles, it also contains a bulletin section with book notices, and occasional announcements. It is available to libraries and institutions, and it reaches all of IPrA's individual members (on average 1400) directly. It is not a commercial publication, which has two major advantages: * it does not build up a serious backlog, so that articles can be published relatively quickly upon acceptance; when too many manuscripts come in, they are passed on to other journals * it also reaches a significant number of non-paying members directly in countries with serious currency restrictions, as a minor remedy against the information gap

Four issues are published every calendar year, due in March, June, September, and December. Every annual volume counts roughly 600 pp. ISSN: 1018-2101

The journal is currently edited by:
* Adriana Bolívar, Apartado 47075, Los Chaguaramos, 1041-A Caracas, Venezuela; e-mail abolivar [at] * Charles Briggs, Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0528, USA; fax: 1-858-5347175; e-mail: clbriggs [at] * Walter De Mulder, Université d'Artois, Centre de Recherche/Grammatica, 9 rue du Temple, BP 665, Arras Cedex 62030, France; e-mail: walter.demulder [at] * Helmut Gruber, University of Vienna, Department of Linguistics, Berggasse 11, A-1090 Vienna, Austria; e-mail: helmut.k.gruber [at] * Sophia Marmaridou , Dept. of Language and Linguistics, Fac. of English, University of Athens, University Campus Zografou, GR 157 84 Greece; e-mail: smarmari [at] * Editor-in-Chief Gunter Senft, Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics, PB 310, NL-6500 AH Nijmegen, The Netherlands; e-mail gunter [at]

Editorial Board

Jannis Androutsopoulos (London), Peter Auer (Freiburg), Richard Bauman (Bloomington, Indiana), Carol Berkenkotter (Minneapolis), Piotr Cap (Lodz), Louise Cummings (Nottingham), Frances D. Erlich (Caracas), Martina Faller (Manchester), Irene Fonte (Ottawa), Ad Foolen (Nijmegen), Luisa Granato (La Plata, Argentina), Marianne Gullberg (Nijmegen), Elly Ifantidou (Athens), Konstanze Jungbluth (Frankfurt/Oder), Kuniyoshi Kataoka (Aichi, Japan), Maria Sifianou (Athens), Ken Turner (Brighton), Angeliki Tzanne (Athens), Rodney Williamson (Ottawa), Ruth Wodak (Lancaster)
Additional information

Additional information on the journal Pragmatics can be found at <*HOME&n=1267>*HOME&n=1267 .

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
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European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/
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