Archive for calls, 2007

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[ecrea] NordMedia2007, Second Call for Papers

Mon Apr 02 17:28:31 GMT 2007

>Helsinki, Finland 16.-19.8.
>Second call for abstracts
>18th Nordic conference for media and communication research welcomes all
>media and communication researchers and PhD-students to Helsinki.
>Conference theme Generations, Communication and Media Philosophy will be
>discussed in plenary sessions and panel discussions.
>On Thursday at the opening session, keynote speaker is Joseph D.
>Straubhaar (University of Texas) under the title Global, Hybrid or
>Multiple? Media Flows and Identities in the Age of Satellite TV and
>the Internet. On Sunday there are three keynote speakers Marit Benthe
>Norheim, Chariclia Gounaris and Mike Sandbothe (Nomad Academy
>Copenhagen) under the title Social Arts of the Body: Pragmatist Media
>Philosophy in Action!
>More information on keynote speakers:
>On Saturday afternoon, there are two panel discussions:
>- Media, economy and democracy
>- Culture and media technology
>More information see program.
>There will be 24 working groups. Groups provide a forum for discussions
>on conference theme and all current and interesting topics for media and
>communication research.
>The working groups are:
>2. Mediernas struktur och ekonomi / Structure and Economy of the Media
>3. Medialisering av religion och kultur / Mediatization of Religion
>and Culture
>4. Mediehistoria / Media History
>5. Filmhistoria / Film History
>6. TV:institusjon, produksjon og tekst / TV: Institution, Production and Text
>7. Radio och andra ljudmedier / Radio and Other Sound Media
>8. Politisk kommunikation / Political Communication
>9. Mediebruk: perspektiv, metoder och teori / Media Use, Perspective,
>Method and Theory
>10. Barn, ungdom och media / Children, Youth and Media
>11. Medier, IKT og Læring / Media, ICT and Learning
>12. Film- og TV-fiksjon / Fiction in Film and Television
>13. Strategisk kommunikation / Public Relations
>14. Medier, risk- och kriskommunikation samt krishantering / The
>Media, Risk- and Crisis Communication, and Crisis Management
>15. Digital tekst: genre, form och process / Digital Text, Genre, Form
>and Process
>16. Journalistikforskning / Research in Journalism
>17. Medie- och kommunikationsteori: forskning och discipliner  / Media
>and Communication Theory: Research and Discipline
>18. Medier i det mångetniska samhället / Media in the Multiethnic Society
>19. Computerspil / Computer Games
>20. Kommunikationsgeografi / Communication Geography
>21. Visuella narrativer och hur det sociala (re)konstitueras i
>medierade samfund / Visual narratives and the (Re)constitution of the
>Social in Mediated Societies
>22. Feministisk mediepolitik / Feminist Media Policy
>23. Markedskommunikation og æstetik / Marketcommunication and aesthetics
>24. Visuell kultur / Visual Culture
>Abstracts, which will not be more than 1500 characters (with space
>characters), can be written in English, Danish, Swedish or Norwegian.
>Abstract will be submitted by a form via conference www-site.
>( Closing date for
>abstract is 15th April 2007.
>Descriptions of working groups are on the conferences www-site:
>If you need more information on the theme of a working group, please contact
>the chair of the group. Accepted abstracts will be published on the
>conference home page in the beginning of May.
>Jenni Hokka
>Koordinator / Co-ordinator
>18. Nordiska Konferensen för Medie- och kommunikationsforskning
>18th Nordic Conference for media and communication research
>Institutionen för journalistik och masskommunikation
>Dep. of Journalism and Mass Communication
>33014 Tammerfors universitet
>(Nordmedia2007 /at/

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
Office: 5B.401a
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-412.42.78
F: ++ 32 (0)2/412.42.00
Office: 4/0/18
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