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[ecrea] OMVI Call for papers
Thu Sep 28 20:15:21 GMT 2006
>Sydney , Australia April 9-13, 2007
>Sustainable Futures:
>Roles & Challenges for Community, Alternative
>and Citizens' Media in the 21st Century
>Deadline for Submissions: October 31, 2006
>OURMedia / NUESTROS Medios is an international
>network and forum founded in 2001 by a group of
>academics interested in advancing the democratic
>potential of community, alternative and
>'citizens' media. Recognising that the
>intellectual and policy frameworks for citizens'
>media are often out of touch with the on-the
>ground reality, the purpose of OURMedia is to
>connect scholars, practitioners and
>policy-makers towards defined outcomes. OURMedia
>is now a network of over 500 people from 50
>countries and has generated an extensive body of
>practical and theoretical knowledge primarily in English and Spanish.
>Past OURMedia conferences have been organized in
>the United States (2001), Spain (2002), Colombia
>(2003), Brazil (2004) and India (2005). These
>conferences have consisted of scholarly and
>academic presentations, engagements by media
>activists and community cultural development
>officers, policy workshops, community roundtable
>debates, media labs, research-led forums and
>field trips to local media initiatives.
>In line with previous meetings, OURMedia /
>NUESTROSMedios 6th Conference (OM6) will be
>aimed at building strategies and collaborations
>among researchers, non-governmental
>organizations, practitioners, artists and
>advocates for the promotion of communication
>rights, effective access to ICT, community and
>citizen participation in the media and community
>engagements that foster social change and cultural revitalization.
>This conference theme aims to explore the
>cultural and social significance of independent
>community and alternative media and the major
>challenges in the decades that lie ahead.
>The OM6 Conference will bring together
>international and national experts, researchers,
>policy makers, activist and community
>development practitioners to discuss ways to
>ensure a sustainable future for community,
>alternative and citizen's media. Alternative
>media in Australia has a long tradition of
>citizen engagement and community participation,
>providing different outlets for news, art and
>cultural practice. The Australian community
>broadcasting sector is over 30 years old. It is
>founded on the principles of access, diversity,
>localism and independence. Community media in
>Australia has traditionally been a highly
>resilient sector of the media, managing to exist
>in spite of regulatory and technological
>barriers. The sector is now the largest sector
>of the Australian media: in 2005 there were 341
>community radio stations, 54 additional stations
>holding or seeking temporary licenses, 76 remote
>Indigenous community television licensees and 6
>generalist community television stations.
>Alongside this, innovative online networks and
>new media environments are developing enabling
>new kinds and increasing levels of
>participation. The community and alternative
>media sector in Australia is made up of groups
>from a diverse spectrum of society, including:
>community associations and advocacy groups;
>culturally and linguistically diverse
>communities; Indigenous broadcasters; Gay and
>Lesbian groups; religious groups; independent
>producers; social activists, artists,
>educational institutions; seniors; and youth-run
>organizations. An OURMedia conference in
>Australia will have a special focus on community
>and participatory media in Australia and the
>Pacific with a highlight on community media in the Western Sydney region.
>With a population of over 1.8 million, Western
>Sydney is a region made up of people from over
>160 different nationalities and is home to 60
>percent of Australia's urban Indigenous
>population. It is the most culturally and
>linguistically diverse region in Australia.
>The region has over 200 community
>arts/media/cultural registered organizations and
>may be considered one of the key areas of
>economic, information and communication growth
>within Australia. In recent years it has also
>become a multicultural hub for community arts
>development, ethnic community broadcasting
>associations, community-based education and
>applied cultural research that links researchers with community partners.
>The conference will be hosted by the School of
>Communication Arts, University of Western Sydney
>(UWS) in association with the Centre for
>Cultural Research at UWS, a member of the
>Consortium of Humanities Centres and Institutes.
>The University of Western Sydney is ember of
>AUCEA, an alliance of Australian universities
>committed to supporting university community
>engagement to promote the social, environmental
>and economic and cultural development of communities.
>A central aim of the University of Western
>Sydney (UWS) is to link arms with community,
>public services, industry and business across
>Greater Western Sydney to exchange knowledge,
>harness community expertise, and contribute to
>the region's development, prosperity and social
>capital. The School of Communication Arts also
>houses the studios of Channel 31 Television
>Sydney (TVS), a free-to-air community TV station.
>Other Australian universities providing funding and support are:
>" RMIT School of Applied Communication
>" QUT Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation
>" UTS Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
>" UTS Research Initiative on International Activism
>Other institutions and community organizations
>supporting the hosting of OURMedia 6 in Sydney are.
>" Information & Cultural Exchange (ICE)
>" AMARC (Asia-Pacific)
>" Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA)
>" ETC - Education Television Consortium
>" 3RRR Community Media Services
>" C31 Melbourne
>" MetroScreen
>" Community Spectrum Taskforce
>Sustainable Futures: Roles and Challenges for
>Community, Alternative and Citizens ' Media in the 21st century
>While the 1980s saw many communication academics
>entranced by the antics of the mass media, the
>new millennium began with a newfound interest in
>researching and theorizing alternative media
>forms, also known as citizens' media, radical
>media, médias libres, participatory media,
>community media, or grassroots media. The scope
>of alternative media has now broadened with the
>advent of digital media technologies.
>Media participation is becoming an everyday
>occurrence for a growing number of the world's
>population, expanding community networks and
>growing new networks based on interest rather than geographic locality.
>These networks are using and producing new
>content forms that are specifically designed for
>citizens' participatory use (discussion lists,
>blogs, vlogs, open publishing forums, webzines
>etc). At the same time, the open source and
>creative commons copyright movements have
>reinvigorated alternative media debates,
>advocating and pursuing accessible, collaborative communication spaces.
>Changes are also occurring across broadcast,
>cable and satellite delivered media. Community
>radio and television policy, once confined to a
>small number of countries, is making headway
>into government agendas across the globe. At the
>same time, existing community broadcasters are
>being confronted by the challenges of digital
>transmission they must restate their claim to
>broadcast spectrum and, if successful, grapple
>with the costs of digital transmission technology.
>In bringing together international and national
>experts, researchers, policy makers, activists,
>alternative media practitioners and community
>development workers we will aim to debate the
>roles and challenges for community media.
>Important questions we aim to address during the 4-day long conference:
>" How is the future perceived by scholars,
>activists, policymakers and practitioners who
>are building knowledge of and developing media for, with and by the people?
>" How do we understand 'community' and community
>media in national & transnational contexts?
>" Do we need formal structures to harness and
>progress broader participation in the media at the community level?
>" What community and citizen engagement models
>and strategies work; which do not?
>" How do new media technologies replace or enhance community media?
>" What needs to be done in terms of content
>and policy development to make the most of
>digital broadcasting technology (including emerging wireless media)?
>" How can practitioners ensure that policies
>work for and not against the sector?
>" What are the impacts of New Technologies on
>community organization, mobilization?
>" What does the future hold in technological and
>policy terms, e.g. in terms of intellectual
>property rights, civil society participation in
>policy, or opening digital spectrums to community media broadcasters?
>The conference will be structured around several
>types of sessions. The session conveyors are
>looking for papers, panels, presentations and
>workshops that demonstrate innovative cultural
>research, practices, models for effective
>community building, experiences and processes of
>social change and community empowerment, and/or
>artistic practices in community media.
>Keynote speakers will include the leading
>thinkers, practitioners and experts in these fields.
>Panels: Sessions involving a group of registered
>participants who conceive and design a session
>around the same theme, project, or research.
>These presentations will be 60 minutes with 15
>minutes for discussion. These panels may offer
>specific insights into global/local projects and
>initiatives discussing modes of practice,
>strategies and tactics for enhancing, promoting
>or fostering the development of community, alternative and citizens' media.
>Academic and Research Papers will enrich the
>intellectual and critical resources to
>understand community media and push forward
>theories and models that engage with social and
>political work at the community level.
>These are 15-minute speaker presentations
>followed by 10 minute questions and answers. We
>encourage dynamic presentations with use of audiovisual materials.
>Workshops: crafted panels for staged conversation, dialogue or debate.
>OURMedia 6 Public Forum: A Vision for the
>Community Use of Digital Television Spectrum
>Public forum with Australian and International
>speakers followed by open debate sessions among
>community media practitioners, advocates,
>scholars, artists, policy makers and the general
>public addressing the critical issue of digital
>media for community use, access and ownership.
>Community Cultural Development Forum
>A forum opened to community cultural/arts
>officers from local government areas, community
>organizations and associations, cultural
>planners, policy makers and the general public
>to address the critical issue of community media for capacity building.
>OURMedia 6 Video/Multimedia Festival
>An international video & multimedia festival for
>activists, designers, social change advocates, filmmakers.
>To send a film, video or multimedia file please
>contact Juan Salazar at j .salazar(AT)uws(DOT)edu(DOT)au
>Full Rate: A$300 (US$230)
>Discount Rate: A$150 (US$115)
>Daily Rate: A$100
>Exchange Rate August 2006:
>US$ 1 = A$1.3
>Registration covers:
>" Attendance to all conference sessions
>" morning and afternoon tea ( 4 days)
>" Lunch (4 days)
>" Welcome Reception (Monday 9 April)
>" Conference Dinner (Thursday 12 April)
>" Conference Satchel and Program
>Please visit the OM website and after September
>1, 2006 for more information on how to register options.
>The organizing committee is currently looking at
>a range of different options. We will provide
>information for budget, standard and premium
>accommodation as soon as possible. Rates vary
>from A$25 (US$20) per night for good budget
>shared accommodation to A$130-$150 (US$100 plus)
>per night for premium 4- star accommodation.
>Please visit the OM website after September 1,
>2006 for more information or go to
>The organizing committee is looking at different
>options to support the travel and accommodation
>of participants from developing countries and
>community organizations. A limited subsidy
>scheme is expected to be in place later in 2006.
>Discount rates are only available to community
>organizations and individuals from developing
>countries, local students and non-salary earners
>and specific local community run organizations.
>Please visit the OM website for more information.
>NOTE: Please submit panel, paper or workshop
>proposals directly to stream convenors by email.
>Proposals should contain a 150-word abstract and
>a 100-word bio of the presenter(s).
>NOTE: Note: E-mail addresses are written in a
>way that prevents harvesting by spammers. To get
>actual address, replace (DOT) with . and (AT)
>with (AT). E.g. name (AT) domain (DOT) org
>means the person's e-mail address is name(AT)domain.org
>STREAM 1: Community Media Research
>Clemencia Rodriguez (University of Oklahoma)
><mailto:(clemencia /at/ ou.edu)>clemencia(AT)ou(DOT)edu
>Michael Meadows (Griffi th University)
>The role for research in community building
>(applied & action research) - Community media
>and innovation in the creative industries -
>Participatory Communication in Research -
>Community cultural research: theories, models,
>and strategies - Conceptualizing a 'community'
>media sector in transnational contexts -
>Cultural identities and community research networks.
>STREAM 2: Participation and Social Change
>Alfonso Gumucio-Dagrón (Communication for Social Change Consortium) -
><mailto:(Gumucio /at/ communicationforsocialchange.org)>Gumucio(AT)communicationforsocialchange(DOT)org<mailto:(Gumucio /at/ communicationforsocialchange.org)>
>Jethro Petti t (Institute of Development
>Studies, Sussex University ) -
><mailto:(J.Pettit /at/ ids.ac.uk)>J.Pettit(AT)ids(DOT)ac(DOT)uk
>Participatory Communication for Social Change:
>International Initiatives Participatory design
>and sustainable community media initiatives -
>Development communication - Participatory
>Monitoring and Evaluation - ICT and community cultural development.
>STREAM 3: Community Media and Policy
>Ellie Rennie (Swinburne University of
><mailto:(ERennie /at/ groupwise.swin.edu.au)>ERennie(AT)groupwise(DOT)swin(DOT)edu(DOT)au
>Sergio Rodriguez (Geomar, Montreal) - srodriguez(AT)geomargroup(DOT)com
>Media reform; Communication rights: NGOs and
>Community Media International conventions and
>national media policies - Funding and governance
>models for community media enterprise - Local
>media ecologies and the impact of global media
>markets - Spectrum use and management - Linking Policy to Community Outcomes.
>STREAM 4: Media Activism /Civil Society /Social Movements
>Stefania Milan (European Universi ty Institute,
>Italy) - <mailto:(smilan /at/ ips.org)>smilan(AT)ips(DOT)org
>Gabi Hadl ( Ritsumeikan University, Japan) mediactivejp(AT)mac(DOT)com
>Transnational participatory communication
>networks - Media Activism: Tactical Media,
>Indymedia - Social movements, community
>counter-public building and 'our media'. -
>Intellectual commons vs. intellectual property
>rights - Women Networks and empowerment. Social movement research.
>STREAM 5: Local Culture /Media Diversity
>Tanja Dreher (University of Technology, Sydney)
> <mailto:(tanja.dreher /at/ uts.edu.au)>tanja.dreher(AT)uts(DOT)edu(DOT)au
>Antonio Castillo (University of Western Sydney)
> <mailto:(a.castillo /at/ uws.edu.au)> a.castillo(AT)uws(DOT)edu(DOT)au
>Ethnic community media & multicultural policies
>- Everyday cultural diversity & local media
>production - Media diversity and community
>journalism - Peace Journalism - Local Access and
>Free Press - Community media in western Sydney.
>STREAM 6: New Technologies / Media Convergence
>Leo Berkeley (Royal Melbourne Institute of
>Technology) -
><mailto:(Leo.Berkeley /at/ ems.rmit.edu.au)>Leo.Berkeley(AT)ems(DOT)rmit(DOT)edu(DOT)au
>Digital Community TV - Interactive Television
>Research - Podcasting and Interactive media -
>Digital Games for change - ICT: strategic uses &
>capacity building - Free software, Creative
>Commons & Open Information Systems - OURMedia in the information society.
>STREAM 7: Community Radio
>Elvira Truglia (Social Justice Committee, Mont
>real) <mailto:(e_truglia /at/ sympatico.ca)>e_truglia(AT)sympatico(DOT)ca
>Histories of community radio - Organizational
>structures and Models of sustainability - Radio
>in Peace-building and social change; poverty
>reduction - Distribution: Digital radio and new
>media challenges - Program-making and content
>analysis - Community radio and cultural/gender diversity and politics.
>STREAM 8: Indigenous Media, Aboriginal Media
>Juan F. Salazar (University of Western Sydney)
><mailto:(j.salazar /at/ uws.edu.au)>j.salazar(AT)uws(DOT)edu(DOT)au
>Elvira Truglia (Social Justice Committee, Mont
>real) <mailto:(e_truglia /at/ sympatico.ca)>e_truglia(AT)sympatico(DOT)ca
>Indigenous broadcasting, policies and politics -
>Indigenous media: distribution, festivals &
>networks - Indigenous Knowledge and
>digitalization - Strategic Use of ICT's for
>Indigenous Communities - Indigenous cinemas and
>collaborative politics of resistance and self-affirmation.
>STREAM 9: Young people and grass -roots communication
>Tanya Notley (Queensland University of
>Technology) <mailto:(t.notley /at/ qut.edu.au)>t.notley(AT)qut(DOT)edu(DOT)au
>Penny O'Donnel l ( University of Technology,
>Sydney( penny.odonnell(AT)uts(DOT)edu(DOT)au
>Representation of young people in community
>media - Young people, the blogosphere and
>creative online networks - Cyberspace, religion
>and youth culture - Media literacy, training and
>community knowledge - Case studies of innovative
>or experimental community media by/for young people.
>OM Network Mailing list
>Latest news on the conference, discussions and
>updates of meetings will be circulated on the OM
>Network mailing list. Sign up by sending an
>e-mail message to clemencia (AT) ou (DOT) edu.
>Sydney is a cosmopolitan city of 4 million
>people located in the south-east coast of
>Australia. It is Australia's oldest city, the
>economic powerhouse of the nation and today home
>to people from over 160 different nationalities and languages.
>Average temperature in Sydney during April is
>15°- 23°C (60°-75°F) with an average rainfall of
>100mm. and 12 days of rain in the month.
>People seeking to attend a conference or event
>in Australia should, in most cases, apply for a
>short stay Business Visitor Visa (subclass 456).
>These Visas cost around US$ 60 (depending on the country of application).
>Depending on your current country of passport,
>you may be able to apply for an Electronic
>Travel Authority (ETA) (see countries at
>www.eta.immi.gov.au.) to obtain either a short-stay business ETA.
>OM Local Steering Committee will assist you in
>obtaining the visa. We are working with IECN and
>the Australian Department of Immigration
>(DIMIA). In any case, you are encouraged to
>apply for the appropriate visa at least 6-8
>weeks before departure for Australia.
>Your passport must be valid for travel and the
>period of your intended stay. For more
>information on the Department of Immigration and
>Multicultural Affairs' Electronic Travel
>Authority system, see Fact Sheet 55 - The
>Electronic Travel Authority or visit
><http://www.eta.immi.gov.au/>www.eta.immi.gov.au .
>For delegates from Latin America see
>Information in Spanish for Mexico and Central
>America available at
>Information in Spanish for Chile, Peru, Bolivia
>and Ecuador available at
>Information in Spanish for Argentina, Paraguay
>and Uruguay available at
>Please visit the OM website after September 1,
>2006 for updates and more information.
>The local steering committee is organizing
>different options of media coverage of the
>conference, including video podcasts and video
>conferencing of some sessions, local press and
>radio interviews and a special program on local community TV.
>Selected Papers will be published in 3CMedia, a
>scholarly e-journal which aims to provide a
>forum for promoting, reporting and debating
>research in community-based, citizen's and
>'third sector' media and culture. See
>A series of activities with partner community
>organizations and side cultural events are being planned.
>Please visit the OM website after September 1,
>2006 for updates and more information.
><mailto:(j.salazar /at/ uws.edu.au)>j.salazar(AT)uws(DOT)edu(DOT)au
><mailto:(ERennie /at/ groupwise.swin.edu.au)>ERennie(AT)groupwise(DOT)swin(DOT)edu(DOT)au
><mailto:(t.notley /at/ qut.edu.au)>t.notley(AT)qut(DOT)edu(DOT)au
><mailto:(clemencia /at/ ou.edu)>clemencia(AT)ou(DOT)edu
>For more information regarding the content of
>this email please contact its author Juan F.
>Salazar (
><mailto:j.salazar@uws(DOT)edu(DOT)au>j.salazar(AT)uws(DOT)edu(DOT)au )
>Amarc-info mailing list
>(Amarc-info /at/ lists.amarc.org)
Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.24.14
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Office: 5B.401a
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-412.42.78
F: ++ 32 (0)2/412.42.00
Office: 4/0/18
European Communication Research and Education Association
Web: http://www.ecrea.eu
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/ vub.ac.be)
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