Archive for calls, April 2005

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[eccr] Encyclopaedia of Radical Media: A Call for Contributors

Tue Apr 12 10:47:56 GMT 2005

>Professor John Downing (Director of the Global Media Research Centre at 
>Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA) has been commissioned by 
>Sage to edit an encyclopaedia of radical media.  He has asked me to be one 
>of his assistant editors, with a brief for radical media in western europe 
>and anarchist media (two distinct areas, but not mutually exclusive).
>We're looking for potential contributors to write short (50 -100 words) 
>articles relevant to these two broad areas.  Specific topics are still to 
>be finalised, but they would include examples of media from various 
>countries and historical periods, as well as articles on relevant 
>organisations, movements, indiviudals, groups, issues, concepts, etc., 
>etc.,  Whilst the focus is on 1900 - present, some attention will be given 
>to earlier periods, though not in any detail.
>We'll also be putting together longer, contextual essays.
>Are there people out there who might be interested in contributing?
>I appreciate it's all a little vague right now, but part of the work is in 
>identifying contributors who themselves might identify potential topics 
>for inclusion.  In the best radical traditions we are not setting 
>ourselves as the ultimate authorities...
>If anyone is interested - whether it's for a brief article or two or for 
>lengthier essays, do let me know - I'm happy to discuss details further 
>with anyone interested.
>Please recirculate this email to anyone you think might be interested.
>Finally, the publishers are urging us to move on this pretty swiftly - if 
>you are interested, could you let me know by 25 April?
>Looking forward to hearing from you.
>Thanks for reading this far,
>Below  are Professor Downing's draft objectives.
>Dr. Chris Atton
>Reader in Journalism
>School of Communication Arts
>Craighouse Campus
>Napier University
>EH10 5LG
>0131- 455 6127
>(c.atton /at/
>READERSHIP: those with the equivalent of undergraduate study capacity 
>(general public, students, media activists, media professionals). Public 
>library use and also possibly course use.
>OBJECTIVES:  to provide a clearly written, concentrated source of 
>information about the experiences of these media across the planet since 1900;
>to present the information "synoptically," that is to say organized in the 
>first instance by successive periods of a decade or so, with reference to 
>media- and communication- focused aspects of social movements during each 
>period, in order to highlight the embedding of these media in the social, 
>economic and political process, and to avoid segregating them into 
>separate technologies and formats;
>   to ensure nonetheless that this format is "stretchable" wherever 
> necessary to incorporate important issues and cases that may not snugly 
> fit its structure;
>to make the volume as easily searchable as possible, with a variety of 
>indexes, and bolding for cross-reference;
>to ensure that the bibliography is in multiple languages;
>overall, to help forward constructive social change.
>This message is intended for the addressee(s) only and should not be read, 
>copied or disclosed to anyone else outwith the University without the 
>permission of the sender. It is your responsibility to ensure that this 
>message and any attachments are scanned for viruses or other defects. 
>Napier University does not accept liability for any loss or damage which 
>may result from this email or any attachment, or for errors or omissions 
>arising after it was sent. Email is not a secure medium. Email entering 
>the University's system is subject to routine monitoring and filtering by 
>the University.

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
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