Archive for calls, July 2004

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[eccr] International Conference: Learning Organization in a Learning World

Fri Jul 23 14:42:02 GMT 2004

>Technology Thonburi
>Bangkok Thailand
>Conference Theme: Learning Organization In A Learning World
>19th International Conference at KMUTT Bangkok
>April 18th to 22nd 2005
>Subject: (a) Paper-delegate (b) Observer-delegate (c) Workshop-organizer 
>(d) SIG-organizer
>The King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok and All 
>India Association for Educational Research, India invite you to 
>participate in an International Conference of 'Learning Organization in a 
>Learning World' to be held from April 18th to 22nd 2005 at Bangkok. The 
>conference is called ICLORD2005 which stands for International Conference 
>Learning Organization Research and Development. This English medium 
>conference will be addressed by experienced speakers from all over the 
>world in plenary sessions. The conference is virtually advised by globally 
>distributed international committee. Details are available at 
>The theme of the conference is relevant to all sectors like corporate, 
>governance, education, business, and administration. You can join the 
>conference in multiple ways: (a) paper-delegate (b) observer-delegate (c) 
>workshop-organizer (d) SIG-organizer by paying registration fees as per 
>web information. Concession details for early registration can be seen 
>(a) Paper-delegate
>To begin with, you may send your abstract (up to 300 words by September 
>30, 2004). The accepted abstract will be presented for 10-15 minutes in 
>parallel-groups. Multiple-copies of your paper for distribution by you in 
>your parallel group may be brought along with. Paper length of 2000-2500 
>words, could be related to sub-themes: (a) Global Factors in Influencing 
>Society; (b) Theory, Meanings, and Methodology of Learning Organization; 
>(c) Application of Learning Organization in Learner-centered 
>Education;  (d) Application of Learning Organization in Technical, 
>Vocational, & Industrial Education; (e) Application of Learning 
>Organization in other Areas; and  (f) Case Studies.
>(b) Observer-delegate
>If you do not have any paper to present, you still can join the conference 
>as an Observer-delegate by paying the same amount of registration fee.
>(c) Workshop-organizer
>In addition to the above, you can organize a pre-conference (parallel) 
>workshop for 90 minutes on 18th April 2005 according to the planned 
>schedule. Theme of parallel workshops can be chosen by you (see probable 
>proposed list). The workshop should have 5 - 20 persons. Promote your own 
>workshop through your email list. The workshop will be documented and 
>acknowledged in the final report.
>Invitation for organizing Pre-conference workshops on April 18
>1 workshop#1
>0090 to 1030
>  2  workshop#1
>0090 to 1030
>Personal mastery
>Dr. Subhashini Passi3 workshop#1
>0090 to 1030
>Shared vision 4 workshop#1
>0090 to 1030
>Mental models 5 workshop#1
>0090 to 1030
>Systems thinking
>6 workshop#2
>1030 to 1200
>Learning City
>Principal Manish Tanna 7 workshop#2
>1030 to 1200
>Lego / Logo
>Aj Seksan8 workshop#2
>1030 to 1200
>Team learning
>Dr. Sonali Geed 9 workshop#2
>1030 to 1200
>Scenario writing
>Khun Kasina10 workshop#2
>1030 to 1200
>Learning centered project-based education
>Rungarun  school
>(d) SIG- organizer
>In addition to the above, you can organize post-dinner parallel SIGs 
>(Special Interest Groups on topics of your choice for deeper discussion) 
>on 19th, 20th or 21st April. In case, you are interested please indicate 
>details by giving the title, objectives, time required, and proposed schedule.
>SIG for deeper discussion on topics of your choice
>April 19th SIG  # 1SIG  # 2
>April 20th  SIG  # 3SIG  # 4
>April 21st SIG  # 5SIG  # 6
>You may circulate this information to your friends and known organizations.
>Please do not hesitate to write to us in case of any query or comments.
>Yours sincerely
>Dr. B. K. Passi
>Member organizing committee ICLORD2005
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-412.42.78
F: ++ 32 (0)2/412.42.00
Office: 4/0/18
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
Office: C0.05
European Consortium for Communication Research
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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