Archive for calls, July 2004

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[eccr] CFP: JMM 7/1 submission deadline is approaching

Mon Jul 12 19:36:46 GMT 2004

Call for papers :

The International Journal on Media Management (JMM) publishes original research and scholarship on the dramatic changes in the media and communications industries. The content is both interdisciplinary, combining a number of different academic disciplines (strategy, media technology, marketing, finance, media studies, etc.) and multisectoral, exploring the interrelationship between developments in related industries.

JMM Vol.7/1 is open for submission. We welcome articles for both Focus Theme section and General Research section.

Focus Theme: Theoretical Approaches in Media Management Research

Guest Editor: Sune Tjernström, Kalmar University

Media Management is growing in importance as an academic field. The establishment of a European Association for Media Management Education is but one example of this, graduate programs in leading universities another indication. With this growing interest by researchers comes a search for theoretical foundations of the field. JMM has previously devoted considerable space and interest to theory in previous issues, e g in dealing with culture and the media industry or in presenting the latest thinking on corporate communications management. In principle, all articles in JMM have included a relevant theoretical base for empirical observations. In a forthcoming issue, we will make a renewed effort to seek out articles on theoretical aspects of media management.

This issue of the International Journal on Media Management seeks to explore the theory of competition in media markets and of media management. In doing that, we would like to – a

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