Archive for calls, April 2004

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[eccr] Call for papers - Banal Militarism

Tue Apr 20 08:01:10 GMT 2004

>Call for papers:
>full info here:
>Banal Militarism: Making the military and warlike habitus ordinary
>"In the past the phenomena of militarism often has been discussed at the
>example of Prussian Germany and
>Japan. Whilst this classic militarism' usually refers to a societal
>situation in which the military as an institution
>  and/or military categories of thinking had an outstanding position, and
>is seen, in such a way, as a
>  marginal manifestation nowadays, the military  nevertheless plays a
>considerable role in most societies -
>by consuming financial resources, in public debates and  in the daily
>life of many people.
>Though, a term is missing that gets to the heart of this situation in
>which the existence of the military and its
>embeddedness in the society is mostly seen as self-evident. As the
>sociologist Michael Billig has stated
>gaps in political language are rarely innocent. Following his
>considerations to call the everyday acts and
>discourses by which the nationstates are reproduced as nations' we hold
>the term banal militarism' suitable to
>  grasp the corresponding multifarious mechanisms that  legitimize the
>existence of the military, its appearance in
>  public, its consumption of public finances, and finally its
>deployment. It is these unspectacular processes and
>  dimensions of a banal militarism', often conveyed by the  media and
>communicative, that the international and
>  interdisciplinary conference is devoted to in an exploratory approach."
>Deirdre Kevin
>Project Manager
>European Institute for the Media
>Zollhof 2a, D-40221 Duesseldorf
>Germany / Tel:  +49 211 90104 75/ Fax: +49 211 90104 56
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Carpentier Nico (Phd)
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