Archive for calls, April 2004

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[eccr] Fwd: Call for papers: Imaging Social Movements

Thu Apr 01 20:09:25 GMT 2004

>The Social and Cultural Movements Group,
>Edge Hill College, UK
>2nd International Conference:
>Imaging Social Movements
>Plenary Speakers:  Mark Poster (University of California at Irvine)
>     Author of 'The Second Media Age' and
>     'Whats the Matter with the Internet?'
>    Jimmy McGovern (Film Maker, Bloody Sunday)
>    George McKay (UcLan, UK) author of 'DIY Culture'
>     And 'Senseless Acts of Beauty'
>Thursday 1st July to Saturday 3rd July 2004
>Call for Papers
>Following the success of its 2002 conference: Making Social Movements: The
>British Marxist Historians, the Social Movements Group is organising a 2nd
>International Conference for Summer 2004, exploring the theme of the
>construction of images, representations and articulations of social
>The effectiveness of social movements has always relied not only upon the
>political activity and its theoretical conception, but also upon its
>cultural representation and aesthetics. The changing media, cultural and
>technological landscape has transformed the means and media by which social
>movements can create and contest their 'image', and how others create and
>contest images of them. This conference aims to bring together social
>movement researchers across the social sciences and humanities in
>considering questions of conception, process and outcomes in the imaging
>social movements - past, present and future. Indicative strands include:
>Ø Social Movements and the Internet
>Ø Social Movements and Popular Film
>Ø The Mechanics of Representation
>Ø Narratives/Literatures and Social Movements
>Ø Media construction of Opposition
>Ø The Documentary Tradition
>Ø Performance of Subversion
>Ø Social Movements and Popular TV
>Ø Imaging Resistance and Cultural Politics
>We welcome traditional papers, posters and less traditional audio-visual
>presentations. Send proposals with abstract of 150-200 words by 25th April
>2004 to: Roger Spalding/Lee Salter, Edge Hill College, Ormskirk, Lancs, L39
>4QP. UK. email: (salterl /at/  Web site:
>Booking Form
>Contact Address and Postcode&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&...
>Telephone Number&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.
>Full Conference Delegate Package (includes 3 days conference,   £125
>2 nights accommodation)
>Full Conference Delegate without accommodation    £90
>Additional Night Accommodation (per night)    £25
>Conference Delegate per day (including lunch/refreshments)  £45
>Delegate per day including evening meal     £ 55
>Special Discounted Rate - Mark Poster Seminar 3rd/4th July
>  £ 30
>(see below)
>Total payment
>  £
>Facilitation Needs (Disabled Support etc.)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&..
>Dietary Needs&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
>Payment must be made by the 14th June. Cheques should be made out to Edge
>Hill Enterprises. Other forms of payment should be agreed with the
>conference organizers ­ contact (salterl /at/
>The Information Society, Post-Modern Virtualities and Cyberdemocracy:
>Critical Engagements with Mark Poster
>A seminar to be held at Edge Hill College of Higher Education, Saturday
>July 3rd ­ Sunday July 4th, under the aegis of the Social and Cultural
>Movements Research Group.
>  The purpose of this seminar is to capitalise on the presence of Mark
>Poster in the UK, on a visit to give the closing plenary address at the 2nd
>International Conference of the Social and Cultural Movements Group, on the
>theme of Imaging Social Movements.
>The idea behind the seminar is to explore Posters recent thinking and
>publications, focused on his analysis of The Mode of Information, (Whats
>the Matter with) the Internet, Post-Modern Virtualities and Cyberdemocracy.
>The seminar will involve a maximum of six or seven papers, with a reply by
>Poster concluding the seminar. The seminar will have limited numbers in
>order to keep it manageable for discussion and debate. The papers and
>Posters reply will be published as a special edition of a journal.
>Delegates at the 2nd International Conference of the Social and Cultural
>Movements Group will be charged a nominal fee to cover subsistence costs.
>Those seeking to attend the seminar only should contact Paul Reynolds -
>(reynoldp /at/
>Contact Address and Postcode&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&...
>Telephone Number&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.
>Seminar Delegate Package
>  £60
>(includes 1 night accommodation ­ not dinner)
>Special Discounted SMG Conference     £30
>Facilitation Needs (Disabled Support etc.)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&..
>Payment must be made by the 14th June. Cheques should be made out to Edge
>Hill Enterprises. Other forms of payment should be agreed with the
>conference organizers ­ contact (salterl /at/
>Conference Booking Form
>Contact Address and Postcode&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&...
>Telephone Number&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.
>Full Conference Delegate Package (includes 3 days conference,   £125
>2 nights accommodation)
>Full Conference Delegate without accommodation    £90
>Additional Night Accommodation (per night)    £25
>Conference Delegate per day (including lunch/refreshments)  £45
>Delegate per day including evening meal     £ 55
>Special Discounted Rate - Mark Poster Seminar 3rd/4th July
>  £ 30
>(see below)
>Total payment
>  £
>Facilitation Needs (Disabled Support etc.)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&..
>Dietary Needs&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
>Payment must be made by the 14th June. Cheques should be made out to Edge
>Hill Enterprises. Other forms of payment should be agreed with the
>conference organizers ­ contact (salterl /at/
>Please return to:
>Lee Salter
>Department of Media and Communications (Social and Cultural Movements
>Edge Hill College, St. Helens Road
>Ormskirk, Lancs
>L39 4PQ, UK

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-412.42.78
F: ++ 32 (0)2/412.42.00
Office: 4/0/18
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
Office: C0.05
European Consortium for Communication Research
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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