Archive for calls, July 2003

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[eccr] Fwd: AMPE conference

Wed Jul 02 15:38:20 GMT 2003

>Conference title:  BEYOND TWO DIGITS...Media Practice Education for the
>21st Century
>Venue:  The Media Centre, School of Arts, Design, Media and Culture
>                 Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St. Peter's
>                 Sunderland
>Dates:    Friday 14 -  Saturday 15 November
>Registration/lunch:    From 12.00 through 1.30, Friday 14 November
>Now's your big chance.....
>This conference aims to focus on why we teach what we teach - and how we
>teach it.
>There will be three strands, therefore, inviting in-depth analysis and
>presentation of the WHYs, the WHATs and the HOWs of media practice
>education in the first decades of the 21st century...and papers and
>presentations from all subject areas are now invited from AMPE members.
>Key members of the Conference Committee are also in the process of setting
>up focus panels for these strands, so suggestions for the composition of
>these panels are also invited from AMPE members.
>In the first instance, please e-mail your proposal(s) for papers,
>presentations and panel membership to Professor Mike O'Brien, Conference
>Organiser:  (mike.obrien /at/
>Registration details will be posted in the very near future, but the first
>50 AMPE members to register will be eligible for inclusion in a draw with a
>prize of a SONY digital video camera
>Arrangements to date....
>· Lord Puttnam of Queensgate will give the Welcoming Address
>· Miles Flint, President, SONY (Europe) will be our after-dinner
>speaker (Technology and Higher Education)
>· Reception to be hosted by SONY(U.K)
>· Accommodation:  60 rooms have been reserved at the new Travel
>Lodge, Michael's Way, Sunderland, with further rooms at the Roker Hotel,
>Seaburn.   Both are close to the Conference venue.
>· Conference Dinner will be held at The Throwing Stones restaurant in
>the National Glass Centre, on the banks of the River Wear.
>It would be enormously useful for the organisers if AMPE members could give
>an early indication of attendance - a statement of intent until the
>Registration Form is posted - because securing  appropriate accommodation
>in Sunderland is a tricky business.
>If you could do this, then contact Vicky Patterson, Conference
>Administration: (vicky.patterson /at/

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University Brussels
Studies on Media, Information & Telecommunication (SMIT)
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Office: C0.05
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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