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[Commlist] PhD position in Journalism, Södertörn University (Sweden)

Mon Jan 15 14:14:07 GMT 2024

  One doctoral studentship in Journalism within the research area of
  Politics, Economy and the Organisation of Society, affiliated with the
  Baltic and East European Graduate School (BEEGS) <>

  Ref AP-2023/779

Application deadline: 13 February 2024 at 23:59

Journalism research at Södertörn University is interdisciplinary and concentrates on East European studies and social sciences. It revolves around two focus areas: a) digital media development and innovation related to professional roles in journalism, mediated content and forms of expression, and audience engagement on digital platforms; and b) journalism and society, where the focus is on the role of news media, journalistic cultures and practices in relation to political actors, democracy and public spheres, with perspectives from local to global. Current and emerging research interests include subjects such as crises and conflicts, migration and integration, and sustainable journalism. Our staff and doctoral students are involved in multiple national and international research networks, as well as close multidisciplinary cooperation with both Media and Communication Studies and Media Technology at Södertörn University.

For more information, please click _here <>_. For a Swedish version click _here <>_.

Doctoral studies at the Department of Journalism is part of the research area Politics, Economy and the Organisation of Society (PESO), which is an interdisciplinary research environment that encompasses the disciplines of Business Studies, Journalism, Political Science, Social Work, and Sociology.

For more information, please click _here <>_. For a Swedish version click _here <>_.

The planned research for these studentships must be _relevant to the Baltic Sea region or Eastern Europe (please see this list of countries) <>_ since the positions are affiliated with the _Baltic and East European Graduate School (BEEGS) <>_, which is financed by the Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies, and part of the _Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) <>_at Södertörn University. The ‘Eastern Europe’ part comprises post-communist Central, South and East Europe. The ‘Baltic Sea Region’ part is the Baltic Sea itself and the surrounding countries.

The Foundation does not fund research relating exclusively to Sweden or Swedish conditions. However, support may be granted for research concerning Sweden, or countries entirely outside the Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Europe, in comparative studies when this is scientifically justified.

Entry requirements
/The general entry requirements are:/
1. a second-cycle qualification or,
2. fulfilled requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle or, 3. substantially equivalent knowledge acquired in some other way in Sweden or abroad.

The Faculty Board may permit an exemption from the general entry requirements for an individual applicant, if there are special grounds. (Ordinance 2010:1064)/

Specific entry requirements
/Specific entry requirements for third-cycle education in Journalism are met by those who

 1. have 90 credits in Journalism or a related subject, and
 2. have successfully completed an independent project of at least 15
    credits at second-cycle level, or
 3. have acquired substantially equivalent knowledge to that specified
    in items 1 and 2 in some other way in Sweden or abroad.

    The ability to assimilate academic material in English and a command
    of the language necessary for work on the thesis are prerequisites
    for admission to the degree programme.

Assessment criteria
During the evaluation of an applicant’s eligibility, special emphasis is placed on previously completed written academic work (in particular the Master’s dissertation, research papers, and research publications) that are submitted.

Grounds for assessment that are applied during selection:

  * The applicant’s formal qualifications: course/degree certificates,
    grades and diplomas.
  * The applicant’s expertise as regards subject knowledge, knowledge of
    scholarly theory and method and analytical ability.
  * The quality, feasibility and relevance of the proposed research for
    Journalism and to the Baltic Sea region or Eastern Europe.
  * The ability to comply with given timeframes.
  * Any documented experience from relevant professional activities.
  * The applicant's merits and competence are assessed in terms of
    creativity and scientific maturity, their ability to be rigorous and
    formulate problems, their independent judgment and critical
    analysis, and communication and cooperation skills.

During assessment, the following circumstances are also considered:

  * whether there are adequate supervisory resources
  * whether the planned research is deemed feasible given the available
    financial resources
  * whether the planned research is deemed feasible from the standpoint
    of research ethics.

Admission and employment
This position includes admission to third-cycle education, i.e. research level, and employment on a doctoral studentship at the School of Social Sciences at Södertörn University. The intended outcome for admitted students is a PhD. The programme covers 240 credits, which is the equivalent of four years of full-time study. The position may be extended by a maximum of one year due to the inclusion of departmental duties, i.e. education, research and/or administration (equivalent to no more than 20% of full-time). Other grounds for extension could be leave of absence because of illness or for service in the defence forces, an elected position in a trade union/student organisation, or parental leave. Provisions relating to employment on a doctoral studentship are in the Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 5, Sections 1-7.

Date of employment: 1 September 2024

General Syllabus for third-cycle programmes in Journalism: _English version <>_ or _Swedish version. <>

_Information about admission regulations including selection criteria, and third-cycle education at Södertörn University: _English version <>_ or _Swedish version <>

_Application procedure
For more details, see _this website under FAQ <>_. Please use Södertörn University´s web-based recruitment system “ReachMee”. Click on the link "ansök" (apply) at the bottom of the announcement.

Your application may be written in English or Swedish/Norwegian/Danish and must include:

- an application letter

- curriculum vitae

- degree certificate and certificates that demonstrate eligibility to apply for the position (if not written in English or Swedish/Norwegian/Danish, you must enclose translated versions)

- Bachelor’s essay and dissertation at second-cycle level in the field in accordance with the entry requirements (if not written in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish or English, you must enclose a summary of 5-6 pages, approx. 14,000 characters, to the copy of the essay)

- a research plan (project plan) of between 2000 and 3000 words. The submitted research plan should contain a preliminary subject for the applicant’s doctoral thesis, briefly outlining the purpose, aims, theoretical perspectives, methods, and timeline of the study. The research plan should also clarify the journalistically relevant aspects of the study, and the sub-field(s) at the Department of Journalism to which it will primarily be connected. The project’s relevance to Journalism, Politics, Economy and the Organisation of Society and studies of the Baltic Sea region or Eastern Europe must be clear

- two references, with contact details.

If available, a maximum of three publications may also be attached.

Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Further information
Ester Appelgren, Associate Professor in Journalism, School of Social Sciences, (ester.appelgren /at/ Liudmila Voronova, Director of Studies, School of Social Sciences, (_liudmila.voronova /at/ <mailto:(liudmila.voronova /at/> _Florence Fröhlig, Director of Studies, Baltic and East European Graduate School (BEEGS), (_florence.frohlig /at/ <mailto:(florence.frohlig /at/> _Lovisa Uttman, Human Resources Officer, School of Social Sciences, (_lovisa.uttman /at/ <mailto:(nn /at/>_

Welcome with your application!

Publications referred to must be attached to the application.

An application that is not complete or arrives at Södertörn University after the closing date may be rejected.

The current employment is valid on condition that the employment decision becomes valid.

Union representatives:
SACO: (info.saco /at/
ST: (st /at/
SEKO: Henry Wölling tel: +46 8 524 840 80, (henry.wolling /at/

Södertörn University has made strategic advertisement choices for this recruitment. Therefore, we decline all contact with advertisers and other salespersons of advertisement.

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