Archive for March 2019

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[Commlist] CFP: Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance symposium

Thu Mar 28 20:34:40 GMT 2019


JAFP: Looking back, stepping forward

A symposium in celebration of the first decade of the Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance (Intellect)
University of East Anglia

Monday 15 July 2019

Adaptation, a concept that may be perceived to encompass a range of reworkings across and within media, allows us to interrogate creative and critical relationships between texts of different modalities, genres and styles. The ‘media journeys’ of adaptation continue to make the field and its multifarious processes exciting, urgent and evolving.
This symposium, which is organised to celebrate the conclusion of the 
first decade of the Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance – and 
the dynamic beginning of its second decade – welcomes proposals from 
scholars and reflective practitioners (creative artists across all 
performance media as well as archivists engaged with adaptations and 
translations in stage, screen or otherwise mediatic performance) at all 
stages of a professional career (academic or extramural to academia).
Abstracts are invited for twenty-minute papers or alternative delivery 
formats (including workshops, poster presentations, five-minute papers 
or practice led formats) on any aspect of adaptation and/or translation 
in relation to performance media, in the broadest sense of the term.
Topics may include but should not be limited to:

* Adaptation and audience(s); adaptation and interactivity;

* The F word of adaptation studies: can we get away from fidelity?

* Translations, international adaptations, tradaptations; subtitling/dubbing

* Intertextuality, transmedia and other theoretical models for adaptation

* Canonical sources, canonical adaptations; historical fiction

* Adaptation and the archive

* Adaptation and genre

* Adaptation and gender

* Adaptation and interpretation; adaptation and creativity

* Adaptation and law; adaptation and community

* Adaptation and science; adaptation and the environment

* Adaptation and sound; adaptation and radio; adaptation and music

Please email abstracts of maximum 300 words and a short biographical note by 30 April to (r.hand /at/ and (marta.minier /at/
Participants will be notified by 30 May 2019

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