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[ecrea] JMCQ Special Issue CFP: Advancing Journalism and Communication Research: New Theories and Concepts

Tue Nov 27 20:55:21 GMT 2018


Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly Special Issue on

*Advancing Journalism and Communication Research: New Theories and Concepts*//
/Guest editors://Claudia Mellado, Myria Georgiou, and Seungahn Nah/

/Submission deadline: June 1, 2019/

/Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly/invites authors to submit papers for a Special Issue on “Advancing Journalism and Communication Research: New Theories and Concepts.”
Contributions are expected to critically analyzecurrent theoretical 
developments in communication and journalism studies across theworld; to 
revisit and expand epistemological and historical foundations; to 
examine both theintegration and opposition of perspectives from the 
global North and the global South; to record theoretical and 
epistemological approaches for global comparative research; to 
discussthe relevance of theories and models across different societies 
and media systems; and to discuss successful andfailed efforts for 
theoretical cross-pollination within different regional and media contexts.
The Special Issue aims to bring together innovative, thought-provoking 
contributions from journalism and communication studies and related 
disciplines such as sociology, political science, psychology, and 
information, data and computer science.
The Special Issue is designed to address issues such as the following:

-What are the core questions that journalism and communication studies need to address in the current globalized and digital ecosystem? -How dojournalism and communication theories originating from different parts of the world reframe established and dominant questions and arguments? -Do journalism and mass communication conceptual frameworks talk to each other, and, if so, how do they address changing institutional, professional, and audience cultures and practices? -Which theories and concepts best explain the gap between normative theories and professional practices across different media systems and platforms? -What concepts and theories do we need in order to understand changes in media institutions in global and digital times?
The call invites high-quality conceptual papers that demonstrate 
theoretical leadership. Manuscripts must be submitted by/June 1, 
2019,/via/Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly/’s online submission 
system. Authors must indicate that they wish to have their manuscript 
considered for the Special Issue.Accepted articles are expected to be 
published on the SAGE journal platform’s OnlineFirst feature in early 2020.
Those interested in submitting a paper can raise preliminary questions 
with any of the three co-editors:  Claudia Mellado ofPontificia 
Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile((claudia.mellado /at/ 
<mailto:(claudia.mellado /at/>), Myria Georgiou of London School of 
Economics ((M.A.Georgiou /at/ <mailto:(M.A.Georgiou /at/>) and 
Seungahn Nah of the University of Oregon ((snah /at/ 
<mailto:(snah /at/>).

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