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[ecrea] CfP: INsPIrE «Media Education and Citizenship»

Sun Apr 08 08:35:37 GMT 2018


CfP: INsPIrE International Conference (and further publication) «Media Education and Citizenship»
22 June 2018
IHECS – Brussels (Belgium)

1. Argument:

A reflection on journalism cannot be conducted independently from a reflection on democracy, because they are strongly interlinked (Muhlmann, 2004; Perret, 2007). At the heart of this relationship is a dual challenge, the terms of which are interdependent: to bring the debate to life and to weave common ground. The media thus fully participate in the « conflictual building of the political community » (Mulhmann, 2004, p.11). In Europe, traditional media are increasingly weakened and denounced by citizens as incapable of fostering this pluralism (Verfaillie, 2013; European Commission, 2016). The financial crisis of the press is fuelling a more general crisis in the socio-political and cultural representation of our societies. Many researchers have focused on the media coverage of disadvantaged urban areas – in the suburbs or in central neighbourhoods according to urban configurations (Lochard, 2002; Gandonnière, 2002; Garcin-Marrou, 2005; Vieillard-Baron, 2011), identity construction in the media (Lacalle, 2008 & 2012; Lochard & Popelard, 2012; Simelio, 2015), and in particular the stereotypes by which an urban mythology of the « youth » has been constructed (Longhi, 2011; Lacalle, 2013). Those analyses point out the performativity of media discourses, and refer to the “mediapolis” (Deuze, 2009; Silverstone, 2007; de Jong and Schuilenburg, 2006), defined as “a comprehensively mediated public space where media underpin and overarch the experiences and expressions of everyday life” (Deuze, 2009). Thus, according to Deuze, “a perspective on life lived in, rather than with, media can and perhaps should be the ontological benchmark for a 21st-century media studies” (Ibid., p.137). It must be said that diversity policies promoted by the European Union, the states or by the media companies themselves, essentially quantitative and translated by quotas, have not initiated any real change (Macé, 2009) in media representations, for lack of integration into the organizational and journalistic culture. The target audiences of these policies remain media objects (Zerouala, 2015, p.31), certainly more visible, but locked in dominant heteronomous representations. The media are therefore “at the center of a balance of power, a game of interactional forces bringing together information professionals, public authorities and inhabitants of peripheral urban areas, developing autonomous strategies that oppose them” (Lochard, 2002, p.31-32). Jacinthe Mazzerachi thus identifies four (non-exclusive) types of behaviours adopted by young people to exist in the city: withdrawal, individual affirmation, the logic of gangs and territories, and religious logic (Mazzocchetti, 2012). We can summarise them in two opposite movements: one of disengagement / disinvestment, the other of commitment / appropriation. These movements, observed more widely among citizens of all ages, make it possible to apprehend the different conceptions of media and education. In particular, they raise questions about their common role in fostering pluralism and democracy, which is the focus of different strands of media research, for instance on constructive and solutions journalism (Wenzel, Gerson and Moreno, 2016).

The role of high education in social inclusion has been usually addressed in terms of individual access and academic success (Gidley, Hampson, Wheeler and Bereded-Samuel, 2010; Brundenius, Göransson and Carvalho de Mello, 2017). However, the high education can also be grasped as a driving force for local social projects. Interlinked with non-formal education in a holistic perspective of lifelong learning (La Belle, 1982), high education institutions develop innovative projects in partnership with civil society for fostering emancipation. The development of digital media and ICTs are interesting tools for supporting those projects.

The proposals for INsPIrE conference may follow the following thematic pillars: The first pillar discusses the principles, practices, aesthetics and impact of “citizen media”. The second pillar concerns the role of media education in active citizenship. The third one proposes a reflection on the relations between high education and civil society. Communication proposals can be presented either as reflexive analyses based on empirical research, or as analyses of professional communication practices – testimonies about practices and analysis of the conditions of the action, its justifications, and its consequences.

2. Indicative bibliography
• Brundenius C., Göransson B., Carvalho de Mello J. (eds) (2017) Universities, Inclusive Development and Social Innovation, Springer, Cham. • Cardon, D., Granjon, F. (2003) Les mobilisations informationnelles dans le mouvement altermondialiste, Colloque Les Mobilisations altermondialistes, Paris, 3-5 décembre 2003. • De Jong A, Schuilenburg M (2006) Mediapolis: Popular Culture and the City. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers.
• Deuze, M. (2011) Media life, Media, Culture and Society, 33(1), 137-148.
• European Commission (2016) Media Pluralism and Democracy, Special Eurobarometer 452, 23 November 2016. • Gandonnière, P. (2002) Demain, les banlieues du monde…, Images et discours sur la banlieue, Toulouse, France: ERES, 85-110. • Gidley, J. M., Hampson, G. P., Wheeler, L., & Bereded-Samuel, E. (2010) From access to success: An integrated approach to quality higher education informed by social inclusion theory and practice, Higher Education Policy, 23(1), 123–147. • La Belle, T. (1982) Formal, Nonformal and Informal Education: A Holistic Perspective on Lifelong Learning, International Review of Education / Internationale Zeitschrift Für Erziehungswissenschaft / Revue Internationale De L'Education, 28(2), 159-175. • Lacalle, Ch. (2013). Jóvenes y ficción televisiva. Construcción de identidad y transmedialidad, Barcelona: UOCPress, 2013. • Lacalle, Ch. (2012). La construction de l’étranger à la télévision espagnole. In Lochard, G. & Popelard M. D, Images de l'étranger, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2012, 127-141. • Lochard, G. & Popelard M. D. (2012) Images de l'étrange, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2012. • Lochard, G. (2002) La « question de la banlieue » à la télévision française: Mise en place et évolution d'un conflit de representations, Images et discours sur la banlieue, Toulouse, France: ERES, 31-41. • Macé, E. (2009) Mesurer les effets de l’ethnoracialisation dans les programmes de télévision : limites et apports de l’approche quantitative de la « diversité », Réseaux, vol. 157-158, no. 5, 233-265. • Mazzocheti J. (2012) Sentiments d’injustice et théorie du complot. Représentations d’adolescents migrants et issus des migrations africaines (Maroc et Afrique subsaharienne) dans des quartiers précaires de Bruxelles, Brussels Studies, n°63.
• Muhlmann G. (2004) Du journalisme en démocratie, Payot.
• Rosen, J. (2012) What are Journalists For ? Yale University Press.
• Silverstone, R. (2007) Media and Morality: On the Rise of the Mediapolis. Cambridge: Polity. • Simelio, N. (2015) España Proyecto de Monitoreo Global de Medios. Informe Nacional. WACC. • Verfaillie B. (2013) Les francais, les médias et les journalistes. La confiance saigne… Alliance internationale des journalistes, Coll. Journalisme responsible. • Vieillard-Baron H. (2011) Banlieue, quartier, ghetto : de l’ambiguïté des définitions aux représentations, Nouvelle revue de psychosociologie, 2011/2 n° 12, 27-40. • Wenzel, A., Gerson, D., & Moreno, E. (2016) Engaging Communities Through Solutions Journalism, Columbia Journalism Review. Zerouala F. (2015) Médias en banlieue, de l’autre côté du miroir, Mouvements 2015/3 (n° 83), 29-34.

3. Languages

The languages of the conference are English and French.

4. Expected communication proposals and submission procedure
Proposals must be sent to us before the 6th of May 2018 by email: (esther.durin /at/ Next to an abstract of between 1,000 and 1,500 character (sent in a .doc format), proposals must include: the name, professional or academic status, the institutional attachment, and the contact details of the author(s) (emails and mail addresses).
Participation is free of charge.
A publication will follow the conference.

5. Scientific committee
• Elena ABRUDAN - Chair of the Journalism Department Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. • Rareș BEURAN, Lecturer, Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Babeș-Bolyai University.
• Iris DE ROOVER, Chair of the Journalism Department, Thomas More Mechelen.
• Esther DURIN, Lecturer, Institut des Hautes Etudes des Communications Sociales/ PhD Student, Praxiling - UMR 5267 CNRS - Université de Montpellier 3. • Maria Rosario LACALLE ZALDUENDO, Chair of the Journalism and Communication Department, University Autonomous of Barcelona. • Laura LEPRÊTRE, Lecturer, Institut des Hautes Etudes des Communications Sociales, Brussels. • Cristina NISTOR, Lecturer and coordinator of Journalism studies in English Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.
• Kiron PATKA, Lecturer, Center for Media Competence, University of Tübingen
• Cristina PUJOL, Lecturer, University Autonomous of Barcelona.
• Barbara SCHOFIELD, Senior Lecturer in Journalism, City, University of London

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