Archive for March 2018

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[ecrea] cfp - Internet science

Tue Mar 20 13:32:19 GMT 2018

*INTERNET SCIENCE - 2018 (INSCI’2018)***




Dates: *October 24 to 26, 2018*

  Place: St.Petersburg State University, St.Petersburg, Russia

Language: *English*

Submission deadline: *May 20, 2018*

  Proceedings: Axel Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science




*Internet in World Regions: Digital Freedoms and Citizen Empowerment*


Withtime,Internethasbecomeanaturalcommunicativespaceinmanyregionsoftheworld,while in others it still passes through the first stages of penetration into citizenry and policing. As a discussion milieu, Internet has been both praised for its involvement potential, growth of local initiatives, and provision of voice to those disempowered - and also criticized for excessive deregulation, dark web formation, and inefficiency in bringing on public consensus. Today, universality of approaches to Internet freedoms, as well as of experiences of their empowerment impact, is questioned and needsreassessment.

This year, *the Internet Science conference focuses on the Internet as a tool and space for (dis)empowerment of individuals and social groups in local and regional contexts*, thus forming a comparative perspective in looking at the power of Internet in communities all around the world. For instance, the EU has been attentive to cultivating local online initiatives, but even within the EU, the speed of modernization differs from state to state, with Estonia being a global leaderine-governance.Inthepost-Sovietspace,countrieshaveadoptedhighlyvaryingpoliciesin developing both digital freedoms and restrictive Internet regulation. The USA has had a more liberal approach to empowerment strategies but used online information to aggregate data for citizen,voter,andconsumerprofiling,whileinChina,economiclogichasboostedonlinebusinesses withinanon-competitivepoliticalenvironment.Also,Middle-Eastern,LatinAmerican,orAfrican perspectivesononlinefreedomsandempowermentexperiencesremainheavilyunder-researched.

Moreover, digital technologies make us rethink what (dis)empowerment might mean beyond political life. Tech corporations like Google or Facebook have created new forms of labour expropriation bypassing national lawmaking, at the same time advocating for free access to information as public commodity and providing new chances for charity, education, and collaborative change. Cultural, educational, and even bodily divides re-emerge today on highly competitive digitech markets of connection, communication, monitoring, learning, and consumption,providingbothnewfreedomsandnewhandicapsfortheworldsocieties.Inthenear future, being rich would mean having tech-prolonged and tech-enhanced life; new, more severe dividesmayform,andthequestionrises,howtheInternetoftodaymaycontributetoharmonizing socialrelationsinourfuturereliantonhuman-computercoexistence.

Thus, INSCI’2018 welcomes submissions to a wide range of topics (not limited to) in the following six tracks:**

*Internet and Societal Structures*





    Internet and Digital Politics




·E-governance practices of today’sauthorities

·Internet regulation: security vs.openness

    Internet and Free Communication Patterns


·Algorithms as new total communicativepower


·Universal Internet freedoms vs. darkweb

·Post-truth practicesonline

    Internet and New Political Economy



·Analogous elites, technologicalprecariat



    Internet and Global Access Opportunities






    Internet and Data Protection

·Data openness vs. userprotection

·Limits of privacy andanonymization

·Clouds and data protectionregulation

·Global tech powers and alternativesolutions

·Blockchain technologies as promise andthreat



The conference accepts submissions of *full papers *(up to 15 pages of standard Springer format) and *short papers *(up to 8 pages of standard Springer format).

The conference also welcomes *half-day workshop and tutorial proposals*. The themes for them should be oriented to discussing issues and developing skills important for Internet projects and Internet research. A 2-3-page paper describing the academic and/or industrial rationale for the workshop/tutorial may be included into the conference proceedings (subject to peer-review). A range of workshops and tutorials will be offered by the conference organizers, including the ones on webometrics and deep learning.



All *submitted *papers must:


·Befullyanonymized(nodetectableauthorinformation,includingauthornames,affiliations,and works mentioned in thetext);

·BeformattedaccordingtotheSpringer'sLNCSformatProceedingstemplate.Informationabout theSpringerLNCSformatcanbefoundat;


·Full paper submissions should not exceed 15 pages and short paper should not exceed 8 pages (includingalltext,figures,referencesandappendices).Weencouragealengthof12pagesforfull papers and 6 for shortpapers;

·SubmissionsnotconformingtotheLNCSformat,exceedingthesubmissionpagelimitsorbeing obviouslyoutofthescopeoftheconferencewillberejectedwithoutreview.

Submissions should be made electronically in PDF via the electronic submission system of the INSCI2018 Conference Management system at EasyChair (please follow the updates at <>).

All *camera-ready *papers should be corrected by following the remarks of the referees and submittedinzipformatincluding(1)thecamera-readyversionoftheauthors'workinpdfformat,

(2) the camera-ready version of the authors' work in editable sources format as well as (3) the Consent to Publish signed in ink and scanned to image file. The results described must be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. Submissions must conform to Springer's LNCS format.



Thanassis Tiropanis, University of Southampton, UK

AnnaSatsiou,CentreforResearchandTechnologyHellas,Greece JonathanCave,UniversityofWarwick,UK

Olessia Koltsova, National Research University - Higher School of Economics, Russia Fabrizio Sestini, European Commission DG CONNECT, Belgium

Franco Bagnoli, University of Florence, Italy



Svetlana Bodrunova, St.Petersburg State University, Russia - General Conference Chair Heiko Niedermayer, Technische Universität München, Germany - TCP Co-Chair

AnnaSmoliarova,St.PetersburgStateUniversity,Russia-TCPCo-Chair Ivan Blekanov, St.Petersburg State University, Russia - WorkshopsChair

Alexander Marchenko, St.Petersburg State University, Russia - Visas and fees

Tamara Gromova, St.Petersburg State University, Russia - Venue and accommodation



May 20, 2018 - submission of full and short papers

May25,2018-submissionofworkshop/tutorialproposals(infreeform,2to3pages) June25,2018-notificationofacceptance

July 10, 2018 - deadline for camera-ready papers August1,2018-early-birdonlineregistrationcloses October 1, 2018 - regular online registration closes October24-26,2016-conferencingdays



BeingoneoftherichestcitiesofEuropeintermsofculturalandhistoricheritageandtherecipient of World Travel Awards for three years in a row, St.Petersburg is a natural attraction for any traveller.Foralltheconferenceparticipants,excursionswillbeoffered.

Moreover, in the recent years, St.Petersburg has been hosting a vibrant and efficient academic communityinterestedinInternet&societyresearch.WithLaboratoryofInternetStudiesatHigher School of Economics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Centerfor International media research, Cognitive Studies Lab, and IT Clinic at SPbU, labs on quantum computing to e-governance at IFMO University, St.Petersburg is a Russian hub for Internet & societystudies.

Forover70years,SchoolofJournalismandMassCommunicationsatSt.PetersburgStateUniversity has been a leading educational and research entity for communication in Russia. It is home for internationalconferences,includingCMSTWandSTRATCOM.Thevenueislocatedat:26,1lineof Vasilievsky island, St.Petersburg 199004Russia.



The conference fees (subject to slight change) remain similar to the previous years and differ according to the country of residence. UN country tiers may be found here. <>

Conference presenter:

250 euro (early-bird), 300 euro (regular) - Tier 1

220 euro (early-bird), 250 euro (regular) - Tier 2

200euro(early-bird),220euro(regular)-Tier3 PhDstudentpresenter:150euro(early-bird),200euro(regular)-alltiers Workshop/tutorialpanel(upto4participants):400euro

Workshop/tutorialandconferenceaccess-100euro(early-bird),150euro(regular) Two-daynon-presenterconferenceaccess-40euro

Open Day (workshops/tutorials) observer access - free



Forthemajorityofcountries,travelingtoRussianconferencesrequireshavingahumanitarianvisa. St.PetersburgStateUniversityprovidesvisasupport;pleasenotethatobtainingavisamayrequire up to amonth.

The conference partners include the Sokos 4* hotels chain; the partner hotel is Sokos Vasilievsky whichiswithinthewalkingdistancefromtheSchool.Also,weadviseonsmallerhotelsaroundthe SchoolandprovideplacesinthedormsforPhDstudents.



Please contact us via (applicationspb2017 /at/<mailto:(applicationspb2017 /at/>in case of any queries!

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