Archive for 2016

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[ecrea] CFP: Bodies in Transformation: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Fictional Representations of Bodies on Screen

Sun Feb 21 22:01:31 GMT 2016



/‘Bodies in Transformation’ - /

An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Fictional Representations of Bodies on

/Friday, 20//^th //May 2016/

Creative media products have always presented a valuable insight into
the cultural attitudes and anxieties of their times. This is
particularly true of contemporary screen-based media forms such as film
and television. This one-day symposium at the University of
Hertfordshire aims to explore the ways in which screen culture
contributes to ongoing debates on our changing relationship with our
bodies and what it means to be human in our so called (post)postmodern
world. While recent advancements in genetics, robotics and cybernetics
offer a rich field of exploration, issues of the body are not just
reduced to man/machine relations; they also reflect increasingly blurred
boundaries between gender, race, sexuality and other forms of subjectivity.

*The symposium features three key areas in relation:*

*Transforming Gender(s), Violent Transformations and Moving Beyond Bodies. *

Abstracts for papers/contributions to the symposium are open (but not
limited to) the following broad range of topics and contemporary debates
in relation to fictional representation of the body on screen:

-        Transhumanism/Posthumanism

-        Gendered identities, Queer identities

-        Violence and the body

-        Virtuality, virtual bodies and gaming

-        Eroticism and the body

-        Philosophy and the body

-        Psychoanalysis and the body

-        Bodies in transition and the concept of ‘becoming’

-        Living and (Un)Dead Bodies

Abstracts should be no more than 250 words, accompanied by a short 150
word bio and should be sent to Dr. Darren Elliott-Smith (University of
Hertfordshire): (d.elliott-smith /at/
<mailto:(d.elliott-smith /at/>.

*Deadline for CFP Thursday March 31**^st **2016. *


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