Archive for 2015

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[ecrea] new book: Crossroads in New Media, Identity and Law: The Shape of Diversity to Come.

Mon May 25 11:00:48 GMT 2015

We (Wouter de Been, Payal Arora, and Mireille Hildebrandt) would like to
share with you our new book published by Palgrave Macmillan, “Crossroads
in New Media, Identity and Law: The Shape of Diversity to Come.”

This is an interdisciplinary work, bringing together scholars from
diverse fields such as sociology, anthropology, law, new media studies
and art economics to address the question on the future of diversity
with the onset of new media technologies. Included in this volume are
critical essays by scholars such as /Saskia Sassen, Julie Cohen, Jos de
Mul/ and more.

Basically, this volume brings together a number of timely contributions
at the nexus of new media, politics and law. The central intuition that
ties these essays together is that information and communication
technology, cultural identity, and legal and political institutions are
spheres that co-evolve and interpenetrate in myriad ways. Discussing
these shifting relationships, the contributions all probe the question
of what shape diversity will take as a result of the changes in the way
we communicate and spread information: that is, are we heading to the
disintegration and fragmentation of national and cultural identity, or
is society moving towards more consolidation, standardization and
centralization at a transnational level? In an age of digitization and
globalization, this book addresses the question of whether this calls
for a new civility fit for the 21st century.


“With critical approaches now well established in many communications
programs, this book provides invaluable first-person narratives of the
struggle to secure critical communication scholarship, and the ongoing
challenges it presents for researchers, activists, and policy-makers
worldwide.”- Terry Flew, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

If you would like a sample/review copy, contact Palgrave here:

*Payal Arora* <>

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