Archive for May 2015

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[ecrea] Participations 12.1

Sat May 30 10:50:48 GMT 2015

Volume 12, Issue 1

(May 2015)



    Barker, Martin (Editor):

    'Thinking differently about "censorship"''


    Bergström, Annika:

    ‘The contexts of internet use: From innovators to late majority’

    Knight, Victoria:

    ‘Television, emotion and prison life: Achieving personal control’

    Matikainen, Janne:

    ‘Motivations for content generation in social media’

    Reinhard, CarrieLynn D. & Kevin Miller:

‘Men watching Sex and the City, My Little Pony, and Oklahoma: The interpretation of gender appropriateness in the reception of cross-gendered media products’

    Wroot, Jonathan:

‘Reviewing distinctive DVD experiences: NEO Magazine and the critical reception of Asian media distributors’

    Chambers, Amy C. & R. Lyle Skains:

‘Scott Pilgrim vs. the multimodal mash-up: Film as participatory narrative’

Themed Section 1: "Experiencing Live" (Guest editors: Matthew Reason & Kirsty Sedgman)

    Reason, Matthew & Kirsty Sedgman:

    ‘Editors’ general introduction: Themed Section on theatre audiences’

        Sedgman, Kirsty:

Introduction to Part 1: ‘Be reasonable! On institutions, values, voices’

            Wilkinson, Julie:

‘Dissatisfied ghosts: Theatre spectatorship and the production of cultural value’

            Hadley, Bree:

‘Participation, politics and provocations: People with disabilities as non-conciliatory audiences’

            Schuitema, Karian:

‘A provocation: Researching the diverse child audience in the UK’

            Richardson, John M.:

‘Live theatre in the age of digital technology: “Digital habitus” and the youth live theatre audience’

            Pasquier, Dominique:

‘“The Cacophony of Failure”: Being an audience in a traditional theatre’

            Lindelof, Anja Mølle & Louise Ejgod Hansen:

            ’Talking about theatre: Audience development through dialogue’

            Johanson, Katya & Hilary Glow:

‘A virtuous circle: The positive evaluation phenomenon in arts audience research’

        Reason, Matthew:

Introduction to Part 2: ‘Participations on Participation: Researching the “active” theatre audience’

            Gomme, Rachel:

‘Not-so-close encounters: Searching for intimacy in one-to-one performance’

            Biggin, Rose:

‘Reading fan mail: Communicating immersive experience in Punchdrunk’s Faust and The Masque of the Red Death’

            Wozniak, Jan:

‘The value of being together? Audiences in Punchdrunk’s The Drowned Man’

            Wilson, Anna:

‘“Playing the Game”: Authenticity and invitation in Ontroerend Goed’s Audience’

            Gröschel, Uwe:

            ‘Researching audiences through Walking Fieldwork’

            Breel, Astrid:

‘Audience agency in participatory performance: A methodology for examining aesthetic experience’

Themed Section 2: 'Tweeting the Olympics: International broadcasting soft power and social media' (Guest editors: Marie Gillespie & Ben O'Loughlin)

    Gillespie, Marie & Ben O’Loughlin:

‘Editorial Introduction: International news, social media and soft power: The London and Sochi Olympics as global media events’

Burchell, Kenzie & Ben O’Loughlin, Marie Gillespie & Eva Nieto McAvoy:

‘Soft power and its audiences: Tweeting the Olympics from London 2012 to Sochi 2014’

        Dennis, James, Marie Gillespie & Ben O’Loughlin:

‘Tweeting the Olympics: Towards a methodological framework for Big Data analysis of audience engagement during global media events’

        Procter, Rob, Alex Voss & Ilia Lvov:

‘Audience research and social media data: Opportunities and challenges’

        Willis, Alistair, Ali Fisher & Ilia Lvov:

‘Mapping networks of influence: Tracking Twitter conversations through time and space’

        Shreim, Nour:

‘Tweeting the Olympics: Transcending national, religious and gender identities on BBC Arabic’

        Voss, Alex & Marzieh Asgari-Targhi:

‘The inescapable history and politics of Anglo-Iranian relations: Audience engagement with BBC Persian on social media during the London 2012 Olympics’

        Aslan, Billur, James Dennis & Ben O’Loughlin:

‘Balding goes trolling? Cross-media amplification of controversy at the 2012 Olympics’

        Aslanyan, Anna & Marie Gillespie:

‘The Russian-language Twittersphere, the BBC World Service and the London Olympics’

Hutchings, Stephen Marie Gillespie, Ilya Yablokov, Ilia Lvov & Alexander Voss:

‘Staging the Sochi Winter Olympics 2014 on Russia Today and BBC World News: From soft power to geopolitical crisis’

        Burchell, Kenzie:

‘Infiltrating the space, hijacking the platform: Pussy Riot, Sochi protests, and media events’

Themed Section 3: 'EIFAC 2014' (Guest editors: Lesley-Ann Dickson)

    Dickson, Lesley-Ann:

‘Section Introduction: Edinburgh International Film Audiences Conference, 2014’

        Atesman, Özge Özdüzen:

‘The Politicisation and “Occupy”sation of the Istanbul Film Festival Audience’

        Dickson, Lesley-Ann:

‘“Ah! Other Bodies!”: Embodied spaces, pleasures and practices at Glasgow Film Festival’

        Martinez, Josu, Miriam Frances, Katixa Agirre & Miren Manias-Muñoz:

        ‘Zinegin Basque film festival: A non-existent audience revealed’

        Ralph, Sarah & Martin Barker:

‘What a performance! Exploring audiences’ responses to film acting’

        Saryusz-Wolska, Magdalena:

‘Watching films in the ruins: Cinema-going in early post-war Berlin’


    Burland, Karen & Stephanie Pitts (eds.):

Coughing and Clapping: Investigating Audience Experience (reviewed by Rose Biggin)

    Radbourne, Jennifer, Hilary Glow & Katya Johanson (eds.):

The Audience Experience: A Critical Analysis of Audiences in the Performing Arts (reviewed by Kirsty Sedgman)
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