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[ecrea] New Palgrave Macmillan book series "Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse"

Sun Nov 23 13:43:06 GMT 2014

New Palgrave Macmillan book series
"Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse"

Series editors
Johannes Angermuller (Professor of Discourse, University of Warwick, UK)
Judith Baxter (Professor in Applied Linguistics, Aston University, UK)

Discourse Studies is a field studying the social production of meaning at the intersection of language&  society. Its principal focus is upon the central role of meaning production for the construction of hierarchies and hegemonies, identities and subjectivities. The field comprises a range of approaches, strands and schools such as poststructuralist, critical, conversational, interactional, pragmatic and semiotic approaches to discourse to name but a few.

In the past, Discourse Studies have sometimes testified to a divide between theoretical and epistemological orientations on the one hand and more methodological, analytical and empirical orientations on the other. At the same time, an increasing exchange can be observed between various strands and approaches across the entire spectrum of the social sciences and humanities. The series invites contributions from different disciplines across the social sciences and encourages contributors to reflect upon the development of theoretical and methodological strands from both their own disciplinary perspective and from positions beyond their immediate discipline.

The 'Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse' series invites authors to address the theory/practice divide by integrating theory, data analysis and critique within a single research work. The series is open to new developments in Discourse Studies, including postmodern, constructivist, emergent and poststructuralist approaches to discourse theory and analysis, which may cross traditional disciplinary boundaries.

In summary, we invite you to send in your book proposal if your work responds to some of the following broad criteria:

? Making an innovative, theoretical or epistemological contribution to the field of Discourse Studies
? Offering an open and reflexive dialogue among different strands within the interdisciplinary space of language&  society
? Showing disciplinary self-reflexivity and making connections between different fields
? Linking theoretical, critical and empirical challenges in Discourse Studies
? Developing narratives between theory-development, empirical analysis and critique
? Reflecting on how your research is or can be applied in non-academic contexts.

Applicants will need to download and complete a book proposal form and send it to Rebecca Brennan ((Rebecca.Brennan /at/ or to the series editors. There are no deadlines. The evaluation of proposals usually takes about two months.

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