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[ecrea] Call for Papers: New Directions in Film and Television Production Studies

Mon Sep 01 14:29:31 GMT 2014

New Directions in Film and Television Production Studies
2-Day Conference: 14-15 April 2015

Bristol Cultural Research Group, UWE Bristol/ School of Creative Arts, Film and Media, University of Portsmouth

Held at Watershed Cultural Cinema and Digital Creativity Centre

1 Canon's Road, Harbourside Bristol, BS1 5TX

Confirmed keynotes:

Professor Phillip Drake, Edge Hill University
Professor John Thornton Caldwell, UCLA


The rapidly developing field of Media Production Studies has afforded a fruitful synthesis of approaches derived from critical political economy, media economics, cultural studies and organisational studies. It has stimulated and framed a range of detailed empirical and ethnographical enquiries situated within broader economic, social and cultural frameworks. Of particular interest has been production as a lived experience and the nature of labour within the cultural industries: the routines, rituals and self-performances that constitute individual working practices and the ways in which employees understand their roles. There have also been valuable studies of the places and spaces of production and of companies and institutions as well as local, regional, national, international and transnational organisations. The particular focus of this conference is the Film and Television industries, which themselves are part of a rapidly changing media landscape and ecology that faces the challenges and opportunities of new media logics and convergences consequent upon digital transformations.

It is therefore timely to take stock of the developments that have been achieved and to provide a platform for new directions in production studies' research within the film and television industries. To this end, the conference invites the following types of contribution from both researchers and film and television practitioners:

    * 20-minute conference papers
* 10-minute presentations of current research or position papers for one of three roundtable discussions * ?15-minute proposals for a session on pedagogy: 'How do/should we teach production studies?'

Proposals can be on, but are not limited to, any of the following topics, grouped under three broad categories:

1) Approaches and Methodology

    * Key texts/precedents within Production Studies
    * Historical approaches to Production Studies
    * Understanding agency: individual/company/institutional/the state
    * What does 'independence' mean in the film and television industries?
    * How do the film and television industries create cultural value?
    * The roles and responsibilities of the analyst
    * Function of interviews, participant observation, oral histories
    * Methods and practices in the analysis of data, including interview

2) Major Issues in Production Studies

* Media policy and governmental interventions in the film and television industries * Impact of technological change (convergence, proliferation of platforms) in the film and television industries) * Politics of film and television production - local/regional/national/international
    * Changing economics of the film and television industries
    * Tensions between the national and the transnational/international
    * What does 'success' mean in the film and television industries?
    * Activism/Radical forms of film and television production
    * Future of public service broadcasting

3) Organisations

* New forms of organisation and structure in the film and television industries * Spaces, Places & Locations of film & television production: actual/cultural/symbolic
    * Definitions and conceptions of community film and television
* Hierarchies and power relationships within the film and television industries
    * The nature of labour in the film and television industries
    * Roles of key personnel in film and television
* Internal politics of film & television organisations: contracts, internships, placements * Marketing and promotion: uses of social media in the film and television industries

The deadline for submission of proposals (200 words maximum) is 30 September 2014.

Delegates will be notified by mid-December whether their proposals have been accepted. Please note that we anticipate an edited collection to result from the conference.

Please send proposals to: Professor Andrew Spicer: (andrew2.spicer /at/, Dr Steve Presence: (Stephen2.presence /at/ and Dr Justin Smith: (justin.smith /at/


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