Archive for December 2014

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[ecrea] Inaugural UK–CHINA Media and Cultural Studies Associat ion Conference

Fri Dec 05 09:07:47 GMT 2014

Conference Announcement

Call for Papers

The Inaugural UK–CHINA Media and Cultural Studies Association Conference

6th February 2015

Chinese Media and Cultural Studies:

Consumption, Content and Crisis.


6th February 2015


School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies,

Cardiff University

Bute Building,

King Edward VII Ave,

Cardiff CF10 3NB


This event is held by the UK-China Media and Cultural Studies Association (UCMECSA), which aims to provide a platform for communication between Chinese media and culture researchers in Britain, and to discuss cultural difference, crossover, communication and diversity among Western countries and China.

This conference is intended to facilitate the opportunity for researchers on Chinese media and cultural studies to engage in cross-cultural comparison and dialogue on the core issues of Chinese media and cultural studies, with particular focus on media, culture, communication, arts and politics. We therefore invite papers that address areas such as the following:

·      Media and cultural comparison between the West and China

·      Chinese media and journalism studies

·      Chinese popular cultural studies

·      Chinese political studies

·      Chinese migration issues

Confirmed keynote speakers include Prof. Richard Sambrook and Dr. Paul Bowman.

Please submit a Word document containing your paper title, a 250-word abstract, and author information including full name, institutional affiliation, email address, and a 50-word bio by 10th January 2015. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allocated to each conference paper (20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions). Panel proposals (three presenters – 90 minutes) should include a 150-word overview and 250 word individual abstracts (plus author information listed above).

Notifications regarding acceptance will be sent by January 30th 2015.

The conference will be held at the Cardiff University on 6th February 2015. Please contact us for your paper and registration through the email addresses below:

·      Shulin Gong: (gongs1 /at/

·      Lijie Yang: (Yangl20 /at/

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