Archive for December 2014

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[ecrea] CfP - 2015 ICA Preconference on Discussion, Dialogue, Discourse: Meanings and Methods

Tue Dec 02 15:18:01 GMT 2014

Call for Papers

2015 ICA Preconference

Discussion, Dialogue, Discourse: Meanings and Methods

Deadline for Extended Abstracts: December 15, 2014

2015 International Communication Association Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Thursday, May 21, 2015 – 9:00a.m.-3:00p.m.

Sponsored by the Public Relations and Organizational Communication Divisions


Discussion, dialogue, and discourse have long been regarded as important concepts across a range of communication-related disciplines such as public relations, organizational communication, interpersonal communication, and strategic management. These concepts are becoming even more significant with the increasing use of social media and other forms of online communication by organizations and their publics/stakeholders/citizens. The online environment has provided a unique milieu for the conduct of discussion, dialogue, and discourse, but it has also focused attention on the inconsistent use of these labels, the significance of the differences between the concepts, and the gaps between normative theory and pragmatic action. The focus of this preconference therefore will be to invite theoretical and empirical contributions that add to the understanding of discussion, dialogue, and discourse with particular emphasis on the translation of these concepts into the online space.

Guiding questions to be addressed in this preconference may include the following:

* What are the theoretical connections between discussion, dialogue, and discourse? * How do the concepts of discussion, dialogue, and discourse differ across disciplines? What is the significance of the differences to the theorizing of the concepts? * Are there differences between the normative and empirical perspectives on discussion, dialogue, and discourse? What does this mean for the development of theory in this area? * What sort of data and methodological approaches are most appropriate to study discussion, dialogue, and discourse? * How do the concepts of discussion, dialogue, and discourse differ in different cultures? * How are discussion, dialogue, and discourse enacted in intercultural contexts? * What are the differences among the concepts discussion, dialogue, and discourse? How are they being translated to the online environment? * How do we define discussion, dialogue, and discourse in online communication/social media? * Is it possible to have genuine dialogue and discourse online or in social media?
* How can technology be used to enhance discussion, dialogue, and discourse?
* What connections are there – if any – between rhetoric and discussion, dialogue, and discourse?

The aim of this preconference is to bring together participants from a wide variety of communication-related disciplines including public relations, organizational communication, computer-mediated communication, new technology, political communication, and others. Industry professionals will also benefit from involvement at this session, especially those with experience in working in organizational social media. We hope that this preconference will be a stimulating and engaging session in which ideas can be presented in a supportive but robustly-enquiring environment.

Submission and Selection Process

We are looking for submissions that feature the most current research on discussion, dialogue, and discourse. The successful abstracts will be chosen on the basis of their research rigor and contribution to knowledge. Content may include case studies, empirical analyses, and theoretical pieces. Practitioner perspectives and cross-disciplinary studies will be particularly welcome.

Extended abstracts (up to 500 words) should be submitted by December 15, 2014 to Uta Russmann via email: (uta.russmann /at/

The organizers – Uta Russmann (FHWien University of Applied Sciences of WKW, Vienna, Austria) and Anne Lane (QUT Business School / Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia) ((a.lane /at/ – will make decisions on accepted papers by January 15, 2015. Full papers will be due in advance of the pre-conference on April 15, 2014.

Authors of accepted abstracts are expected to attend the pre-conference and present their paper. Participation fee (including coffee break and lunch buffet) is $100 US for presenters and non-presenters.


· Deadline for abstract submission: December 15, 2014

· Acceptance provided: January 15, 2015

· Deadline for full paper submissions: April 15, 2015

· Preconference in San Juan, Puerto Rico: May 21, 2015

Best regards,



Prof. Mag. Dr. Uta Russmann

Department of Communication, Marketing & Sales

FHWien University of Applied Sciences of WKW
Währinger Gürtel 97, 1180 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 (1) 476 77-5848, Fax: +43 (1) 476 77-5704
(uta.russmann /at/

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