Archive for June 2014

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[ecrea] 4th International Symposium onCommunication and Consumption

Sun Jun 29 07:20:22 GMT 2014

4th International Symposium onCommunication and Consumption
4th Meeting of the Communication and Consumption Working Groups

The COMUNICON – Intenational Congress on Communication and Consume – is
an initiative of the PPGCOM ESPM-SP (Brazil), which articulates the
Binational Meeting, the International Symposium and the Meeting of the
Communication and Consumption Working Groups (WGs). Over the last
decade, it became a plural space for dialogue about the field of
communication and consumption in its multiple interfaces.

In its 2014 edition, the COMUNICON opens room for an academic debate
guided by the question, "What is consumption?", which will be split into
two especific axes of reflection: "Consumption, productive and communicative
dynamics" and "Consumption, communication and the constitution of

Topic: What is Consumption?
Dates: October 8, 9 and 10, 2014 at ESPM-SP (Campus Francisco Gracious).
Organization: (ESPM-PPGCOM) ESPM’s Graduate Program in Communication and
Consumer Practices

Besides hosting the 4th International Symposium on Communication and
Consumption and the 4th Meeting of the Working Groups on Communication
and Consumption in 2014, the Comunicon also features
the First Binational Meeting on Brazil-South Africa Consumption Studies,
as well as courses, open workshops, among other activities, which will
take place on October 08th, as part of the pre-congress. Soon we will
disclose the full schedule, the summaries of the Symposium, Courses and
Workshops and the names of the deputy coordinators of the WGs on the

8th (Wednesday)

· First Binational Meeting on Brazil-South Africa Consumption Studies
(please check the call for papers for the meeting at the end of this
document. Warning: this event has rules and deadlines for the submission
of papers)

· Regional meeting of the Asociación Iberoamericana de Sociología de las
Organizaciones y Comunicación (AISOC)

· Workshops:
-Workshop with Professor Dr. Clotilde Pérez, Professor Dr. Eneus
Trindade Barreto Filho and Professor Dr. Leandro Leonardo Batista,

-Workshop with Professor Dr. Marina Caminha (Post-doc candidate at

-Workshop with Professor Paulo Cunha (Doctoral candidate at PPGCOM-ESPM/
Coordinator of the Social Communication Program) and Professor Dr.
Rodney Nascimento (ESPM)

- Workshop with Professor Rodolfo Polzin (Doctoral candidate at UFMT)

·  Open classes
- Lecture with Professor Dr. Ana Claudia Mei Alves de Oliveira

- Lecture with Professor Dr. Everardo Rocha (PPCOM-PUC-Rio)

9th (Thursday)

8:30-9:00am – accrediting
4th International Symposium on Communication and Consumption

9:00am – Opening – Professor Dr. J.
Roberto Whitaker Penteado (executive director), Professor Dr. Alexandre
Gracioso (Academic vice-president), Professor Dr. Marcos Amatucci (Dean of
Research and Post-graduate studies) and Professor. Dr. Rose de Melo Rocha
(PPGCOM-ESPM coordinator).

9:30am Roundtable discussion 1 – Consumption, productive and
communicative dynamics,

Professor Dr. Mehita Iqani (University of the Witswatersrand –
Johannesburg, South Africa)

Professor Dr. Tomas Ariztia (Universidad Diego Portales – Chile)

Professor Dr. Ricardo Ferreira Freitas (PPGCOM - UERJ)

Mediator: Professor Dr. Luiz Peres-Neto (PPGCOM-ESPM)

11:00am – Discussion
12:30pm – Closing

4th Meeting of the Communication and Consumption Working Group

10th (Friday)
4th International Symposium on Communication and Consumption

9:00am – Reception of the participants
9:30am – Roundtable discussion 2 - Consumption, communication and the
constitution of subjectivities

Professor Dr. Rosario Radakovich (Universidad de la Republica – Uruguai)

Professor Dr. Norval Baitello Jr. (PPGCOS-PUC-SP)

Mediator: Professor Dr. Vander Casaqui (PPGCOM-ESPM)

11:30am – Discussion
1:00pm – Closing

4th Meeting of the Working Group on Communication and Consumption

*Schedule subject to change.

The ESPM Graduate Program in Communication and Consumer Practices
(ESPM-PPGCOM) invites researchers in the field of communication and its
related areas to submitting papers for the Meeting of the Working Groups
on Communication and Consumption Studies. The meeting is part of the
International Conference on Communication and Consumption (COMUNICON
2014), to be held on October 08, 09, and 10, 2014 on the Campus
Francisco Gracious - ESPM-SP (Dr. R. Alvaro Alvim, 123 - Vila Mariana,
São Paulo).

The proposals, contemplating the relationship between the fields of
communication and consumption, should be prepared as FULL PAPERS and
must be submitted to the Working Groups listed below.

All articles approved for presentation during the congress will be
digitally published in the conference proceedings (with ISBN). Texts
written in Portuguese, Spanish or English will be accepted. Each WG will
feature external mediators, as well as one coordinator.

Researchers who are master’s candidates, have a master’s degree, are
doctoral candidates, have a doctor’s, or post-doctor’s degree are
invited to submit papers. Undergraduate students may only sign as
co-authors, provided that the primary author has at least a master's
degree. Each researcher may sign as the primary author of a single
paper, and may participate as a co-author of only one other paper.
Proposals that exceed these limits will be automatically rejected.

Full papers related to the topics of the event and, in particular, to
the purposes and issues of each Working Group should contain a minimum
of 10 and maximum of 15 pages, following the guidelines of the event
template, available

Thesubmission of the full articles is open via the online system from
June 6 to 11:59pm, August 5, 2014.


- Submission of full works, from
06/06/14, to 11:59pm 08/05/14.

- Disclosure of the approved papers list
on the event website - 08/28/14.

- Registration fee payment deadline for participants
with approved papers - from 08/28/14 to 09/09/14.

- Registration fee payment deadline for
participants without approved papers – up to 10/02/14.

- Disclosure of the complete schedule
on the event website - up to 09/12/14.


Independent professional:
R$ 150.00

Professor | Researcher
(other institutions): R$ 130.00

Graduate student (other
institutions): R$ 100.00

Undergraduate student
(other institutions): R$ 70.00

Teachers and students from ESPM - São Paulo / Rio de Janeiro / Porto
Alegre: EXEMPT

PPGCOM official partners:
1) University of Coimbra | 2) Autonomous University of Barcelona | 3)
University of Goiás | 4) Reaserch Group of Communication and Work - USP
| 5) Federal
University of Rio Grande do Norte | 6) Members of the CLASCO and RIEC
networks: EXEMPT


All approved papers that are included in the Meeting of Working Groups
on Communication and Consumption Studies will be eligible for the
Comunicon Prize, which is intended to recognize the excellence of
academic and scientific papers produced in the area of communication and
consumption. The jury for the COMUNICON prize will comprise PPGCOM ESPM
and independent researchers, with the program’s Dean, Professor. Dr.
Maria Aparecida Baccega, as the Honorary President.  For more
information see the rules on the Comunicon Award website, at:


WG 01: COMMUNICATION AND CONSUMPTION: enterprising culture and
biographical space.
Coordinator: Professor Dr. Vander Casaqui

This WG starts with issues relating to the field of communication and
consumption to address their articulations with the entrepreneurial
culture, that is, the spirit of capitalism supported by the figure of
the entrepreneur as a cultural model - promoted through communication
contracts and biopolitics call systems . Thus, we focus on the study of:
a) narratives, discourses, representations linked to entrepreneurship,
social entrepreneurship, "intrapreneurship", among other concepts,
always with critical approach and sociocultural perspective; b) studies
of biographical space (biographies and autobiographies), or the study of
life narratives articulated with the practices of consumption, the world
of work, the entrepreneurial spirit, discourses of "overcoming" of
"success" with "motivational" and "inspirational" purposes, publicized
for symbolic consumption

WG 02: COMMUNICATION AND CONSUMPTION: materiality and representations of
Coordinator: Professor Dr. Marcia Tondato

The purpose of this WG is to reflect on the processes of signification
and re-signification inherent to the complex context of the contemporary
world, the possibilities of different and divergent readings in
discourses mediated by daily life and culture. A scenario characterized
by the use of consumer goods in specifying the social relations,
requiring the consumption to be worked beyond the limits of commercial
practices, expanded to the dimensions of citizen inclusion and social
differentiation. The following topics are prioritized for this
reflection: a) media representations and consumption practices; b)
relations between the media and social demands; c) social relations,
class and gender relations; d) constitution of meaning and identity.

Coordinator: Professor Dr. Isabel Orofino

This WG aims to gather multiple research findings offering reflections
on new paradigms for understanding the childhoods with the focus on
their relations with communication and consumption. The goal is to give
visibility to studies that discuss issues from production to reception
from topics such as the meaning of communication and consumption to
children; the expansion of the material and symbolic consumption by
children; the legal framework for the programming and advertising
regarding this specific audience; the access to digital media; relations
and mediations on the social uses of new media; matters relating to
education regarding the consumption of digital technologies; programming
strategies and advertising aimed at children; transmedia narratives and
textual hybridizations in cultural production for children; mediations
in the production of content for children.

Coordinator: Professor Dr. Luiz Peres-Neto

Starting with the debate on communication and consumption, this WG
proposes a discussion about the processes of mediation and the social,
political and cultural contexts in which institutions and organizations
are constituted, legitimized or interact with society as a whole. Our
objects of interest are papers that propose this debate based on the
following themes: a) institutional assemblages in communication
processes; b) the construction of frames of civility, inclusion and
social exclusion; c) the boundaries of public and private; d)
communication in organizational and institutional contexts and its
relations with the consumer practices; e) ethics, communication and
consumption; f) freedom of expression and policies on communications; g)
discourses on the recognition of rights and social reconstruction; h)
communication, consumption and religion.

cosmopolitanism and counter-hegemonic practices.
Coordinator: Professor Dr. Rose de Melo Rocha

Considering the centrality of the communication processes and
consumption practices in the contemporary world; and understanding
politics in the broad sense, not in its institutional and everyday
expressions; the WG investigates new political flows associated to: a)
activism, politics of visibility and subjectivity during mobilizations,
in movements and groups, including its image and imaginary productions;
b) Transit actions (urban/digital, media/masses; ethical/aesthetical)
pertaining to the mediatisation process of the society and the
transformation of capital in spectacles and icons; c) cosmopolitanism,
diasporas, glocalities and post-peripheral processes linked to the
consumption (material and symbolic); c) bottom-up dynamics and
counter-hegemonic practices in media and consumer societies, with its
narratives, political contents and expressivity.

Coordinator: Professor Dr. Gisela G. S. Castro

This Working Group is intended to gather ideas and promote discussions
about the role of communication and consumption in promoting modulations
by the market forces in ways of being and living together. We are
interested in analyzing the practices of communication and consumption
in its connection with: a) the forms of social connection in digital
telematic networks; b) possible perceptual, cognitive and affective
changes in a context full of more or less explicit commercial messages;
c) modes of attendance in the increasing privatization of everyday
experience, the consumption experience and the experience of
consumption; d) the dynamics of the entertainment, media and marketing
strategies in promoting certain "appropriate" ways of being and living;
among other relevant issues.

WG 7 - COMMUNICATION, CONSUMPTION AND MEMORY: cultural and media scenes.
Coordinator: Professor Dr. Mônica Rebecca Ferrari Nunes

The connections between communication, memory and consumption allow to
consider consumption as a cultural code that stores and constantly
generates new information, in such a way that the consumption of
material, media, symbolic and affective forms resignify the past, the
present and the memory itself . As invention and reconstruction, the
memory also materializes beyond the individual and collective stories of
its subjects, through the biography of objects and goods. This working
group welcomes academic research and reflections dedicated to
understanding the intersections between: a) consumption, memory,
culture; b) consumption, memory, media; c) consumption, memory in youth
subcultures; d) consumption, memory, entertainment; e) consumption,
memory and performance arts.

Coordinator: Professor Dr. Maria Aparecida Baccega

This working group aims to deal with the construction of the theoretical
and practical interrelations between communication/education/consumption
(but not consumerism). The group also deals with the telefiction as a
research object, given its ongoing dialogue with the Brazilian reality,
the locus of these relationships. Relevant topics of discussion are: 1)
the network of meanings on consumption and communication in the
contemporary world; 2) the expansion of the field of communication,
incorporating communication/education/consumption; 3) the
communication/education field, with its reflections and researches,
particularly with regard to the actions of socialization agents and its
relations in the education process of the individuals; 4) the
telefiction as a privileged object, given its condition for dialogue
with the socio-historical circumstances.

Coordinator: Professor Dr. Tânia Hoff

This working group aims to investigate the discursive practices, and
regimes of visibility, as well as the representations of difference in
the contemporary media, considering the phenomenon of consumption, and
its biopolitics and biossociabilities. Based on the communication
processes and the ways in which media products appropriate the
discourses of difference and its representations in the political,
economic and socio-cultural dimensions, this WG discusses: a) ethnic,
racial and sexual orientation identities; b) aestheticization of
difference; c) multiculturalism and difference; d) forms of
symbolization of the body in different cultural contexts (hybrid,
crossbred and syncretic); e) appropriations of difference by the market;
f) regimes of visibility; g) discourses of difference; and h) discourses
of resistance.

Coordinator: Professor Dr. João Anzanello Carrascoza

This group aims to discuss the advertising communication and its
production of meaning toward consumption practices from an ingrained
relationship with the literary narrative forms. Thus, the WG hosts
research and discussions around the following themes: a) studies focused
in the logics behind the advertising discourse; b) elements of
advertising poetic; c) advertising and contamination processes of
language; d) interfaces between literary theory and advertising; e)
consumption practices in the literary world; f) aesthetics and rhetoric
of consumption; e) advertising forms and literary aesthetization; f)
historiography of advertising; g) production and consumption of
advertising narratives.

Call for Participation

Bi-National Meeting - South Africa-Brazil Consumption Studies –
Comunicon – 2014
October 8th 2014 – Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – Programa
de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e Práticas do Consumo (PPGCom), São
Paulo, Brasil

PPGCom-ESPM and the Critical Research in Consumer Culture (South Africa)
Network invites applications for participation in a bi-national
scholarly workshop focused on Consumer Culture Studies in Brazil and
South Africa.

This bi-national meeting is a follow up to a South-South Consumption
Studies Workshop which took place in Johannesburg, South Africa in
November 2013, and it is a pre-conference workshop to the 2014 ComuniCon
Congress to be hosted from 9-10 October 2014.

Scholars working on any aspect of consumption or consumer culture,
broadly conceived, in South(ern) Africa or Brazil are invited to
participate. The intention of the meeting is to share empirical and
theoretical perspectives regarding current research, as well as to give
opportunities for future projects of collaboration or comparison in the
context of the exchange and collaboration between countries of the South
Atlantic, in specific Brazil and South(ern) Africa.

An event focusing on comparison, contrast and exchange between Brazil
and South Africa in the realm of consumption studies is justified by the
present socio-economic context of these two countries. Both are
mentioned as the future economic elite of the global capitalist system,
both face challenges in improving the life quality citizens as a
consequence of the economic growth, both countries regard themselves as
global citizens, both are immersed in the global media flows that
promote consumption. On the other hand, it is certain that the
fulfillment of economic growth without limit in new liberal bases is not
a sustainable development model and it will not turn out into enlarged
social equality and mobility – as it is being proved by the collapse of
some of the structures of free market in the northern hemisphere. How
consumption and consumer culture play into these larger structural
questions in Brazil and South Africa is a pressing question for social

The workshop can host a maximum of 16 participants. We hope to have an
equal number of South Africa and Brazilian scholars participating.
Applicants should send the following to encontrobinacional-sp@
(to Marcia Tondato) by July 20th:

-A one-page CV
-A two-page motivational statement, describing:
o current research preoccupations
o a working title for a 15-minute research paper
o an account of how scholarly exchange between South Africa and Brazil
may tie in
to current or future research work

-Confirmation of availability from 8 – 10 October 2014

We ask that all applicants demonstrate a coherent research agenda/focus
in their motivational statement. Both established and early-career
researchers are welcome to apply. Successful participants will be
informed by 30 July 2014, in order to allow for sufficient time for
travel preparations. Participants will need to cover their own travel
costs to and from Brazil. Six accommodation subsidies are available for
non-Brazilian participants—who should indicate their
interest in their cover letter. Any inquiries can be directed to
(encontrobinacional-sp /at/ Up to three travel subsidies for South
African participants are available. Enquiries for these should be
directed (tomehita.iqani /at/

Meeting conveners:
Dr. Marcia Tondato, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM) Sao
Paulo, Brazil.
Dr. Mehita Iqani, Department of Media Studies, University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

Involved organisations:
Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM) Sao Paulo, Brazil:
Department of Media Studies, School of Literature, Language and Media,
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa:;
Critical Research in Consumer Culture (CriCC) Network:
Please share this call for papers.

Event e-mail:(comunicon /at/

The Organizing Committee
Professor Dr. Rose de Melo Rocha (Congress general coordinator)
Professor Dr. Tânia Hoff and Professor Dr. Denise Cogo (Symposium
Professor Dr. Luiz Peres-Neto (WGs coordinator)
Professor Dr. Márcia Tondato (Binational Brazil-South Africa Meeting
Professor Dr. Mônica Rebecca Ferrari Nunes (Pre-Comunicon activities
Professor Dr. Marina Caminha (Post-doctoral candidate – PPGCOM-ESPM)
Doctoral candidate Frederico Oliveira (student representative D14)
Doctoral candidate Felipe Mello (student representative D13)
Master’s degree candidate Bruna Bastos (student representative M14)
Master’s degree candidate (student representative M13)
Master’s degree candidate Renata Herman (events fellow)

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