Archive for June 2014

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[ecrea] 1st International Summer School on eCare

Sat Jun 28 00:10:19 GMT 2014

As part of the Specialist Courses of the Doctoral School of (Bioscience) Engineering of Ghent University, we are proud to announce the *1st International Summer School on eCare* focusing specifically on Integrated, sustainable home care, organized *August 25 - 29, 2014 in Ghent, Belgium*.

The 1st eCare Summer School on home care technologies is a funky combination of *themed presentations*, several *visits **to home lab facilities*, *technical courses with hands-on exercises* covering various aspects such as sensor and device communication and integration, data modelling, processing and interpretation, smart textiles, service/companion robots and existing ambient intelligence infrastructures within a home environment.

The participants will have the opportunity to present their own research during an informal poster session.

The summer school will incorporate a mix of *industry testimonials*, *smart textiles and wearable technology* lectures and a *guest lecture on ambient intelligence* from a principal researcher at the Computation Medicine Laboratory of the Institute of Computer Science of FORTH (ICS-FORTH) in Heraklion, Crete, Greece. The laboratory's main research directions are (a) biomedical informatics in support of individualized medicine and, (b) ambient intelligence eHealth environments.

For more information visit <Register%20here>.

See you in the summer!

Frederic Vannieuwenborg
Department of Information Technology
Internet Based Communication Networks and Services (IBCN)
Ghent University - iMinds
Gaston Crommenlaan 8 (Bus 201), B-9050 Gent, Belgium
M: +32 473 550 671
T: +32 (0)9 33 14891; T Secr: +32 (0)9 33 14900
F: +32 (0)9 33 14899
E:(frederic.vannieuwenborg /at/

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