Archive for January 2013

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[ecrea] CFP: Mediatization and New Media: ECREA TWG workshop in Copenhagen

Mon Jan 07 23:02:03 GMT 2013

Mediatization and New Media

International research workshop by ECREA TWG Mediatization

University of Copenhagen, Denmark

March 15-16, 2013

Call for papers

New media like the Internet and mobile phones have come to play a crucial role in contemporary culture and

society. They have not only reconfigured the entire media landscape and transformed older forms of mass media but

have become integrated into the very fabric of social life in a variety of social, political and cultural domains. In this

research workshop we will consider the influence of new media through the theoretical framework of mediatization.

Mediatization has emerged as a key concept to theorize and empirically investigate how media are implicated in

social and cultural change across a variety of domains like family life, work, politics, economy, religion and warfare.

Early mediatization theory was focused on the influence of mass media and the spread of new media may both

question key propositions of mediatization theory and provide evidence for a more pronounced and complex

mediatization of social, political and cultural phenomena. New media reconfigure and diversify processes of

communication and interaction at the same time as they become institutionalized and come to influence new

patterns of power relationships.

Workshop papers may be both theoretically oriented and empirically grounded and topics of papers may include (list

is not exhaustive):

• New media as a theoretical challenge in mediatization studies

• New media and the reconfiguration of social power

• Empirical studies of new media and cultural, political, economic or social transformations

• Methods and approaches to the study of new media and processes of mediatization

• New media and the reconfiguration of media systems

• Theorizing new forms of mediatization

• Critical approaches to mediatization studies

The number of participants in the workshop is limited and precedence will be given to paper presenters.

We encourage contributions from different academic perspectives on mediatization. Please send your abstracts (not

more than 300 words) by Monday 14th of January 2013 to secretary Agnete Mette Juul: (media /at/

Questions concerning the topic of the workshop may be addressed to Professor Stig Hjarvard: (stig /at/

The workshop is organized by the ECREA TWG on Mediatization ( in cooperation with

the Research Program The Mediatization of Culture: The Challenge of New Media at University of Copenhagen:

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