Archive for January 2012

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[ecrea] Call for Papers - Media/Digital Literacy and Civic Engagement

Wed Jan 18 10:06:10 GMT 2012

Call for Papers and Digital Projects

Digital and Media Literacy and Civic Engagement

The Knight School of Communication at Queens University of Charlotte invites submissions for papers and creative digital projects (such as any combination of critical videos commentaries, podcasts, documentaries, interactive lectures, websites, etc.) to be reviewed through a blind, peer-review process. The Knight School will publish accepted submissions in their new Knight Vision journal, which launches in Spring 2012.

The journal will focus on the merging fields of digital and media literacy and civic engagement. Broadly defined, digital and media literacy includes the ability to access, share, analyze, and create digital information, whereas civic engagement refers to how individuals and organizations work to improve civic life in various communities. The journal will publish submissions that consider how and where digital and media literacy intersect with civic engagement. For example, to what extent do civic-minded organizations use media technology—and to what effect? Why does digital media literacy matter for the community? How do media literacy organizations engage participants in civic opportunities? How are digital media a source of information and an infrastructure for community discourse? How can we use digital technology to drive civic participation? Other themes the journal might explore include:

* Digital citizenship
* Assessment and evaluation of digital/media literacy and civic engagement projects * National/international developments in digital/media literacy and civic engagement
* Community engagement via social media
* Pedagogy, service learning, and media activism
* The digital divide, net neutrality, and community partnerships

As a peer-reviewed journal, we welcome contributions from disciplines including, but not limited to: communication, media studies, sociology, English, rhetorical studies, and cultural studies. All submissions should be original research in the MLA format, and the content must meet a Flesch Test readability score of 35 or better.

Please send your submissions to the Editor, Dr. Alexis Carreiro: (carreiroa /at/
Papers and digital projects will be accepted on a rolling basis.

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